screw obama
go Obama
It runs from me like a cloud driven by the wind, it hides in dark corners, it peeks at me only to disappear when i notice, it takes my breath at the most inoppurtune time, it hurts it burns, but i seek it ou,t i hunt for it i run towards it, its the air i breathe, the want to my need the reason to my believe, the thing i seek blind man in a house of mirrors, if only i could see, it escapse my grasp promising only to last until i notice its gone, just a memory the past---------------LovE
poetic apology
thank you everyone first time ive shared
poetic apology
We all say that we want something real.... but are willing to substitute that for physical attraction and sex appeal.... Our hearts crave the ones that will chersih and protect... but we choose those that will often abandone and disrespect... It would be easy if love could be heard or seen.. like a romantic comedy or drama on a movie screen...ONLY IF IT WOULD pour into the mold of to have and to hold;... abstract art: the heart,... impossible to capture or to be torn apart. Those most worthy willing to appreciate our love we find unattractive. Breast or chest not as perky as the rest.... skin not as smooth or not as fashionably dressed. We search for mr. or mrs. right and push all those to the left.... This is no complaint Im as guilty as the rest... nor a cry for compassion im just like everyone else...the difference is im apologizing to you and admitting it to myself................forgive me