Community > Posts By > Shadylady131

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Fri 02/06/09 08:17 PM

I have had the past three months off. I would love to say I had to work tomorrow. frustrated

I think the last time I had a day off was around Christmas.

Consider yourself lucky. I would be happy with a sorry part time 7-11 job right now. Times are rough!

Yep..its either "feast, or famin"..I work a lot also...and I'm thankful...flowerforyou

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Fri 02/06/09 08:13 PM

Let's start this meeting with the serenity prayer.:tongue:

god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change,the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference

one of my favorites my parents know bill w

lol...Rules to live by...NO KIDDING....:smile:

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Fri 02/06/09 08:10 PM

Physically...Life leaves you're body, and yes, the body looks and feels different, very soon...

I would think, its like you're sleeping, without dreaming, never to wake up again.

Spiritually?? I've not personally seen that part.

asleep what

While many people have their ideas (stairway to heaven, 72 virgins, Valhalla, the great potato field in the sky), I personally believe that we just simply shut off, much like a pocket calculator that has had its batteries removed.

In a certain way, we're kinda like the RAM in a computer- when there's power pulsing through RAM, any programming in it will be kept in tact. Shut off the power though, and all that programming and stuff goes bye-bye, never to be found again.

In essence, all our memories and experiences end up going away like the RAM in that shut-off computer- they go *poof* and disappear forever.

I have seen, life leaving the body, and the body's after death..and I have witnessed, births..I'm not a fanatic, but, I just can't help but believe, there is a "higher" power..These things could not have just "evolved" through evoloution....And, I try to live my life accordingly....flowerforyou

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Fri 02/06/09 08:00 PM
Thanks NAFTA...We need to put "America" to work again....flowerforyou

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Fri 02/06/09 07:57 PM
hummm....I think I would leave that to them...JMO..

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Fri 02/06/09 07:56 PM

What is the problem with the rich?
They pay the majority of the taxes that make these programs available.

Unless you are a high ranking goverment offical

Thats what i'm talking about.....
They, (politicians) are taken care of, for the rest of their life....We are losing everything..and we will be paying back for years, to bail out these companies, and banks, while "Corporate America"...well...we've seen what they do..

All of "US" that work, pay taxes..I pay a "hefty" amount also, for what I make...more you make, the more you pay, unless you have "loop-holes"...

I will quit

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Fri 02/06/09 07:39 PM
I like, dark wines, for my toes...

Always wear clear hardner for my hands...


Just can't see me doing the greens....:smile:

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Fri 02/06/09 07:23 PM
Sounds like you have it under control....laugh

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Fri 02/06/09 07:07 PM
I avoid, and am passive to a point......

But, DON'T push

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Fri 02/06/09 07:05 PM
lol...I say the same thing, when those youngins contact me....

Na....NOT hitting on ya....

You're 21....ita be alright......flowerforyou

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Fri 02/06/09 06:58 PM
Edited by Shadylady131 on Fri 02/06/09 06:59 PM
Geez...I almost live in my car..between jobs..It needs a good cleaning...I did do the car wash today, drive through... to get all the ice, and salt off of it...


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Fri 02/06/09 06:55 PM
2 many different scenerios, to be a "flat" plan.

Suv's could have been bought earlier, and put in childs name...known that to happen..

Some people, do live like that..they know the system..

If you get a "min. wage job", you lose benefits..
Money, stamps, housing, utilities, ins..schooling.
(Very backward there)

It needs to be, that if you will help yourself, we will help you...JMO..I know, I raised 2 children, on that mim. wage CS..and only foodstamps (thats all the help I got)..At that time, I did work full time, and had ins....those jobs, didn't last long...every went to pt-time benefits..If I worked ot, to pay ins..they cut my FS...???

My brother has 1 leg..for a couple of years..He has worked, wk-ends, as security guard, (min. wage) and because, he has worked over 2 yrs...They took his benefits..(check-medicaid)..If he can't get his will kill him..he also has had a lot of heart problems.

And the RICH keep getting RICHER...


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Fri 02/06/09 06:07 PM

Lots of times, that can be better than a "date"...

No doubt!
OH I so agree with this..
put on the boxers, tee shirt. grab great movies and all the stuff they tell us we shouldn't be eating...
I think I might be a bit jealous..
I was all set to give you best wishes ...
A girls night....would be even better! Margarittas and movies... no men woohoo

drinker drinker drinker drinker

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Fri 02/06/09 06:02 PM
Physically...Life leaves you're body, and yes, the body looks and feels different, very soon...

I would think, its like you're sleeping, without dreaming, never to wake up again.

Spiritually?? I've not personally seen that part.

asleep what

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Fri 02/06/09 05:55 PM
Lots of times, that can be better than a "date"...


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Fri 02/06/09 05:52 PM
No..just got in from work...will work the wk-end also....

Have a good time Pats..

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Fri 02/06/09 05:49 PM
1. zipple 8 up, 3 down
The act of catching one's nipple when zipping up a sweater or shirt. One who engages in zippling is known as a zippler.
When Laura was putting a sweater on her dog, she accidently zippled her. Yelp.
nipple zip zipper zip-up zipping ykk
by Erika Joan Mar 23, 2006 share this add comment

2. zipple 2 up, 16 down
A nipple that someone pinches during a play fight - the nipple equivalent of tickling.
"Quick, get his zipple!"
by Christine Jul 6, 2003 share this add comment

3. zipple 1 up, 16 down
teeny diddy of a weiner
bob has a zipple
by boyznberry Jun 2, 2003 share this add comment


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Thu 02/05/09 07:09 PM
You are just need to chill...Sorry, can't help myself...I am "mom" to quite a

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Thu 02/05/09 07:07 PM

Come on up to Canada, We have nice moose here!

Keep'em outta Sarah's

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Thu 02/05/09 07:05 PM
I can only wish, I had time to be there at the "right-time"....They are killing us slowly..I have limited amount of time..what

I"m looking forward to a "slower" pace of life in a "few" years............ahhhh..:smile:

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