Community > Posts By > TheOnceGreat

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Mon 03/02/09 06:45 AM

I already told July and HG, I have 2 empty bedrooms with their own bath and television room. I never even go into that end of the house. Come on down:banana: :banana:
careful what you wish for...How's easter break?

Great, should be in the mid 90's by then, the snow birds will be migrating back up north, the pool will be just about empty of people.happy

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Mon 03/02/09 06:41 AM
I already told July and HG, I have 2 empty bedrooms with their own bath and television room. I never even go into that end of the house. Come on down:banana: :banana:

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Mon 03/02/09 06:38 AM

just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a good morning...on this cold...yet sunny day...waving

It's awful, only 53 right now, may just barely make it to 90 today. laugh laugh laugh

grumble has anyone bitten you lately??rofl rofl rofl rofl

These days, I can't even get a nibble. sad sad

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Mon 03/02/09 06:18 AM

just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a good morning...on this cold...yet sunny day...waving

It's awful, only 53 right now, may just barely make it to 90 today. laugh laugh laugh

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Mon 03/02/09 06:16 AM

Snow, Snow and more Snow!!!
eight or more inches at this time and more coming!frustrated

Rick have you still got Andrea's shovel...........can I borrow it?

I don't have a snow shovelgrumble

wow I guess I should feel very happy right now! Usually around this area (Buffalo area) we are seeing miles n miles of the white stuff. All we have is the cold, cold weather. 12, and -15* with wind chill, but they say it will warm up to 17* todaylaugh .

Skinny dippen weather :banana: :banana: :banana:

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Mon 03/02/09 06:04 AM
Edited by TheOnceGreat on Mon 03/02/09 06:05 AM

Glad those are in a pic & noit here.
Maybe I need to make some breakfast.
maybe you could send me some. no kitchen

I'm not sending donuts, but have sent out 4 boxes of oranges and grapefruit off of my tree. The kids don't care much about seeing me, but they can't wait for the fresh fruit. grumble grumble grumble

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Mon 03/02/09 05:05 AM

White stuff? Creamer in my coffee? Dandruff? The powdered sugar on my donut? What white stuff? laugh laugh
My white stuff is a lot colder than any of that but I'll take a powdered sugar donut if you have one.
Hurry, they are going fast.

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Mon 03/02/09 05:03 AM
I made the decision to move to Tucson when I saw a scupture in a yard here. Welded together were a rake, a lawn mower and a snow shovel. laugh laugh laugh

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Mon 03/02/09 03:27 AM
White stuff? Creamer in my coffee? Dandruff? The powdered sugar on my donut? What white stuff? laugh laugh

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Mon 03/02/09 03:26 AM
Current temp in Tucson AZ is ** degrees. High of ** today with light to moderate winds. (This post has been censored to spare the feelings of the rest of the 50+ Mingle community.)ohwell ohwell

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Mon 03/02/09 03:22 AM
4:20 am here. The lady I help take care of is having shoulder surgery today. Have to be there at 5am to help her get showered and dressed to go to the hospital. Man is it dark.grumble grumble grumble

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Mon 03/02/09 03:17 AM
Good morning all.

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Sun 03/01/09 06:34 AM
Good morning all,

Happy Birthday Rick :banana: :banana: :banana:

Andrea, hurry up and feel better.

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Sun 03/01/09 06:32 AM
58 right now, should reach mid 80's today.

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Sat 02/28/09 02:52 PM


Did someone say Party????????????????????

HG, you and July should have come out here. It's 86 degrees, everybody is in shorts and tank tops.

<<<<<back was hurting too bad to make the trip sad

Sitting by the pool would certainly make your back feel better.

no photo
Sat 02/28/09 02:46 PM


Did someone say Party????????????????????

HG, you and July should have come out here. It's 86 degrees, everybody is in shorts and tank tops.
Hey what about me? I like to see guys in shorts and tank tops. Oh i guess u were talking about the ladies. Well it would be nice to not have to wrap up in sweaters anymore.

I'm in shorts and t-shirt, but have some housework to do, so I will have to change into the apron soon laugh laugh laugh

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Sat 02/28/09 02:38 PM
Hi Betty, you have mail.

Sorry to hear about your daughter being sick I know how it can take over a hospital or nursing home and affect the workers.flowerforyou flowerforyou , and HG, send Invisible a couple warm hugs for me.

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Sat 02/28/09 02:32 PM


Did someone say Party????????????????????

HG, you and July should have come out here. It's 86 degrees, everybody is in shorts and tank tops.

no photo
Sat 02/28/09 02:17 PM

Good afternoon all. Had a great golf tournament today, even won some money.:banana: :banana: :banana:

congrats. guess we'll have to celebrate tonight.:banana: :banana: drinks drinks :banana: :banana:

Yep, singing and dancing and carousing (well maybe NOT the singing part ohwell ). How far will 16 dollars take us? laugh laugh laugh

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Sat 02/28/09 02:13 PM
Good afternoon all. Had a great golf tournament today, even won some money.:banana: :banana: :banana: