Community > Posts By > Loyaldad08
If Circumstances Permitted
No, that would be a bit of a problem, seeing as how she became a militant lesbian activist. I would, however, jump at the chance to get back together with my last one.... Dude, what did you DO to her? I'm too happy with the present to give it up for what's gone |
Those Three Words
Holding her face in your hands and really looking into her eyes before kissing her slowly
Just ask JustAGuy - part 6
Well come on down...Memorial Day Weekend! Must be a guy thing, though...the graduate himself is very "Who cares?" about most of the stuff. Party? Whatever... Guests? Whatever... BOYS! Thanks - but my GF and I are planning something WAY more fun! |
Cheated On
Only if I could give her an STD
What Would Happen?
Start a new profile on Mingle right away
Your worst fault...
I can be very obnoxious (that's WITHOUT alcohol!)
Do You Think It Is True?
Yes, but I wouldn't want to know which half - it might be me!
bad hygiene
If he's willing to let an obvious problem like that go uncorrected, what's next?
Strong Personalities
Having the type of forwardness that can alarm quiet, gentle people, I avoid them. I need someone that can put me in my place sometimes to challenge me and keep my head from exploding. Besides, a woman that can throw it back at you is just plain sexy
the noun or the verb?
3 Words Only
Total satisfaction tonight
Sidewalk sunglasses salesman
Doesn't that sentence sound interesting if you think of "safe" as a noun?
Jello wrestles for cash on Saturday nights
Not to the doctor's, if this is some type of work survey.
I'm going to have the best DAMN night EVER tonight!
Make her prove the carpet matches Darn it! wrong thread!!
would you swear to keep it secret?
Likes having her picture taken at rummage sales in stranger's houses