Community > Posts By > Wulfenstraat
are men like women?
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Sun 06/13/10 07:14 PM
Only with the return of the Divine Feminine will we become equals...
Explain how this is not New Age drivel, a meaningless concept, feminist propaganda or words without substance? If you want a run on redundancy. This ill-thought remark states either that woman is not the equal of man at present, which will piss off your sisters, or that she has mistakenly placed herself above man, in which case, that makes her a jerk. So, I categorically reject your statement that: Only with the return of the Divine Feminine will we become equals |
are men like women?
Edited by
Sun 06/13/10 07:02 PM
Ya know can state your thoughts without being a jerk..or can't you. By referring to my level of consciousness as low your only showing your need to judge me... Which to some would be considered "low consciousness" I am basing my thoughts on how simple and easy my sons were, are...they are men now and I have learned much about the way the male brain works by raising them alone, talking with them, knowing what is important to them, what they care about, what hurts them, what makes them happy, what they want in life. It's called communication...I have had that with my children in their un jaded, innocent way. My relationship and the understanding is far different than that of a dog. What I've learned of men via my sons goes way beyond throwing them a plate of food and petting them on the head. Women don't live in the female-viewed world any more than men live in their male-viewed world. The thing is Sir, that the male, masculine ways have not served us well, look at the world. I happen to be an advocate for men and the pressure put on them by one great hope is that I have raised my sons differently than my brothers were raised. I wasn't attacking you. As I said, that paragraph was taken out of context from one of my posts because it specifically answered the post you made, which follows: Men are sooo much more simpler than women...sorry sisters, it's true. I've watched my sons grow from little boys to men. They really are simple and easy to please... So that you won't believe that I personally attacked your level of consciousness as being low (because, you must admit, you took some heavy wallops on me, even calling me a jerk, totally reinforcing my own thesis of how difficult it is to communicate between genders), I've reproduced the original post with the paragraph that upset you so that you can see it in context. As you'll note, all of this was written way before you posted the quote immediately above, so it was never intended to single out your low level of consciousness as regards the male of the specie. Nuff said? [Are men and women alike? We are more alike "below the neck" than we are "above the neck," if that gives you any idea of how different we really are. The way these two genders see the world is so totally alien to the other that it requires an absolute suspension of disbelief for them to merge, usually brought on by an overpowering need for sex or love by at least one of them. It's only when one of the two is willing to hold their alien views in check long enough to actually see, feel and hear the other person that there is even a remote chance that these two will get to smell and taste each other...besides the other obvious thing. Some of you men and women believe you can fully understand your soulmate. No, you can’t. You can predict how your mate will react under certain conditions because that's based on empyrical evidence, meaning prior experience; but this is at such a low level of consciousness that it's no better than understanding what your dog wants and needs. Most women have no idea how complex male thought is, because they think we're simple creatures with simple wants and needs (food and sex among others) and concentrate on fulfilling or denying these basic needs as a way of structuring and maintaining their female-viewed world. Most Nobel Prize winners are men. It's a fact. These are the same men who dutifully sit at the table and listen to their wives tell them about the mailman dropping off a package, the dog peeing on the couch and the steak being slightly burned. He nods and smiles and seems contented. She tells her friends how simple his needs are and how easy he is to understand. Yet, this same man is able to theorize the double helix between mouthfuls of mash potato and to make tremendously intuitive leaps across logical chasms, such leaps as have dragged the rest of humanity up from the cave...into that nice kitchen where his wife can tell him about the mailman and the dog and the steak, thinking how simple and uncomplicated he is. From a male point of view, we simply see you as needful creatures, needing protection, needing love, needing security...which we provide as best we can, little realizing that you are far more complex than that. That's why we can't understand why you break down crying for no good reason (as we see it). Of course you have good reason. We just don't understand it, even when you explain it, because what's important to you in your hierarchy of needs is more complex than Maslow's simple definition of needs. The same goes for men. It is only when we recognize that we will never understand each other that we have a small chance of coming together as equals.] |
are men like women?
Men are sooo much more simpler than women...sorry sisters, it's true. I've watched my sons grow from little boys to men. They really are simple and easy to please... I'm not referring to the macho man, or the control freak. I'm referring to the average, everyday man...they really don't ask for much. You can predict how your children and your husband will react under certain conditions because that's based on empyrical evidence, meaning prior experiences; but this is at such a low level of consciousness that it's no better than understanding what your dog wants and needs. Most women have no idea how complex male thought is, because they think we're simple creatures with simple wants and needs (food and sex among others) and concentrate on fulfilling or denying these basic needs as a way of structuring and maintaining their female-viewed world. Ya know can state your thoughts without being a jerk..or can't you. By referring to my level of consciousness as low your only showing your need to judge me... Which to some would be considered "low consciousness" I am basing my thoughts on how simple and easy my sons were, are...they are men now and I have learned much about the way the male brain works by raising them alone, talking with them, knowing what is important to them, what they care about, what hurts them, what makes them happy, what they want in life. It's called communication...I have had that with my children in their un jaded, innocent way. My relationship and the understanding is far different than that of a dog. What I've learned of men via my sons goes way beyond throwing them a plate of food and petting them on the head. Women don't live in the female-viewed world any more than men live in their male-viewed world. The thing is Sir, that the male, masculine ways have not served us well, look at the world. I happen to be an advocate for men and the pressure put on them by one great hope is that I have raised my sons differently than my brothers were raised. My response to this is a few posts up. |
are men like women?
Most Nobel Prize winners are men. These are the same men who dutifully sit at the table and listen to their wives tell them about the mailman dropping off a package, the dog peeing on the couch and the steak being slightly burned. He nods and smiles and seems contented. She tells her friends how simple his needs are and how easy he is to understand.
Yet, this same man is able to theorize the double helix between mouthfuls of mash potato and to make tremendously intuitive leaps across logical chasms, such leaps as have dragged the rest of humanity up from the cave...into that nice kitchen where his wife can tell him about the mailman and the dog and the steak, thinking how simple and uncomplicated he is. Ladies, if that's all you see, you haven't tried to see. |
Thanks for the heads up. I'm headed there now.
are men like women?
And, as horrible as this sounds, it's because it's been taken out of context.
are men like women?
Men are sooo much more simpler than women...sorry sisters, it's true. I've watched my sons grow from little boys to men. They really are simple and easy to please... I'm not referring to the macho man, or the control freak. I'm referring to the average, everyday man...they really don't ask for much. You can predict how your children and your husband will react under certain conditions because that's based on empyrical evidence, meaning prior experiences; but this is at such a low level of consciousness that it's no better than understanding what your dog wants and needs. Most women have no idea how complex male thought is, because they think we're simple creatures with simple wants and needs (food and sex among others) and concentrate on fulfilling or denying these basic needs as a way of structuring and maintaining their female-viewed world. |
Nothing wrong with a little role play and imagination.... Love role play. Speaking of which, check out button's 'are men and women alike' post. I've got some views on that, as you can guess. Hey, folks, still waiting for some heavy-hitters to slam what I've said over there. Lots there to smack around, if you really took objection to my Perry Mason cross-examination of the shape-shifting defense. lol |
are men like women?
It's a macho thing or even an inferiority complex lol Are men and women alike? We are more alike "below the neck" than we are "above the neck," if that gives you any idea of how different we really are. The way these two genders see the world is so totally alien to the other that it requires an absolute suspension of disbelief for them to merge, usually brought on by an overpowering need for sex or love by at least one of them. It's only when one of the two is willing to hold their alien views in check long enough to actually see, feel and hear the other person that there is even a remote chance that these two will get to smell and taste each other...besides the other obvious thing. If this isn't so, then why are we on the internet, barely making human contact, on this beautiful sunny Sunday? And spare me the sophomoric quips and self-serving excuses. Just admit you have no idea how the other gender sees the world and, as a result, have no adequate means of communicating with that gender, except by belittling them or flattering them. Well, buttons, you can predict how your mate will react under certain conditions because that's based on empyrical evidence, meaning prior experiences; but this is at such a low level of consciousness that it's no better than understanding what your dog wants and needs. Most women have no idea how complex male thought is, because they think we're simple creatures with simple wants and needs (food and sex among others) and concentrate on fulfilling or denying these basic needs as a way of structuring and maintaining their female-viewed world. From a male point of view, we simply see you as needful creatures, needing protection, needing love, needing security...which we provide as best we can, little realizing that you are far more complex than that. That's why we can't understand why you break down crying for no good reason (as we see it). Of course you have good reason. We just don't understand it, even when you explain it, because what's important to you in your hierarchy of needs is more complex than Maslow's simple definition of needs. The same goes for men. It is only when we recognize that we will never understand each other that we have a small chance of coming together as equals. |
Na, I'll never believe in the President of the United States...that's a bigger fantasy than believing in shapeshifting... Thank you for admitting that those who believe in shapeshifting or believe that they are shapeshifters are actually indulging in fantasy. Now, your original post is in error. |
are men like women?
It's a macho thing or even an inferiority complex lol Are men and women alike? We are more alike "below the neck" than we are "above the neck," if that gives you any idea of how different we really are. The way these two genders see the world is so totally alien to the other that it requires an absolute suspension of disbelief for them to merge, usually brought on by an overpowering need for sex or love by at least one of them. It's only when one of the two is willing to hold their alien views in check long enough to actually see, feel and hear the other person that there is even a remote chance that these two will get to smell and taste each other...besides the other obvious thing. If this isn't so, then why are we on the internet, barely making human contact, on this beautiful sunny Sunday? And spare me the sophomoric quips and self-serving excuses. Just admit you have no idea how the other gender sees the world and, as a result, have no adequate means of communicating with that gender, except by belittling them or flattering them. |
If you could shapeshift into any animal (some people can and do) which would it be and why? Some people can shapeshift? Name one. As a corollary of what Popeye used to say, "You are what you are and that's all that you are." You start believing in shapeshifters, the next thing you know you'll start believing in the president of the United States. |
Oh **** me... Say what? |
I am a person.
In Response to an Ageist
Kinda reminds me of the song from the 70s: {quote} And the sign said "Longhaired freaky people, Need not apply", So I tucked my hair up under my hat, And I went in to ask him why. He said "You look like a fine understanding young man, I think you'll do." So I took off my hat and said, "Imagine that. Me, working for you." I guess I just wonder if the person whose profile that was will feel the same way when she is over 45? Looked at another way, what if employers started posting jobs with that kind of language? -Kerry O. It couldn't be better said. Thanks Kerry. |
Study: Humans, Neanderthals not related Source: Chicago Tribune Newspaper, 29 Mar 2000: BRITAIN: Modern humans are not descended from Neanderthals but coexisted with them about 40,000 years ago, scientists said Tuesday An analysis of DNA extracted from the ribs of a 29,000-year-old Neanderthal infant buried in a cave in southern Russia showed it was too distinct to be related to humans. "There Wasn't much, if any mixture, between Neanderthals and modern humans," said William Goodwin, of the University of Glasgow "Though they coexisted we can't find any evidence of genetic material being passed from Neanderthals to modern humans." The study reported in the science journal Nature, also supports the "Out of Africa" theory of modem human evolution-- that modern humans evolved from a common ancestor in Africa and spread across the world around 100,000 years ago. DNA comparisons also showed that different ethnic groups do not have any links to Neanderthals, Goodwin said. (End of article) *WBSG Comment: The significance of this story is in the fact that it comes through the secular press from the often times anti-God/anti-creationism scientific community. While every Christian knows that God created man just they way they are today: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." [Gen 1:27], many in the scientific community have been pushing the "evolution lie" on us for a long time. God says: "in the image of God", the scientific community said: "in the image of Apes and Amebas". I believe God. The Neanderthal "Man" is an extinct species of ape! Nothing more, nothing less. And while this article does remove one of the falsehoods about the so-called Evolution Theory, it still hasn't got it all the way right yet. For this article, after conceding that humans did not descend from the Neanderthal Man (Ape), they still hang on to the incorrect notion that the descendants of man go back over 100,000 years. But hey, they're coming around. It is difficult for men who consider themselves to be the "geniuses" of our time to admit that they have fallen for a deception that comes strait from satan's camp - the so-called Evolution Theory of man descending from Apes and even further back in time from single cell Amebas. Even worse than their own confusion, they have pushed the unsupportable lie on generations of school children who believed it because the "scientists" said it was so. You are hard pressed today to find a creditable scientist to go on the record supporting the Theory of Evolution. But hey, we Christians knew the truth long ago, we read it in our Bibles and we believed God over the predominantly Heathen scientific community Hmm? |
Why are you here?
So which is more outrageous? The topics I'm creating or the fact that I only show a one side of myself? ![]() Hmm? |
I think it's a great write!! Wanna thank the author for inviting me into his imagination do I agree? No seems to have hit some sore spots which is the job of a good writer sometimes remember The days of book burnings are over !! ![]() Hmm |
i have no problem with that kind of being self-centered. it's the self importance that i have the issue with. Hmm |
well he did say this 6 months ago...perhaps the pic has spoken since... Hmm |