Oh boy! What next do the religuos bible thumpers have in store for us ![]() ![]() Apparently, it's letting me know that I'm going to hell for going to a Nine Inch Nails/Jane's Addiction(original lineup) concert... ![]() |
Ancient Astronaught theory
Well there is a lot of evidence. The pyramids, (all over the world) Pictures of flying things in ancient ruins. Ancient Airports and drawings of figures that can only be seen from the air. I'm sure you have been through all of those forms of 'evidence' and found some way to explain or disregard it in some way.
IMO, the only "evidence" there is, is using the modern mind, and the modern explanation. "This looks like X, so they must of had X" or "We can only see X, from the sky, therefore they could somehow fly" As far as the drawings that can only be seen from the sky, I find it more likely that they were put there so that some ancient god could see it. But, that is just my take on things. |
Im not exactly certain what the Creationist argument is exactly? The Creationist/ID "counter argument" to Evolution is simply goddidit. Back when this movement first started, they went further, and stated that it was the god of the bible that did it, but since that got thrown out by the Supreme Court, then have backed off to and un-named god being behind it. But, it doesn't even take much of an IQ to see that while they publicly leave the imaginary friend un-named, that friend is still that god of the bible. |
A question for EVERYONE
So I guess the next question is - why do people actually go to all that trouble? Especially in the 'general religion' forum.
Simple, I can't stand people who sit there and say I am an immoral person, simply because I don't believe the words of a book that endorses rape, slavery, murder, and provides instructions on how to sell your daughter into slavery. |
I would say it depends on the person.
There are religious people out there who are able to be friends/more with a non-religious person. I am not only Atheist, but also Anti-Theist, strangely enough, a number of my good friends are deeply religious. There are people out there who would only enter into that relationship to try to convert the other. |
Christians DON'T JUDGE ANYONE!!! I'm calling BullS**t. http://grannygeek.us/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/phelps-signs.jpg http://www.ravelgrane.com/ER/col/signs/images/200310_philadelphia_god_hates_you.jpg |
Will a Atheist be able to advertise their belief on commercials like they are already doing in some parts of Europe? http://inatheistbus.org/ |
Could a scientist or a group of scientists ever prove one day that there is no such thing as a God or Goddess, or what have you? I think there will eventually be a day where our knowledge will be to the point where it will be known that a deity does not exist, and they will look back at this time, and laugh. Just as many modern day theists look back at ancient mono-theistic cultures and laugh. In modern times, though a deity can't be ruled out, Science already has "the God Equation" a lot closer to 0(No gods exist) than to 1(God does exist) Unfortunately, I don't think any person living at this time will live to see that day. |
![]() Well he is famous So is Harry Potter. So is Gandalf. So is Sherlock Holmes. Fame=/= Real |
You hit the nail on the head Abra. The religious follow a simple rule that makes there lives easy. Ignorance is bliss. That's a pretty ignorant statement. How do you know what rules religious people follow - not being one yourself? Because. It's in a freaking book. Aside from the fact that the question was not adressed to the masses - what are you talking about. Seems to me it was posted in this thread, in the forum. If you don't want a response from the masses, don't post it's that simple. You know exactly what I'm talking about, so quit acting like you don't. |
You hit the nail on the head Abra. The religious follow a simple rule that makes there lives easy. Ignorance is bliss. That's a pretty ignorant statement. How do you know what rules religious people follow - not being one yourself? Because. It's in a freaking book. |
In answer to the OP: Evil.. is ..the.. ABSENCE.. of... Good. That says it All. The fallacy in that is pointed out in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYvwKJp3mxk&feature=channel_page |
They say he is not omnipotent because he is angry. I see this as an excuse to deny he is who he is...the creator. I think if someone does something such as rapes a child for an example or many children throughout their lifetime and feels justified in doing it without remorse...I look forward to someone like this being punished with a final death. I think it is justified. For raping a child? Swift death is in my book but we do the execution, not God. According to the church, raping the child is ok. Performing the abortion that basically saves that child's life is the bigger sin.. ![]() What church is this? The church of Satan? ![]() Nope. That would be the Catholic Church. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/church-excommunicates-mother-of-9yearold-rape-victim-ndash-but-not-accused-rapist-14218389.html |
They say he is not omnipotent because he is angry. I see this as an excuse to deny he is who he is...the creator. I think if someone does something such as rapes a child for an example or many children throughout their lifetime and feels justified in doing it without remorse...I look forward to someone like this being punished with a final death. I think it is justified. For raping a child? Swift death is in my book but we do the execution, not God. According to the church, raping the child is ok. Performing the abortion that basically saves that child's life is the bigger sin.. |
"biblical" marriage
Considering the contradictory messages in the bible, it surprises me not to see both of these posts together here.
The bible is not consistant from one chapter to another. At parts, it isn't even consistent from one sentence to another.. |
What if Jesus said no?
What? Didn't the Jews kill Jesus because he was bad for business? Ayayay... I'm just gonna shut up before I offend somebody... Yeap what? I'm right that I should shut up before I offend somebody (I've been doing that a lot lately) or that I'm right that the Jews in charge were responsible for Jesus' death, as the Romans didn't care much which three offenders were chosen to die and would have just as easily released him... So which is it? I'm just curious...! And remember Jesus in the Garden satan was temping him to say no but he knew he had to, to save us. I really can't see how I am in anyway responsible for the death of a fictional character in a book that I did not write. |
What if Jesus said no?
Edited by
Thu 05/07/09 07:40 PM
During the days of Noah...GOD CONTINUED TO WARN the people of the coming flood.... ALL during the time it took to build the ark... which was several hundred years ,if I am correct ..... But no one would listen. Point being....God wanted to SPARE ALL the people of the coming flood....despite all..but no one would listen. Well, if God did want to spare all the people, he could have done something crazy, like not make it flood. But, since the Flood still happened, then God's wanting to spare the lives was nothing more than an empty promise. Any God that would toy with his "prized creation" like that is not worth worshiping. |
Abracadabra, right on. metalwing, your compassion does you credit. Personally, I'd like to go back and time and meet Jesus. And blow him up w/ a handgrenade so that christians would be wearing little pinnapples instead of crosses and Catholic churches would have a big splatter pattern on the wall instead of a nailed up white guy. I'm just funny that way... Of course, the irony there is, IF the biblical Jesus did exist, there is no way in hell he was white... |
Geepers Ink, trying to think what it was I last posted that spurred this question. If I recall correctly, it was this thread that you started :http://mingle2.com/topic/show/215107 |
Thats hilarious. I can only IMAGINE making my own "you might be a fundy" list. Boy that would be fun.
Why just imagine it? http://richarddawkins.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=62705 |