Community > Posts By > PhasmatisDiligo
From Friends To More...?
my problem is when that happens i can't help but wonder if she is not intentionally creating an opening or if, possibly, i am just overthinking a sign that isn't really there. so i don't do anything...
Yet generally with those that might have presented an opening have told me previously that we're just friends and i accept that and don't expect it to change. yet i still wonder if it ever does change for others sometimes... |
lol not to my face... but i have heard it through the grape vine. ;)
I know i've helped people before, but i never really listen when they thank me and if they try i tell them there is no need. i am just happy i could have helped in anyway. |
Does it ever get very hard
yeah sometimes it does get awefully hard and if not i think they have pills for... oh wait...
![]() ![]() suuuure love is hard... but is anything that is worth anything actually all that easy? ![]() You gotta work for the good stuff and it sure is not easy to open up fully to really love another. But if you do and it is fully returned i believe it is worth it in the end. :) ![]() |
lil help?
yeah i'm kinda starting to get the hang of the short concise kamikazi ones... bedsides they're MUCH more fun!! :D
overwhelming frustration
actually i'd have to say ether crazy train by ozzy, or nothing else matters by metallica... but then i'm not all that great on guitar anyways...
lmao actually that has nothing to do with why my lighters go missing... it boils down to me being so absent minded and forgetting where i drop/leave things. ><
Edited by
Mon 02/16/09 11:30 PM
on a man.-licked off-----oh sorry ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() OH my goodness!! yes! ![]() ![]() that gave me chills!! the melty choclate chills! mmmmmm mmmmm ;) ![]() I'd love to lick chocolate off a girl... yet not as much if she were licking off of me. ![]() way to set my imagination on fire!! ![]() |
just fed up
yeah!!! what he... errr she... errr the rosey bear said!! the cat!
but seriously... it's all meant in god fun. i am also curious as to the question. this post simply started as you yelling at people for not answering a simple question. if ya want you could try adding something at the end or begging of your future questions stating that you might prefer a simple or honest answer. couldn't hurt to try. :) hope you can work this out dude. :) GL to ya |
depends... on icecream... i like a chocalate coating... so frozen then...
but then i love me a hot fudge sunday... mmmmm warm and melty. then again everyone loves brownies!! |
Honestly, why do you think
I do believe that a talking can of tuna, the russian mob, elvis, and the mexican hat dance had something to do with it...
but in all seriousness... at the moment it is out of choice. yet before that it was due to lack of action on my part. once i resolved that things improved. annnd now i am on vacation from the dating circle. It's chill time for me!! sadly i get more attention when i don't want it. >< WTF? |
just fed up
wait!! what was the cat chasing? did it have whiskers and a tail? better saty away from my fishies...
![]() |
I have to say that to me one of the greatest injustices in this world is the suffering of some of the kindest, sweetest, and funny people i know.
![]() It isn't fair and it hurts. ![]() I have enjoyed every post i've seen so far tonight from you SweetnFunny. ![]() Some posts have brought tears of laughter to my eyes, where some have been enlightening. ![]() I really hope you do well through all this and come out ok. I have faith that you will. ![]() Try and focus on what you need and stay strong. I know i'll miss your posts!! ![]() and above all else... come back to us!! ![]() |
yeah the cds are extremely expensive, but honestly just after feeling the benefit of the sample i am actually willing to spend the dough for some of the sets. I've heard some of thier other songs as well and those were even better.
I don't care what you think
yes!!! house is the best!!! if ever i am in the hospital i want him as my doc!! just so i can laugh as he yells at the other doctors!! :D
Tell us a
I have 5 children... 4 goldfish and one placostomus who live in a $1600 55 gallon mansion. I spoil my kids >< I wouldn't trade them for the world!!
well dude one thing i learned after leaving the navy... is it is never too late to fix things and it's never too late to start a new career.
I always put off college because of many dumb reasons. Finally someone showed me i could actually do it and i tried... now i am on my way to 2 doctorates from a dual major. Even if you dropped out you can still get a GED and then go to a comunity college. Another thing i learned was that of all the work out there... which is much much less now, you still will never go far without an education... everyone asks for degrees over experience and sometimes both!! even as a professional meat cutter in FL i would only have ever made roughly 30k a year AFTER 20 years. Yeah i can live off of that, but barely. and god forbid having money if i wanted a family. yet most people with a college degree will leave making 30k to 100k after leaving college. generally the longer your degree takes to finish the higher the wages will be. |
anytime. a good friend of mine turned me onto it and it's only fair i return the favor. :D
advice please
1. if the pain is really that bad... which i believe it is cause back pain suuuuucks. then yes.
2. you will need many doctor's appointments. 3. if it was caused by something done through work then you're also entitled to workmans compensation. 4. you can find information on it through the same .gov site as the social security site i believe. but if not a doctor should be able to tell you how and where to look into it. and finally i do believe they do disability on a case by case basis. and only if it is not correctable. Yet i am pretty sure they compensate you while you are recoverying, but only temporarily. |
How do you guage if
well basically...
if murphy and his damn law stay out of it!! that and if no one throws up in yer car... It's gone good if you don't find yerself in a strange bed the next morning wearing a T-shirt as underwear... (been there. ><) she was cute at least!! not a bad date if a shower is an option... not a desperate need. (it was raining. >.>) gone pretty good if you leave without a black eye, bloody lip, or any broken bones... (the broken bone one was fun...and none of those were from a fight.) gone even better if she leaves without any of the above... (ok... one bloody nose from bumping heads... she jumped on me and somehow my chin went strait for her nose. >< I felt horrible.) and it's even better if she asks you back even after all of the above has happened!! |
I am listening to a new development called imusic. It is supposed to enhance the perforance of the brain by stimulating certain wavelengths and stuff... it's all really complex, but it REALLY works. it's helped me focus all night.
I honestly havn't had this clear of a head in ages!! the link goes to a page that has a free sample thingy. you just click on "listen now" and then start or launch or something. some dude talks in the beginning, but then it's just music. i dunno how to make a link clickable but if it floats yer boat you can copy and paste this: |