Community > Posts By > mikeybgood1
Most cops are actually terrible shots. Like other facets of their training, once given the rudimentary skills, it is up to them to stay proficient.
Most police departments have some kind of annual 'qualification' process for no other reason than to keep their liability insurance carrier happy. The course of fire is usually something easy with known distances, known number of rounds to be fired, and what the scoring expectations are. The stats are eye opening when you look at distances involved (usually under 20 feet), number of rounds fired (6-8), time of the 'gunfight' (about 3 seconds), and number of 'hits' (about) 10%. For a time I served as a range officer at a local gun club, and had a cop join after both he and his partner had been wounded by a man with an H&K 91 assault rifle. Two other cops were killed in the incident. He had cornered the suspect in an alley, and they had traded several rounds from behind dumpsters at about 25 feet with no hits. Out of ammo after a couple reloads of his revolver, he yells for his partner to toss him his loaded gun. As he reaches for it, the gunman puts a round through his right bicep. Being right handed, he now had to shoot with the wrong hand, and expose himself from behind cover to engage the shooter. With the gunman snapping a fresh magazine into place, and reaching down to operate the charging handle on the weapon, the cop fires six rounds, and with the final round scores a hit directly through the heart of the shooter. Traumatized by the encounter, he vowed never to be outgunned again, and went to a Glock semi-auto in 9mm within weeks of them being introduced into North America. He also carried a double mag pouch, which is over 40 rounds of ammo. He became a serious student of pistolcraft and developed a skill level as good as, if not better than most SWAT team members. Nowadays the high capacity 9mm like Glocks, or SIGs, are far more common, but the base skill set hasn't really improved. The training on use of force seems to have led to cops more often than not to immediately escalating into gunfire as the solution to the problem. In doing so, unleashing a hail of uncontrolled rounds downrange. |
1. Obama used Executive Orders, he is not the first President of the United States to use an Executive Order, nor is it breaking law to do so. IF his use of E. O.'s was unconstitutional, the GOP MAJORITY House and Senate have (Checks and Balances) a LEGAL course of action called Impeachment to remove him from power. They CHOSE not to use it. I wonder why?
2. Neither Obama nor his administration armed isil. As part of the original campaign PROMISE, he enacted an orderly draw down of U.S. forces as advised by our military leaders over time to include training the Iraqi military police etc. and leaving them U.S. equipment and arms they felt AFRAID to face the influx of terrorists without. Despite the efforts of years of training and armament of the IRAQI forces, they turned tail and hauled *** back to Baghdad leaving everything behind. That's how isil got the equipment. IF Obama thought the bunch of lady golfers called the Iraqi Army was going to hold their own and use U.S. supplied weapons effectively, then his entire chain of command told him the biggest bald faced lie since "The check is in the mail." and should be summarily dismissed for dereliction of duty. We keep on hearing how intelligent Obama is, and how he figures training people who have no will to fight will change things. That logic makes Dubya look like a genius. ISIS in Syria got weapons like a bully gets lunch money. The Free Syrian Army started out as shopkeepers, farmers, and office workers picking up AK's and trying to keep themselves from getting slaughtered by the Assad regime. al-Qaeda said "Oh look, newbies with nice shiny toys!" and took them. ISIS said "Oh look, our enemies have nice shiny toys!" and took them away from al-Qaeda. Once the first shipment of weapons gets stolen believing that the second, third, and fourth won't meet a similar fate is asnine. So YES, Obama ARMED ISIS. 3. IF Holder actually broke any laws, he is subject to U.S. Law. No charges have been filed. Of course no charges were filed. Obama exercised executive privilege over Holders emails, so that he can't be punished. Do you really think that Holder was completely clueless, and didn't know about Fast and Furious? His White House staffers were exchanging emails with BATFE agents and offices about how well the program was going, and how they wanted Holder to go down to the border and give them a pat on the back and shake some hands. The trip gets cancelled when the border patrol agent was shot and killed with a F&F gun. Do you also not think it's ironic that an administration who spits out something about gun control on virtually a daily basis, is itself handing assault rifles to Mexican drug cartels? HILARIOUS! Yet no one goes to jail for that brilliant move. 4. Petraeus is retired. A retired U.S. Army General. I suppose he is perfectly within his First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech to make a suggestion you don't even understand. It takes a long time to become a U.S. Army General which comes with lots of experience in that Specific theatre of war. They don't hand those stars out as prizes in cracker jacks. I completely understand the generals tactical thought process. He thinks al-Qaeda can do a better job killing ISIS in an asymmetrical battle space than coalition aircraft can, and in the process the West need not put boots on the ground. Once again, since you apparently don't understand the concept, al-Qaeda is OFFICIALLY an enemy of the United States. It's like suggesting we arm the Germans to beat the Japanese in WW2. "war against Christian women"? What are you smoking? Actually I quit smoking almost 4 years ago, so not smoking anything. My go to actually is 25 year old scotch. The GOP is CONSTANTLY being flogged for its mythical war against women, but here a woman that has been jailed by a defacto arm of the Democratic Party, the Supreme Court, for exercising her religious beliefs. She's a woman, she's in jail, she's a Christian. Do I need to break out the crayons to help you connect the dots? |
Well I laughed my a$$ off when the White House press secretary commented that no one in America is above the law including the President. We all have to follow the law.
Wow. Really? So how come Hillary is still out on the street? Eric Holder for Fast and Furious? Lois Lerner for IRS-gate? All the underlings who were complicit in helping to hide documents/behaviors/audio/video of numerous suspected transgressions? Obama should be in jail for treason by supplying weapons to ISIS, and former general Patraeus for suggesting publicly that the U.S. arm al-Qaeda so that THEY can beat ISIS? These are not quibbling around the edges of political philosophy and trying to smear someone, this is the government being complicit in providing deadly weapons to drug cartels and terrorists. This is a government employee deciding that political opponents do not deserve the benefits of the tax code her own party utilizes, and attempts to affect the outcomes of elections in the process. It's about directing others to engage in this behavior as well, and lie about it. So before the government wants to publicly berate a single woman (war against Christian women anyone?) for exercising her belief system, maybe it should clean up it's act first? *drops mic* |
Well taqiya or ta'qiya or taqiyaa (lol) is a well known Muslim strategy used in war. Called hudna by some, it allows Muslims to lie and say they want peace. The ceasefire that prompts negotiations is used to rearm, resupply, rest, acquire new fighters, and repair fortifications.
Once the desired level of strength has been achieved, negotiations break off and hostilities resume. The concept was originally meant to allow for 'little white lies' between Muslims, such as telling your wife she made a nice meal, when in fact it was poorly prepared. As time marched on, the depths of the lies changed. In regards to conversion, the standard rule in Islam is you have 3 days to return to the religion should you convert. IF you stay converted, then ANY Muslim on the planet has the religious justification to kill you as an apostate. Going from memory, I suggest you look up Surah 4 (Chapter 4) The Familiy of Imram in the Koran. I think it's Ayah 89 or 92 (Verse 89 or 92)... "Do not disbelieve as they have disbelieved, lest you be all alike. Do not take from among them a friend or a helper until they fly their home in Allah's way. If they turn back, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them." So don't 'disbelieve' like a non-Muslim. Don't take someone as a friend unless they are Muslim and believes in Islam. If however your Muslim friend goes back to a previous religion they had, then you can kill them like you would a traitor. You can also search them out if you want, you don't have to wait for a chance meeting between the two of you. |
I note that for many of you the solution seems to be "Well if she doesn't like it she should quit." is your mantra. Well a couple of points.
1) The clerks position, and handing out marriages licenses was taking place looong before the decision by the Supreme Court. So arguably, she can say her job description has changed, and she doesn't like the change. Let's say next week your boss comes to you and says you are now doing the work of another employee plus your own for no increase in pay or benefits. Don't like it? Think it's unfair to you? Then live your opinion, and just quit your job the next day. Explain to the bank taking back your car and house in 4 months how you are making a statement. 2) Much has been made that she can't just claim her belief system as justification for denying people service, and how she needs to just suck it up and do it. Ok, no problem. YOU own a coffee shop. You notice the same group of 4-5 guys come in every Saturday morning and talk about their fantasy of molesting kids. Seems they belong to NAMBLA, an organization that believes men and underage boys should be allowed romantic relationships without fear of legal or moral punishment. This is a 10 out of 10 on the 'ewww gross' scale. The law says people can talk about whatever they want. Free speech right? However the conversations are offensive to your staff and surrounding customers. You gonna ask them to leave and not come back because the conversation is morally offensive to you and others? Can you in good faith continue to provide them a place to meet and by doing so tacitly encourage their conversations and behaviors? Your moral compass has no right to decide to whom you will provide your services? 3) Same problem again, if you owned the infamous 'Christian bakery' and a pedophile comes in wanting you to bake a cake saying "Molest Kids!". You gonna say 'Nope. Sorry. That's where I draw the line.'? Go ahead, have a conscience, but based on recent legal case law, be prepared to lay out a 6 figure settlement cheque, because you don't get to refuse anyone, anymore. I'm not saying I agree with her defying the court, however there's no provision for her supervisor to step in? Appoint another employee the duty of handling the 'gay people'? What happens when she's sick or goes on vacation? Do they just stop handing out licenses until she comes back to the office? I'm sure some other arrangement could have been made instead of forcing her to go to jail for her beliefs. Funny though how we have to conform to other religious beliefs in the workplace. Some companies prohibit ham sandwiches or other pork products so as not to offend Muslims or Jews on staff. Many companies provide rooms in offices for Muslim prayer. Funny how they are referred to as multi-faith rooms, like anyone can go at any time and pray. Since Christian faiths don't have a 5 times a day rule like Islam, can you really tell your boss you want 5 prayer breaks a day for Jesus? We have companies that must allow hijabs and burkas in the workplace, regardless if they present a safety hazard. So a Muslim woman working a machine with exposed running gear can wear her hijab even though it might strangle her if it gets caught. We've had cases in Canada where Sikhs didn't want to wear motorcycle helmets over their headgear. Where they didn't want to wear helmets during military training on a grenade range. Where they insisted they be allowed to carry knives called kirpans since it is used to defend their religion from those who would insult it or them. Our police departments came up with colour co-ordinated turbans for those wanting to serve. So the blue turban for being in uniform, and the white one for working undercover? In the end I applaud this woman for living her morals and values, even though it has cost her some freedom. How this comes to a conclusion for her (and other Christians) is going to be interesting. |
Actually she didn't have sex, she met an appendage that self identifies as a penis. It has lived that way for years now, and wanted Rachel to know that it would happily stand up for her if she could motivate him to do good works like she has.
So once again the black community gets screwed... Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week. Try the veal! |
Golfers? Need Suggestions
Case in point on the equipment thing. Mizuno now making pre-sell ads for 2016 clubs. For 2015, the had the JPX-850 driver. 440 cc club head and 2 weights of 8 grams each you could move around to dial it in.
Now for 2016, the same driver is 460 cc, and has only 1 weight of 10 grams to move around. The 'commercial' video has club designer telling a pro how cool the new club is. The pro hits it, and the ball is like 20 yards shorter than the 'old' club. The designer then goes into this whole techie explanation about how spinny the head is, and how pros are probably too good for it, but how Joe Lunchpail can benefit from the extra spin and launch angle. The designer grabs the new club and gives it a whack. His swing is 20 yards better than the old club. So the message is if you are a good golfer with an above average swing, then walk right past this club at the store! (lol) If your game needs help, maybe this club will get you some distance. Lessons at like 1/3 the price of the club would likely get you the 20 yards the miracle club will give you. |
Well I look at the whole e-mail thing as karma for Watergate. Let me explain.
Many people do not realize Hillary was part of the Watergate Special Prosecutors team that was to impeach Nixon. She, as I understand it, was the person who developed the prosecutorial strategy for how Nixon would be tried. When he resigns, of course the team is no longer needed, and it disbands. For ONLY the third time in his 35 year legal career, her boss declines to write a letter of recommendation. He calls Hillary 'unethical' and she moves on. The story that has been published in regards to this denial is as follows; It has been reported, but never proven, that Hillary stole a document from the national archives. It is the ONLY American legal document that dictated a sitting President is entitled to legal counsel if impeached. Her plan was to ambush Nixon on Day 1 of his hearing, saying his lawyer could not be present, and force Nixon to defend himself. When he tried to invoke legal statutes showing as a citizen he was entitled to a lawyer, she would say No, you are a President, so show me where you get a lawyer? Since she controls the only document legally proving that he can, Nixon would be forced to forego counsel, and of course likely lose his case. Ironic, since Slick Willy has his bimbo eruption years later. The story, (if true) shows to what lengths she will go, and while politics is a vicious game, she apparently has no problem re-writing the Constitution. Kind of begs the question, how scummy do you have to be, that another lawyer calls you 'unethical'? |
Ok folks, love her or not, it is REALLY time to get to the bottom of this thing once and for all. I don't know about anyone else, but quite frankly I'm tired of the whole 'dance' being done here.
1) The accusation is extremely serious, and if Hildabeast were a member of the armed forces for example, she already would have been arrested, charged, and had her trial. She is suspected of mishandling classified documents. It's unknown if the material was compromised so that others now have it, and can use it against America. No one says she handed an envelope of stuff to Putin, but her server was exposed and could have been hacked. Something we kinda need to know. 2)Instead, any committee 'investigating' her alleged transgressions seems to tiptoe around saying in effect 'If it's not too much bother, and if you can find the time in your busy schedule, could you maybe pop over and answer a couple questions for us?" 3) These groups are waiting months for subpeonas to be answered, and when documents are produced, (big surprise) they are woefully incomplete. So a 'stern' letter is sent saying "Oh boy, we're just so miffed at you, you better straighten up and fly right, Bucko!" 4)Now we have the guy who built the infamous 'private' server TELLING three committees through his lawyer that he WON'T be testifying against Clinton, and he'll take the fifth if ordered to testify. Well here's the deal. First, taking the fifth is only for self incrimination, it doesn't protect you from testifying as to someone else's wrongdoing. Second, it shows complete and utter contempt for the process when you TELL Congress how they can get lost because you don't want to rat out your ex-employer. Seems IT guy worked on the Hillary 2008 team, then took a State Dept job in IT, and now works for a company that has contracts with the State Dept. As I recall, these investigations are supposed to kind of go like this. First, we call you to testify, and to bring your lawyer and any documents we request. IF you tell us to get stuffed, we drop a writ on you and compel you to appear. IF you clam up and refuse to answer questions that would see you charged with a crime, well that's your right. If however we ask questions about other people, and you still clam up, well that's obstruction of justice, and we send you to court and maybe to jail. Same goes if you refuse to produce documents we ask for. Take two days or weeks to find a memo, not two years. This is NOT a witch hunt. No one cares if Hildabeast called Angela Merkel a 'poopy head' in a memo to someone else at the State Department, and wants to embarrass her. She had classified intel, pictures, reports, assessments, analysis, and likely suggested courses of action which seemingly a 15 year old Bolivian hacker could have copied down had he found her server ID. That is not a 'What does it matter NOW, Senator?' problem. That info gets breached and frankly people die as a result. Maybe a lot of them. So it's time for someone to become a bit of a hero for America here. Bulldoze the bulls**t into the ditch, and start throwing people in jail who won't co-operate and get to the truth. If she's innocent, why all the posturing? Why throw 'blank' servers at the FBI when published stories suggest there are at least two more she never handed over? Why give someone months and months to sanitize the paper trail, and then let them claim it was all a 'political attack' and then come out smelling like a rose? Someone needs to issue a warrant to search the Clinton HOME for servers, Clinton Foundation OFFICES for servers, any storage facilities, etc in their names, the foundations name, etc. Start banging down doors and scaring some people into telling the truth. McCarthyism? Not in the slightest. It's using the system as it was intended, to get to the truth, not just someone's linguistically nuanced version of it. |
So other than thousands of armed Alaskans, what kind of assets does the U.S. have in the area that would prevent the ChiComs from dropping a couple missiles 'by accident' on Obama's (or anyone else's)head? I'm pretty sure the Chinese navy is not about to pull into port lookin' for a Wal-Mart, so I'm assuming the navy is currently in it's lowest pucker factor setting, and simply shadowing the formation to see of Sum Yung Guy can figure out where he made the mistake in reading his navigational charts. |
Golfers? Need Suggestions
Edited by
Wed 09/02/15 08:28 PM
I appreciate the point on technique versus equipment. North Americans are equipment hounds looking for the newest, shiniest toy promising sports nirvana if you buy it. Spend money on lessons instead of buying a new club.
Golf equipment companies live on the premise that a couple more yards of distance and a new coat of paint will prompt you to drop most of a weeks pay for that new driver. The one which upon contact with the ball will elicit the sound of angels singing as your nuclear powered, dolphin safe, glow in the dark, bent grass seeking, GPS guided, titanium wound ball launches itself into the atmosphere at a speed just below that of a bullet fired from a sniper rifle. Leaving the faint smell of ozone in it's wake, it lands on the turf of your favourite fairway carrying enough RPM's that allow it to effortlessly climb over boulders, and scorch any sand trap into a thin line of melted glass in it's wake. As you produce the wedge from your bag, it's electro formed nickel cobalt face eager to produce a surface on your ball similar to a cheese grater, your ball is spun at 10,000 rpm and wrinkles the surface of the green like a cheap carpet, and your ball sucks back the 20 feet you hit it past the hole,leaving mere inches for your first birdie putt of the day. Yeah, that's the dream companies sell us four days a week when we watch televised golf. If we actually had technology that really gives the average golfer 10 more yards each time they released a new driver, we should be hitting the ball 500 yards now. With the first metal driver coming out in 1980, we have been supposedly adding yards every year. So if I hit my driver 200 yards back then, at 10 yards a year for 35 years, where is my 550 yard driver? lol |
Well 'aliens' seem to be drawn to nuclear sites based on 'official' reports with UFO's constantly seen near nuke weapons depots, missile sites, aircraft carrying nukes, etc.
Could be that 'Boris' here got too close and got 'cooked' by the Sov reactor and sinks to the bottom of the river. Recently read a book titled 'The Day After Roswell' written by a retired U.S. Army officer who claims alien tech was recovered from Roswell site and transferred to his control for exploitation. He claims that he and his C.O. found a way to provide U.S. military weapons contractors with 'hints' and examples of this 'alien' tech to examine and use to get past development hurdles they encountered. Swearing people to secrecy that the tech they were seeing came from WW2 German 'secret' programs, they reverse engineered numerous products. Items like night scopes, lasers, carbon fibre products, microwave ovens, etc are all supposed to be directly linked to alien tech from Roswell. Of note was that these projects for exotic weapons like lasers and the SDI 'Star Wars' project were not for actual defense against the Soviets, but to fight off alien invaders. It was theorized that since aliens knew we could take them out, they have never become aggressive, but merely limited themselves to observation of Earth. Interesting story, but no real proof any of it is true of course. |
Golfers? Need Suggestions
I've tried a couple offset head drivers, and hook them as a general rule. At address, I have an image of needing to drag the club head through the hitting zone in order to keep the club face square down the target line. Instead, I wind up with a closed club face, and a nasty ball going left into the forest at high speed.
I can always use a little downward angle of attack on this club, and try to reduce launch angles to see if I can maybe get more rollout. Going to try ProV1X balls based on swing speed and desire to get more backspin on approach shots and chips. Also hoping the swing weight on this combo of shaft and head can reduce spin off the tee. I radically changed the swing weight on my current driver when I went from a 50 to a 75 g shaft, going down one class from D2 to C2. I needed the extra stiffness based on swing mechanic. Could try adding some lead tape to driver head but it might become a baseball bat at that point. The 'new' driver was a very inexpensive solution. I might even swap heads as they are both .350". We'll see. A bit late in the year to fiddle around now. |
Interesting that the 104 score is only about 20 points above 'mentally deficient'. Scary that they are issued weapons.
Personally I think the entire training syllabus on use of force for cops stresses the use of 'toys' like tasers and pepper spray with escalation going to firearms. This mindset of 'us versus them' started at the end of the 60's and solidified in the 70's with the creation of SWAT and issuing AR-15's, Mini-14's, and 'combat' shotguns to street cops. When shootouts with militant groups like the SLA and later MOVE erupted into thousands of rounds fired,and sieges with groups like The Branch Davidian and militias required snipers and armored vehicles, the use of force rules go out the door. Back in the 60's most cops would swing a baton or grab a perp and punch them in the face to make a bust. They got their uniforms dirty, and they took a punch or a kick, and they sometimes got injured as well. Cops that came down the pipe after that decided they didn't need to throw a punch, or get dirty, but just whip out a taser and light someone up. The leap to deadly force is buried in the training. If you zap a guy and he doesn't go down, he must be on angel dust, so grab your weapon as you may need to use it. Shooting someone became a much shorter leap than in the past, because you're already starting at taser. You only really see physical altercations now with cops who specialize in either gang work or street level plainclothes drug/vice work. They tend to be bulked up gym rats who actually want an excuse to punch somebody out like a drunken frat boy on a Saturday night. Cops need to go back to teaching solid hand to hand and street fighting skills to street cops. If you have that lower starting point on the violence escalation scale, firearms are less likely needed. |
Edited by
Tue 09/01/15 05:50 AM
Right now Trump has numbers because he's poking the Establishment bear with a sharp stick, and people are enjoying it. Eventually when they realize he doesn't have the skills for the job, there will be a more serious candidate search.
What Trump DOES do however, is he forces the conversation that needs to be had on issues like immigration, Planned Parenthood, the care of veterans, the economy, and how people just like him 'game' the system to their advantage. People have been of the opinion for decades now that Washington is inhabited and run by corrupt party hacks who vote by block as directed, and don't vote their conscience or for what is best for the country. People are tired of wasteful, partisan government which attaches riders to bills costing millions more than estimated, and do nothing to get the middle class employed and stoking the American economic engine. People want meaningful change, and if that means electing a guy who says during a State of the Union address "Congress, you're fired!" well then so be it. The unlikely choice isn't always the impossible choice. Who would have thought an actor (Reagan) or a newspaper publisher(Harding) could have been president? The vast majority of U.S. presidents have been either soldier, lawyers, or farmers. There has never been a true industrialist/developer/builder as president. Hmmmmmm. |
Golfers? Need Suggestions
Well since no one replied in two weeks, I went to Searching the ads I found a Cleveland Launcher SL290 12 degree driver with a Miyazaki 43g Stiff shaft.
Price? $25. Um, the shaft itself is worth $250! Seller even threw in a dozen Titleist ProViX used balls. The thing hits bombs! Getting 230 yrd carry with range balls which normally only fly 75-80% of regular ball distance. So gimmie another 40 yrds of carry and a little roll out and we're hitting the 300 yard mark. Should get it on the course this week to verify distances. Thinking if I could find the 10.5 degree version of this club with same shaft 300 yards is completely doable. |
Yeah, we Canadians are a dangerous lot. We've been known to travel to the U.S. and shop with reckless abandon in your malls and other public spaces.
We blend in easily because we look just like you. Pretty sinister when you think about it, eh? We perfected the high profile 'sleeper agent' by sending our finest intelligence gathering people in the guise of entertainers such as Celine Dion, and Justin Bieber. Don't forget the dozens of Canadian actors and actresses seen on your movie and TV screens, along with news readers, disc jockeys, and even the odd politician or two. You have slowly fallen under our spell since the 1950's. We've secretly perfected our invasion plans by sending waves of old men from Quebec to land on the beaches of Florida wearing thong type bathing suits. Forcing you to look away from this disturbing sight, other Canadians can quickly bury pre-positioned supplies for a future operation. By having Canadian 'anchor babies' we'll be ruling the U.S. in about 400 years. We'll replace those stars on the flag with little maple leaves by 2415! GO CANADA EH! |
Well one assumes that there is video of the conversation when she is first requested for a 'search', and then various camera angles that show them going to the bathroom.
Since the agent has already been fired, one has to assume they showed him the video. If he can find some way to explain it away, then they would have waited for the court case to finish. For example if the video shows her approaching him, and then they go to the bathroom, he could say she offered him a 'quickie' and it was consentual. Today, since most airports are wired for sound, they may even have the audio on the conversation. TSA doesn't have a history of unwarranted firings, and there's already too many stories of bad TSA employees out there. Unless there's a compelling reason to keep him on the payroll, he's out the door. |
Wow those names, obviously the Irish are the problem here....(rolls eyes)
Well common sense doesn't always prevail in these things. I mean, would you hire 'Scabs the Clown' for a children's party? Especially if his big trick is showing the kids his 'winky thing'??? lol
You get the idea though. SOME problems are obvious and can be avoided. Other situations you enter with the best of intentions and find out later something happens that you never saw coming. Had an illegal daycare on my street a couple years ago. No one really knew the couple as they didn't socialize with anyone on the block. Parents would drive into the garage to drop kids off and pick them up. The only way we found out was a couple kids 'escaped' from the house when the wife would go for a power nap. Cops were called by neighbor who finds the wandering tykes and the couple gets busted. Nothing evil was happening to the kids, the daycare was illegal and had no license or trained staff. So hubby and the wife do the perp walk in cuffs down the driveway, and cops wind up interviewing everyone to see what we knew. They hid things pretty well apparently. |