Community > Posts By > michelake

michelake's photo
Sat 09/06/14 07:49 AM
Edited by michelake on Sat 09/06/14 07:50 AM
I admire your persistance Mr king. Obama should be proud of having people like you believe in him to the bitter end.

michelake's photo
Sat 09/06/14 03:18 AM
Edited by michelake on Sat 09/06/14 03:41 AM
@ King

"SLOW DOWN running into wars of Aggression"

Really ? Hmm he is pretty close unleashing another war against Russia now. I am pretty convinced that they
are forging new plans now. To get the Russia-Ukraine conflict fueled up again.

"SLOW DOWN the speeding train to Depression and Recession. He saved the American Auto Industry. Actually made a return on the loan."

Hmm i have seen tuns of strikes now against the fast food industry. And lots and lots more disturbing news on this matter. People have actually died from the fact that they have to have 4 jobs or more
to have some sort of managable life now..
3 days ago i read that Obama brought down the national debt.
NOT ! Obama just raised the U.S debt ceiling. Or otherwise the whole economy will collapse.

"SLOW DOWN our rampant incompetence in capturing or killing Osama Bin-Laden, by actually capturing and killing him."

Killing Osama Bin Laden was just a trophy. But killing him does not help any of us. In fact we have
Isis now. Which are far worse. Guess who supported the "freedom fighters" against Assad ? Do you know
they are ISIS ?

What did it solve to kill Bin Laden then ? It brought forth even more
radicals. With an even more savage leader.
Why did they not bring Bin Laden to court ? It is more appropriate for a nation that claims to be so democratic
and civilized to bring him to court. Don't you agree ? Why so hush hush ?
Did you ever wonder how come ISIS has all these modern USA weapons. Now Obama wants to intervene in Iraq again.
So the war in Iraq is not to a happy end then.. is it ? Obama wants to arm Kurdish rebels now.
Kurdish rebels ? Oops.. Weren't they on the world terrorist list already ? This will
create more sectarian violence in the region.

"SLOW DOWN the deaths of young men and women in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by actually ending the wars that we weren't going to end even after a decade!"

Ahem.. Maybe there will be less "boots on the ground" But i am sure that it will be compensated
with a lot more drones doing their collateral damage. Precision bombardments ?! what a lie !
You sure learned from the "Nintendo Warfare", Obama and friends... Less coffins going home. A lot
less awfull graphic pictures when sitting with the kids at the christmas tree now.. Oh bliss !

"SLOW DOWN our dependency on oil, by instituting ground-breaking Green Initiatives unprecedented."

SLOW DOWN our dependency on oil ? Oh yes you have this great new development that is called "fracking" now. And it is literally "ground breaking" :D Just ignore the earthquakes peeps.. and you better buy some bottled water now ok.. For the rest
of your life! Because the ground water will be poluted and undrinkable forever.
Honestly i cannot judge about what Obama did do that was so green. But in my opinion it is "too late and too little"

michelake's photo
Fri 09/05/14 02:31 PM
Edited by michelake on Fri 09/05/14 02:36 PM
@ Conrad_73
"Sounds so Socialist,or should I say Statist? "

It sounds like anything you would like it to sound like

michelake's photo
Fri 09/05/14 02:15 PM
I totally agree with you msharmony

michelake's photo
Fri 09/05/14 01:56 PM
Edited by michelake on Fri 09/05/14 02:08 PM
@ King
I agree with you that a lot of people made it hard for Obama to be in office.
But no matter if a black man is a president or not "Positive Discrimination". It does
have implications. You cannot put everything under the rug. Saying it is because of
the man his skin colour that made it impossible for him to be president.
When Obama came to power i realised that it would be nearly impossible for him to do
the things that he said and promissed. As we all know what a total mess George dubbya
left for him. It was funny because i recall that i was watching tv years back.
And i saw an African American being asked a question. The interviewer asked him if he
wanted to become president too. This man was just a pedestrian passing by. But that
African American man said "Hell no ! How can someone even do something good in the total
mess that the previous presidents left our country in now" "I would make a fool out of myselve"
and "I regret the fool that will try to become president now" I think it was in the period
that Clinton was being elected. These words stick with me. And i still totaly agree with them.
Politics have become a "Locomotive without breaks" It is so hard and nearly impossible to
stop it. The only thing that a good Politican can do is to slow it down. But that is just the
thing that i do not see Barack Obama do at the moment. It just seems that things are just
going the way they went before. But slightly brought with more "style" in the way Obama does it.
Then his disgusting predecessor Bush. If you would have asked me about him instead then my
respond would be even more radical then i label Obama right now. Sorry for the rant but i cannot
even look at Bush and divert my face in total disgust. But that is off course my opinon.
I realise that it would not be a "picnic" for Obama to be president. But on the other hand.
Being president of the USA must have it's "perk's " too right ? So sitting on this mount of "power"
must give him some tools for operating. I simply cannot deny that. But i saw Obama as someone
that was a "hero of the people" That was the only one that did not have an absurd amount of
"sponsor money"to come to be president that he is now. But despite that i see that people have even
fewer rights. And that their resources of a normal life get slowly depleted under Obama his "watch"

michelake's photo
Fri 09/05/14 06:29 AM
Some of them really look like rammstein.

I like Rammstein too.

But also these.

cabaret voltaire nag nag nag

Ministry New world order

Swans - Alcohol The Seed

michelake's photo
Fri 09/05/14 01:35 AM
Welcome to the forum

michelake's photo
Thu 09/04/14 06:22 PM
Welcome to the forum :)

michelake's photo
Thu 09/04/14 06:13 PM
"So your people came here with land granted to them...

Interesting... "

So now it looks that you are opinionated about what someone else's ancestors did ? Would you like it when someone holds you accountable for what someone in your culture did in their past ? I thought that Jesus said "He that is without sin , throws the first stone" ?

I thought you started this discussion about Obama ? :(

So to jump on your "bandwagon" ..again... For me Obama is an idealist
that reads great speeches made by someone else from a teleprompt.
He was either too gullible to see the facade behind politics.Maybe no one ever told him that his sponsors do want something back in return for all those dollars. Or he knew what his role as politician would be.
The only thing that i can remember that was good about when Obama came to power is that he is an African American. But his actions are
from a corporate spokesman. If i want a metaphore then i choose
Dr Martin Luther King.

michelake's photo
Thu 09/04/14 05:21 PM
Edited by michelake on Thu 09/04/14 05:33 PM

Sonic Youth Kill your idols

Melt-Banana - Lost parts stinging me so Cold

Atari Teenage Riot - Get Up While You Can

michelake's photo
Thu 09/04/14 04:03 PM
Edited by michelake on Thu 09/04/14 04:04 PM

"eh, so what? I'm Dutch and 1/2 German, Spanish, Irish, French, Swedish.

Ya think I care? Nope. My forefathers came here with a stinking King's Grant of Land in 1740 From the King's Representative. I suppose our family was in bed with Maximillian at the time. So fn what? I'm an American, who's family never followed Georgie progie Washington. Take those royals and stick em."


michelake's photo
Thu 09/04/14 05:51 AM
I am happy that i do no longer live under the circumstances that you live in. I found rest in my life. And i wish you the same. But
if i could choose a song then i would choose this one.

Placebo - Song To Say Goodbye

michelake's photo
Thu 09/04/14 05:40 AM
Your never alone at the forum. :)
Welkom Eva

michelake's photo
Thu 09/04/14 03:58 AM
Edited by michelake on Thu 09/04/14 04:00 AM
"Incorrect. The Dutch underground was extremely active. Also incorrect is that Holland would not exist without Americans. Completely false as it was Canadians that liberated Holland at the request of the Dutch, and we kicked butt doing it!!!! Hence why Ottawa recieves tulips from Holland every year. "

Exactly ! The Canadians and Poles did it. My grandfather liberated Holland with the Canadians. He was from Poland. Therefore i have a Polish last name.

michelake's photo
Thu 09/04/14 03:38 AM
Edited by michelake on Thu 09/04/14 03:54 AM
"Your Country wouldn't exist without the Americans so put that in your coffee shop and smoke it.
Like the French, you caved in as soon as Hitler came calling so think about what you are saying before you make disrespectful"

Ahem..The USA sells Marihuana too.. They legalised it to be sold as a natural medicine.
And sometimes i really wonder to live under German "occupation". Would that be such a bad thing after all ? Our national anthem states that we are German of blood.
Don't tell me that my country would not exist without the USA. Because it was still called "Holland" when occupied. And i rather would be called a "German" then to live a lie. My country is not a saint either.. I admit. My country masacred a lot of innocent indonesians. It killed a lot of innocent people in their colonies. And the word "apartheid" is a Dutch word, Bilderberg connections etc. I don't agree with the politics in my country either. They are followers of USA and Israel policies. And not independant leaders that take care of the future of Holland.

Isis detainees are not in Guantanamo. And if they where,then i would really not care how ill treated they where. Although that breaches my standards of a fair and just detainment also. And is a violation of international law. Because i think they are worse then animals. Even Al qaeda condems them. I already said that they would behead someone. And be regardless what race the USA president would be.
My point is that if America wants to be the example of the world then they should also conduct human moral standards. Instead of hiding prisoners without a fair trial in a facility like Guantanamo.
Why is so little information known about this place then ? And why are they in Cuba and not USA ?

michelake's photo
Thu 09/04/14 02:10 AM
Obama admits CIA 'tortured some folks' but stands by Brennan over spying.

michelake's photo
Thu 09/04/14 02:05 AM
You make it almost sound like a place where people want to hang out..
Where Muslims can work on their abs... get a suntan..go to a shrink and discover their feminine side.
Guantanamo is a concentration camp. Located in Cuba. So the USA can dodge the human laws that are present in the USA. People get waterboarded there, exposed to loud music 24 hours a day.Or are exposed to sleep depravity. A lot of them have been so desperate that they went into hunger strike. The USA could not let them die that way and get bad publicity. So they force feed them with tubes several times a day. Which is very painfull. Also they have been sexually harrased and humiliated. None of them where ever tried before they came there.The USA has many of these secret camps. No wonder that people hate USA policies. And then the USA cries wolf that terrorists want to kill them... my god! Your government is based on spreading fear on it's citizens. So they can justify more wars and occupie more territory.

michelake's photo
Wed 09/03/14 07:21 AM
Edited by michelake on Wed 09/03/14 07:24 AM
I am trying to understand what you are saying, Conrad_73 and Dodo_david
From me as a European i am really interested in these issues that you brought up. Call me "hard headed" But my point is that Obama must have some leverage on these matters. Whether he controls the police there or not.

michelake's photo
Wed 09/03/14 06:13 AM
I do not need to read it to find it utterly ridiculous.
When the police in Europe will step out of line then the country
itselve will deal with it. You cannot compare "states" to "countries"
But like i said i cannot believe that a president is not in control of his own police. But if you say so then i take your word on it.

michelake's photo
Wed 09/03/14 05:47 AM
Hmm that is really new to me as a European. I thought one of the officers that said that he do not comply to Obama was being fired for this ? I find that outrageous by the way.. that a President is not in control of his police.