Community > Posts By > Tiffany252

Tiffany252's photo
Sun 04/19/15 05:03 PM
Edited by Tiffany252 on Sun 04/19/15 05:04 PM
umbrella- Rhianna

Tiffany252's photo
Sun 04/19/15 05:02 PM
Can I name

Tiffany252's photo
Sun 04/19/15 04:57 PM
It may sound like a stupid question, but I really don't have a lot of experience dating. My friends think that its not a big deal and the first week of dating isn't really that serious. Especially when me and him suppose to be keeping the relationship lite and fun.

Tiffany252's photo
Sun 04/19/15 04:53 PM
ugh of course I am worried cheating is never okay. I can respect the honesty but how can we have a trusting loving relationship if he is starting off on the wrong foot.

Tiffany252's photo
Sun 04/19/15 04:50 PM
first week of relationship dating?

Tiffany252's photo
Sun 04/19/15 04:39 PM
If your mate confessed to cheating the first week of your relationship, would you considered that cheating?

Tiffany252's photo
Sun 04/19/15 04:35 PM
I personally haven't came across any catfish but im sure there are several false profiles out there so just be careful.

Tiffany252's photo
Sun 04/19/15 04:31 PM
I have been single for about 3 years and before that I was in a long term relationship. I really don't have a lot of experience with guys. I never been the person to date around so I get so confused when I am approached by a guy. My friends always say "that guy was totally flirting with you, and I am like no he wasn't hes just being nice." Besides sexual innuendos and asking for your number how do you know when someone is flirting with you?

Tiffany252's photo
Sun 04/19/15 04:19 PM
Edited by Tiffany252 on Sun 04/19/15 04:20 PM
Gone got great reviews but Idk if its a good because I slpt thru it..but im sure its a good

Tiffany252's photo
Tue 04/15/14 10:49 PM
oh hunni Im sorry to hear that I recently lose my fur baby, so I know how you feel.

Tiffany252's photo
Tue 04/15/14 10:43 PM
The last time I cried was Saturday night while watching a movie. I forgot what the movie was about, but the main character's dog died and it brought back negative memories of me losing my "fur baby."

Tiffany252's photo
Tue 04/15/14 10:34 PM
one good way to fail a drunk test is to take 5 shots of me you will fail every time

Tiffany252's photo
Tue 04/15/14 10:33 PM
I am a strong person naturally, but I really like when a man can take charge.

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