Santa is not kind to me
Hey, I still believe in Santa! No lie, I really do. grins
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How do you deal...
journaling can help, write it and than put it away, don't read it again because than you may or may not dwell on what you are feeling, you can even write what you are feeling and than in a way to stand up for yourself you can tare that paper to itty bitty peices and throw it outside your door to say your not gonna let it bother you. Feels good to sometimes. I have done it before. you can cook yourself something you like to eat and have a nice meal, maybe watch a favorite movie and kick back and relax. Or you call a freind you trust and just chat about nothing, try keeping the conversation light, you would be surprised how your funny side comes out when you try to keep it light, before you know it your throwing out all those sarcastic funny jokes about stuff the both of you agree on and your laughing. Look up jokes online, that is fun! You can even go to youtube and watch comedians perform, its so much fun. Or you can get crafty and make a gift for someone you like and admirer, maybe someone you know won't be throwing the gift at you, you know, like a good friend or confidant. Being crafty isn't just for women, men know how to do stuff too. Or maybe you can call someone and say hello, someone you might think might be feeling lonely too, and maybe by making them feel good, you will feel good too. Encouraging others is a great way to boost your own emotional energies. Hugs
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Today I had some time alone and so did what I had been wanting to do for a while now, finally mustering all of my strength I claimed my life back and gave it to God all mighty. I Prayed and lay my burdens at Gods feet and I gave myself back to God, all though, I was always his, and he had been getting me back slowly. I Belong to God confirmed once and for all, I had had enough of messing around with other beliefs and ideas, finally I just couldn't stand it anymore. I knew who my father was no matter what I did. So I blessed my entire home and prayed with all my heart and gave it all back to God who needs me more than anyone else. I love God, I never stopped loving him. I will no longer let the spirits of depressions, hate, or any form of evil control my life. Yup, I back where I was suppose to be. Merry Christmas everyone! Hugsssssss Veronica, Oh and I will be leaving this site and devoting my life to God. Bye everyone, time to get to work hugs ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() He has never left you. Never will. No matter what you do. ![]() I agree, one day at a time sweet Jesus, Hugs ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Today I had some time alone and so did what I had been wanting to do for a while now, finally mustering all of my strength I claimed my life back and gave it to God all mighty. I Prayed and lay my burdens at Gods feet and I gave myself back to God, all though, I was always his, and he had been getting me back slowly. I Belong to God confirmed once and for all, I had had enough of messing around with other beliefs and ideas, finally I just couldn't stand it anymore. I knew who my father was no matter what I did. So I blessed my entire home and prayed with all my heart and gave it all back to God who needs me more than anyone else. I love God, I never stopped loving him. I will no longer let the spirits of depressions, hate, or any form of evil control my life. Yup, I back where I was suppose to be. Merry Christmas everyone! Hugsssssss Veronica, Oh and I will be leaving this site and devoting my life to God. Bye everyone, time to get to work hugs ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() He has never left you. Never will. No matter what you do. ![]() Amen! say it again, Amen! smiles, Hugs ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Congrats! Welcome home! Satan thought he had you, but God always seeks out the one's who go astray! No one can pluck us out of His hand! Praise God! Indeed, Priase the Lord God All mighty. Hugs ![]() ![]() |
Wow, silence, it has been many years since I have heard silence, true silence. But I remember how loud silence can be, I remember it because it was strange how I could hear it when I was a kid and teenager. It happens especially for some people in the winter, i don't really know why that is, I guess depression and the weather have alot to do with it, I don't know. Wow, I would love some nice decent silence these days, however, I am used to noise now, not sure what I would do without it. besides, my brain is never silent, its a forever helicopter of whirling thoughts and half memories and half ideas i can't decipher most of the time. I remember emotions alot, its like being stabbed with a million emotions at once and trying to filter them all and sort them out. Weird I know, LOL whatever, goodnight, great peice. hugs
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Brains Before Beauty
Brains before Beauty
A blog by Veronica Garcia When you’re a kid you are told to eat your vegetables and keep that music down. And when you’re an adult you turn the music up and stuff another French fry in your mouth on the way home. Those of us adults who are lucky enough to remember the 80’s remember growing up with an anarchy side to us simply because it was a cool thing than. As adults we also remember how much we idolized rock stars and punk stars and rappers and any one who was in the public eye for whatever reason, be it a good place to be or not. Media feeds the mind. True or False? Media feeds the mind and the body on a constant daily mass intake of both positive and negative output. In this day and age a lot of us are in a state of mind, thinking the world has reached its capacity for potential. But in reality I challenge this hypothesis, saying that the world has not reached its capacity for potential, we have reached our capacity for absorbing the output of media and the world at large. In other words, not enough peace, too much noise, that is, too much noise from the inside of ourselves leading outward through the many layers that make up our human self as well as our higher selves. How many times have you been disappointed by someone you had loved or by someone you had looked up too? If you are like me, a few times, however, I did not allow this to mar my self view. I simply took it as an opportunity to better myself rather than those I had looked up too by not making the same mistakes they had. In doing so, I helped those who I looked up to, to see that I had a brain and that I did care for them. How, you say did I show them I cared, by caring about myself. By improving upon the ground they had all ready laid before me. Everyone has a brain, and don’t tell me they don’t, because every living human being does and they have a heart and a spirit and soul. So, how many of you men and women are attracted by good looks and good taste in someone? You know, like a great personality and a hot body, woow woow, teehee? Be honest to yourself, there is a reason I am asking which I will get too in a moment. If you are like me, the answer is heck yes. I am not one to not notice a pretty faced man all Prince Caspian style walking by or a hot dude who has a killer smile and a great attitude about life not to mention the way awesome confidence level, teehee. Ok, what am I getting at, well, let me ask one more question, has anyone heard that song, by Terry Clark, Easy on the Eyes, Hard on the heart? Well I will post a link to it on the bottom of the page, it’s a good one. In truth, I think we make our quick decisions too quickly concerning how good someone or something looks and all though we may get a lot of pleasure at admiring it, and playing with it, lol, in the end, how often does it really end up being all that good for us? Hmmm, I don’t know about you, but I don’t think humans were meant to be ‘played with’ know what I mean. Of course you do, why am I even telling you this right, you get it, I mean gosh you are beautiful, you have had your heart broken, right, right. Well, let me say it this way, true or false, is it easy to look good all the time? Well, if your human and I know you are, please don’t give me some argument you’re an alien or immortal whatever ok, your views on that are all yours and that is not what this is about, ok, lets continue shall we and get to the point before someone has to beam up or step into something more comfortable like a coffin. LOL Ok, what I am saying is this, we don’t feel very comfortable right now do we in this world, I mean, we don’t seem to feel very at ease about anything anymore, from finances to our kids futures to how we will meet our basic needs tomorrow or the next day. There is a joke, below this blog about how God created fruits and vegetables and all the healthy things we would need to eat and than somewhere along the line Satan created Mickey D’s. Than God created running shoes to get us healthy again and Satan created cable TV and people got fatter and lazier but they were having a good time and the food was good. Of course, the foods always good these days when you’re not thinking about what you’re eating and how often you eat it without thinking about it. And of course, entertainment can be cheap and easy, well sort of, and after all the entertainment value of the media is far more important than anything that might make us feel better physically. And after all relationships can come and go and the kids know so much these days they can feed themselves with microwave meals and mac and cheese. Have you ever been sitting there at your computer, or playing a video game or watching movies and you suddenly feel anxious or like there is something else you want to do today, anything but be here right now? Do you ever feel rundown or even sick as you do the things you love and than one day, the things you love just don’t hold enough interest to you as they once did? Internally, you know, you wasted a lot of time, but most of the time, you don’t pay attention to that internal clock and checker. Have you ever just taken a drive to pick up your kids or maybe you had to go somewhere nice one day to run an errand for someone and you suddenly stopped and took a deep breath and you were like, wow, this is nice. And just for that moment, something touches you inside, whether the weather is cold or hot, you suddenly want something. And then the thought goes away, very quickly, replaced by internal noise and you speed to pick up the kids, and you rush to get that errand done. For a moment, you still wanted that moment back, but you say, nope, that moments is not for me, not for now, in the summer maybe, at Christmas maybe, maybe never, gosh I’m cold, I’m gonna be late, the kids are gonna get pissed off, my husband is gonna get on my case if I don’t make something good for dinner, I’m hungry. And so on, and so on and so on. And than there is that moment, I hope something good is on tonight and everyone will leave me alone so I can watch it. But than, deep down inside you feel this way, but you won’t admit it, I wish he would hold me, or give a hug without me asking for it. I wish she would hug me for once and notice how I looked at her instead of yelling at the kids and ignoring me. So, another point here, can anyone guess? How many times a day, are our senses overloaded by everything around us, in the media and everyday life? And how much does that affect our health and well being as well as our sanity and our emotional health? We are more sensitive than we will ever really admit to ourselves or anyone else. Why is that you ask? Because, as a people, many times we are taught that sensitivity will not get the job done. Period. Just like Tom Hanks said, “There is no crying in baseball!” But here’s the deal, in the past our parents and their parents probably weren’t aware of the things we are now aware of, and let’s face it, our kids are smarter than we are with all the new learning tools being implemented in schools these days. I mean come on, learning to use a computer in kindergarten, wow. I could barely remember the basic colors in Spanish like rojo when I was in kindergarten. I was lucky if I made it through school a single day without spacing out and forgetting everything by the time recess came around. LOL Ok, thing is, you don’t have to be crying all the time or complaining or anything like that, what I am saying is, from your own life experiences pay attention to when your inner alarms go off and say, I really don’t need to watch tv right now, my kid just told me something and I ignored him because I wanted him to throw the trash. Or, wow, that’s the second sweet I have had today, and I am a diabetic but I am still hungry. Or, my husband just looked at me funny, but he always does that. Sometimes, sticking up for ourselves means paying attention to what IS important to us and we very well know it, but because we have spent most of our time internally rebelling about how we feel and what we know to please others or to shut out the negative physical feelings which are only magnified by negative emotional feelings, we tend to forget about a thing called, former experiences. So, even though our kids are smarter then we were at their age, we are still the adults and we have experience in ways they do not, yet, I hope, that is. In truth, the thing is, now is the time to pay attention to those inner sensors going off, but the only way to properly gauge them is, to quiet your heart and mind and spirit and learn how to find that, aha moment, this feels good, and I know this feels good, because, it is not hurting me, and I don’t feel like I am doing it out of spite or anger or to be that teenager I once was again. I know what is right, and I remember how that thing I used to do made me feel bad all the time and I did it for the wrong reasons too. I have the right to treat myself well and my family. No one, television, radio, or music, or even my friends have the right to tell me, have another cheeseburger, take another pill it will make your problems better, play this game it will help you ignore your life for a while, have another sweet, what is one sweet today, another sweet tomorrow, another sweet the day after that and so on. A little bit, won’t hurt you, will it? You have all ready hurt yourself, no going back now. Or is there, Yes, there is, RIGHT NOW. There is a new movie, I mentioned it, Prince Caspian, The Chronicles of Narnia, within the movie, Aslan said, nothing happens the same way twice. So if you’re hitting the soft spots the same way you did in the past and for some reason what made it better doesn’t work anymore, ask yourself why. Change the rules of how you live, don’t give up your right to choose for yourself and your family. In the movie, Twilight, there is a scene where our vampire romeo said, ‘the way I look, the way I smell, the sound of my voice, is made to draw you in. I am a killer, designed to kill, everything about me, is designed to attract you for the kill.’ Ok, maybe not in my same words, but basically, yeah, it’s the same thing he said almost. See what I am saying now. In finality, never miss an opportunity to rise above the influence, and that means media and life in general. Brains before Beauty, if it looks too good, well you know the rest, easy on the eyes, a waste of time on your heart if you know what I mean that is. Oh and by the way, the color rojo, is red. And all the movies I mentioned are great movies to watch. Take it easy with the butter for your popcorn though ok. Luv and blessings, Veronica Beam me up Scotty! [link] |
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You are all so wonderful for responding to this thread, thank you so much, please keep responding about your experiences with medications or with diagnosis or with dealing with stigma or perhaps dealing with your own self view, be it negative or not quite what you expected.
I recently had a breakthrough in my illness, having spent too long, lets say, 10 months of dealing with hearing voices, sometimes very intensely and sometimes just wiierdly, couldn't explain to you. But finally I told the so called, 'voices' off, and basically did it my own way, I was basically challenging the situation, but being the person I am, I definatly don't recommend that to anyone. I just happened to have that kind of mind, if I face the person, or the idea headon, that is driving me to a bad place with it, than I fight back, simply because I know I don't deserve to be hurt this way, and i don't have to hurt myself and no I don't have to let the world hurt me either. I am at a point in my life when I call everyone out, within reason, not because i want to kick everyones butt, far from it, I want to get to the point, know what I mean. I mean whats the point of letting this rule me, what is the point of letting someone or something hurt me so much everyday of my life. There is none, except to possibly hurt myself, and quite frankly speaking, I don't think there is anyone who doesn't just want to live once in a while. And no I am not talking about doing unecessary things like drinking and partying my life away, yeah, that did sound good at one time, but now, I am the kind of person that is at the end of my highspot, and it is because I feel that I deserve better because I have indeed been trying to do better despite my illness. You deserve better, not because I say so, but because everyone does. And that means standing up for ourselves, maybe because no one else does, or maybe becuase no one did, or maybe we didn't stand up when we should have and now is the time to do something with that. I don't think I am gonna change the world, but i darn well am gonna change me to heck or high water. I didn't get where I am all nice and easy, and neither did you, so stand up for yourself by taking care of yourself and get that information you need. You're online, look up the side affects of your meds. Have courage, better to know now, than suffer uncomfortably later to the possible point of fatality or a perminant illness that definatly should not have been tied to your mental illnes, know what I mean? |
i need help!
It is obvious God wants you to come back to him, you know God exists and he is the creator of all things and you. But he made you his child, and because he made you his child and gave you choice, he gave you the ultimate choice to choose to be a child of God and to do the right thing. Never waist an opportunity to rise above the influence of evil. God gave you the right to take control of your life. He is with you even when you don't know he is. God loves you, the devil puts obsticals in your way that may look like love or atleast look like somthing that can feel good. The thing is, When you sin, no matter what kind of sin, there will come a point when you will hate yourself more for what you did than the actually act was ever worth. Because you know we are all Gods children and alot of us have been influenced by darkness more times than not. The Holy Bible is the bones and the foundation to build yourself upon so you can combat the evil in the world. Pray from the heart to God, Face the truth, give it to God, ask him to help you, guide you out of darkness and heal you and keep you close to him for protection. God does love you. I myself have felt as if I could not be forgiven for my past and the things that happened in my life because I did not take a stand when I should have. Now I am having a very very hard time. But I still love God because he is good and he does love us. Though I will never be perfect, I still love him. Godbless you.
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thank you all soo much, I think your rejoicing with me helped so much, hugs and Godbless you. Nica |
Train up a child in the way he should go & when he grows up he will not depart from it. I believe that it is the same conclusion most people come to after all the craziness out there. God bless.... ![]() I think mankind just plain and simply thinks too much. I think we need to let go and let God more often than worry so much. hugs thank you, and Godbless |
LILWICK!!! WOW..... JUST NOW SAW YOUR POST!!! I'M REJOICING HERE WITH YOU LILWICK!! ![]() PRAISE GOD!!!! THERE IS NOTHING LIKE BEING BACK IN GOD'S WONDERFUL PRESENCE!!! JOY UNSPEAKABLE!! ![]() GOD BLESS YOU , LILWICK !!! AMEN!!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Thank you very much, hugs, and Godbless, you all made my day, I think your rejoicing with me helped me alot last night too, it was a heck of a battle I had last night. wow. Hugs |
In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth and populated the Earth with broccoli, cauliflower and spinach, green and yellow and red vegetables of all kinds, so Man and Woman would live long and healthy lives.
Then using God's great gifts, Satan created Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream and Krispy Creme Donuts. And Satan said, "You want chocolate with that?" And Man said, "Yes!" and Woman said, "and as long as you're at it, add some sprinkles." And they gained 10 pounds. And Satan smiled. And God created the healthful yogurt that Woman might keep the figure that Man found so fair. And Satan brought forth white flour from the wheat, and sugar from the cane and combined them. And Woman went from size 6 to size 14. So God said, "Try my fresh green salad." And Satan presented Ranch Dressing, buttery croutons and garlic toast on the side. And Man and Woman unfastened their belts following the repast. God then said, "I have sent you heart healthy vegetables and olive oil in which to cook them." And Satan brought forth deep fried fish and chicken-fried steak so big it needed its own platter. And Man gained more weight and his cholesterol went through the roof. God then created a light, fluffy white cake, named it "Angel Food Cake," and said, "It is good." Satan then created chocolate cake and named it "Devil's Food." God then brought forth running shoes so that His children might lose those extra pounds. And Satan gave cable TV with a remote control so Man would not have to toil changing the channels. And Man and Woman laughed and cried before the flickering blue light and gained pounds. Then God brought forth the potato, naturally low in fat and brimming with nutrition. And Satan peeled off the healthful skin and sliced the starchy center into chips and deep-fried them. And Man gained pounds. God then gave lean beef so that Man might consume fewer calories and still satisfy his appetite. And Satan created McDonald's and its 99-cent double cheeseburger. Then said, "You want fries with that?" And Man replied, "Yes! And super size them!" And Satan said, "It is good." And Man went into cardiac arrest. God sighed and created quadruple bypass surgery. Then Satan created HMOs. |
The Helpful Preist
quintessential pooping. hehehehe, eeeeeew, hey its the poop of christmas past, LOL ![]() ![]() |
Still thinking.....
i thought they were a couple of rappers in the projects i used to live in. Yeah, I heard of them, Special K and Total, the full package of your daily needed intake of rapper goodness. LOL |
My last one
its was the body oil man! Someone was getting too freaky, lol
The Helpful Preist
One day a drunk man wondered into the church wobbling side to side. A preist saw him enter the confessional and thought, 'I'm gonna help this guy, I think he needs help' So the preist entered the confessional and asked the drunk, "How can I help you" The drunk said, "Um, I don't know, do you have any paper on your side."
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Still thinking.....
yum! i'm coming over!!! but leaving right after to conserve natural gas(i'm the methane man). ![]() ![]() ![]() LOL hahahahaha, I think the differance between special K and Total is that special k is for 'special people' and Total is for the valley people hahahah, Like Totally ![]() ![]() |
Still thinking.....
like a dead skunk in the middle of the road.....stinkin to high heaven!!!! totally partial. ![]() ![]() LOL your too funny Darkowl, hahaha, smiles ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() get my message? 14 inches and still coming! (not my penis) hahahaha, LMAO!!! Yes I did, hahahaha, hugs, its cold here tonight too, but I ate alot of spicy food today, so I am pretty hot right now, hahahahaha, couldn't get cold if I tried. LOL gotta love stuffed jalapenos and cabbage and ham in tamato juice baked with a lil salt and pepper, I know sounds weird, but way good actually, LOL |