Community > Posts By > Juliea

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 05:16 PM
this poem was about the love I have for Jesus Christ
and what He means to me as my Lord and Savior

your opinion doesn't even make sense and i am not a guy
and furthermore this is about love for my God and not
about sex

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 05:12 PM
I didn't write about Barnabas, it was desertwinds.
My faith in Jesus Christ Stands.

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 05:02 PM
That was one of my love letters to Jesus from me!
He saved me from my own destruction. He saved my life.
Jesus is the Word made flesh. His Word says "IF you
draw close to Me, I will draw close to you." God's
love is unconditionl, BUT His promises are conditional.
We can't have the pleasures of sin , and the promises
of salvation at the same time. God says, "IF my people,
who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray
and turn from their wicked ways, THEN will I hear from
Heaven and heal their land." "If you confess with YOUR
mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe God has raised Him from
the dead, you will be saved." Anyway, I will forever love
Him. I will forever worship Him and praise Him.
The Ten Commandments are not suggestions or recommendations.
# One says love the Lord your God with All your heart and so
I do.

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 04:50 PM
how odd you write about second chance,
that's the name of my church.

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 04:20 PM
Will somebody please give this guy some Scripture.
I am so tired. I'll do the research and reply tomorrow.
God searches the hearts of men.

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 03:56 PM
His Name if ABOVE any name in the Heavens,
in the Earth and underneath the Earth!

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 03:48 PM
Latino guy,
I really encourage you to read a book by Dr. Edwin Cole
called Maximized Manhood. It costs about $8. You will never
see God or yourself or women the same. It's an awesome book.
By the way, let's do bible study. Jesus wants to be in a
covenant relatinship with us. He is not out there somewhere
holding the moon and the stars. He lives in the hearts of
men and women. Do you have that kind of faith?

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 03:43 PM
Does anyone out there ask God for wisdom?
The Bible also says that the husband LOVE his
wife as Christ LOVED the church. If you're going
to give God's Word, give the whole scripture.
Also, tell your readers where to find it in the Bible.
For example: The Our Father is found in Matthew Chapter 6,
Verse 9. The scripture about husbands and wives that you are referring
to is found in Ephesians Chapter 5 Verses 21-33.
If you want to have a real relationship with the Lord,
Read Romans Chapter 10 Verse 9. Confess with your mouth
the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 03:30 PM
I think you guys are making up your own gods.
Did anyone ever read Commandment # Two?

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 02:58 PM
If you really have a relationship with the Living God, you won't have
room for all the junk the world has to offer.
"Seek first the Kingdom of God, and He will give you the desires of your
heart." Now, really no one ever desired to be
a messed up alcholic or drug addict. Jesus came to give life,
and life more abundantly. Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy. True
religion is helping the orphans and widows. It's
not about religion, it's about relaitonship and covenant with
the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Receive Him to be Lord
and Savior of your life today. Tomorrow is promised to no one.
Jesus is your lifesaver. Trust Him alone.

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 02:47 PM
Lost cowgirl,
You don't say if you are a believer of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of
God. The Word of God says "Do not be unequally yoked
with unbelievers. What does darkness have to do with light?"
I would believe God instead of man. I believe the Scriptures are really
God's Word. Why don't you read it for yourself and
ask God for wisdom. Remember, His wisdom, not the world's.

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 02:41 PM
Got Jesus?

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 02:38 PM
You reap what you sow, God will NOT be mocked.
And remember He made us and the monkeys.

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 02:34 PM

Let the Apostles arise!
Let the Evangelist arise!
Let the Pastors arise!
Let the Prophets arise!
Let the Teachers arise!

Let the Prayer Warriors arise!
Let the Intercessors arise!
Let the Worshippers arise!

It's on Ramhill!
We're taking the nations for Jesus!

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 02:20 PM
The enemy is a defeated foe. Praise the Lord!

I'll play John. It's on!
Let the Prayer Warriors Arise!

Matthew 22:29
Jesus answered and said unto them, You do err, not knowing the
scriptures, not the power of God. KJV


Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 02:15 PM
Have faith to believe on Him who died for you.
Receive Him to be your Lord and Savior today.
Tomorrow is promised to no one. Salvation is up
to you, not your friends. You must confess with
your mouth. It's about your relationship with Jesus,
not your friends or the one in hell.

Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.
Stop sinning! Ask for forgiveness. He is so faithful.
Make it real.

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 02:09 PM
Thanks John 7771 for helping me out.
You must know Jesus.
Jesus is my Lifesaver.

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 02:07 PM
Hey Kooz,
Do you not know that Jesus died on the cross so you
wouldn't have to go to hell? Have you asked Him to
be your Lord and Savior? Have you asked Him to forgive
you of ALL your sins? Salvation is a free gift.
Do you want to be saved? If you do, let's pray right now.


If you really prayed that Kooz, with your whole heart,
you are now born again and a part of God's family. Find
a Bible believing Holy Spirit filled church and start
your journey with your Lord and Savior. Read your Bible
every day. Yes, start with Romans 10:9. Have faith to
believe Kooz, He is so awesome. Do you have a Bible?
Want to study? I'll teach you. Look up Jeremiah 33:3.
We, believers, call that God's phone #. "Call unto me,
and I will show you great and mighty things, which you
know not." So, call unto Him!
Forget about hell and start a new life with the Lord.

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 12:57 PM
Oh Jesus, let me start all over with You.
I didn't know you were so real. To feel Your Presence
is like nothing this earth has to offer. You saved my
life so many times and I didn't know. You really are
who God says You are in His Word. When I asked You to
come into my heart to be my personal Lord and Savior,
you really came to live in my heart. You gave me a new
heart. I have a new song in my heart now. My life was
never about me, it was about who I would become with You.
You are so amazing! You are my Friend, my Redeemer, my
Counselor, my Savior, my Refuge. YOU took all the junk
out of me and filled me with Your Spirit. I love you Lord.
You are my Lifesaver. ( Romans 10:9 ) I didn't find You,
Jesus, You weren't lost---I was. You found me and You
showed me who you really were and I will serve You all
the days of my life. You are so beautiful Lord, I must
share You with the whold world.

Juliea's photo
Sat 12/30/06 12:42 PM
Greetings Latino in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
How about you get a bible and read in the New Testament
Romans Chapter 10 Verse 9 for a start. If you died today,
where would you go? Ask Jesus to come into your heart to
be your Lord and Savior and He really will. HE will rock
your world. Do you have that kind of faith? Believe and
receive the greatest gift----salvation.

