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Sun 02/09/14 04:08 AM
For the record, the words American and bash were from an earlier post. :-)

Bottom line, every country has scammers, loud, brash people. They also have their own vernacular. You say tomato, I sat tomahto. Who cares? :-)

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Fri 02/07/14 06:27 AM
Edited by AmericanainToscana on Fri 02/07/14 06:37 AM
American bashing. Wow. There's even a book. As an American living in Europe, I find this thread interesting.

Scammers are everywhere. Anyone who isn' t cautious today on the internet is foolish. I think it's just that simple.

I appreciate different cultures and am respectful. But I love my own too. There's something to be said for every country and bashing doesn't create understanding.

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Thu 02/06/14 03:11 PM
Hysterical on the smelly butt clip Soufie. Lol...

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Thu 02/06/14 03:10 PM
Mightymoe, could you post the link for the monkey clip? Thanks!

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Tue 02/04/14 02:52 AM
A goofy ense of humor that makes me laugh. Conversation from the silly to the serious. Intelligence for sure. Passion for something in life. I like a sweet, thoughtful guy that is charming in his own way. Physically, hands and eyes.

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Tue 02/04/14 02:39 AM
This is why people should take their time. I don't see her as an "older woman" if she was your age. She had responsibilities and some emotional baggage. It was your choice to give her money. Sometimes, friendship develops over time instead of attraction or romance. Some of my closest friends were men I dated but did not become romantic with. Cut your losses and move on. Next time, don't give more than you are willing to lose. Romance is a gamble and that' t the nature of it. I'm sure the answers were there but you chose to ignore them.

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Mon 02/03/14 12:30 PM
OMG, hysterical. I love the cat's expression. Time for some foot spray? Lol...

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Wed 01/29/14 03:50 AM
Glad to see it's up there on the lists. :-) Thank you!

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Wed 01/29/14 12:29 AM
And how important is intelligence?

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Sun 01/26/14 09:39 AM
I prefer men my own age. I've dated older and younger. I seem to click more with guys from my generation. But I don' t knock it whatever the reason for dating younger. Conversations are more of a challenge though. I like a seasoned man personally.

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Tue 01/21/14 07:12 PM
Too funny. Lol...Cattle prods?

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Tue 01/21/14 07:10 PM
Too funny. Lol

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Sun 01/19/14 06:46 AM
Edited by AmericanainToscana on Sun 01/19/14 06:48 AM
Go for it! I had a friend whose boyfriend had one after he keep nagging her. She preferred a razor and insisted he do it once for the experience. After one bikini and chest wax, he told her he would never ask her again for a leg and bikini wax. Lol...He broke out in a horrible rash and got a fever. Try it once and see if it is worth it to you. :-)

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Sun 01/19/14 06:34 AM
Love it Pacific Star. You go! :-)

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Sun 01/19/14 01:49 AM
It seems like a generational preference. I'm not into hairless men personally unless they are body builders or athletes where it is necessary. One poster says the more women have matured (herself included), their taste in men has widened. I'm not sure I get that but ok. But, if young men want to torture themselves by having a full body wax, more power to them. :-) If anything, they'll understand what women endure.

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Sat 01/18/14 04:51 AM
No. Lol...I think they actually like us here. :-)

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Fri 01/17/14 02:27 PM
There are but we're all spread out living in Italian communities.

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Fri 01/17/14 02:00 PM
Thanks for the welcome! Not the movies but it is gorgeous here. :-) I still like to get my American on sometimes though. I miss the language and humor of home sometimes.

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Fri 01/17/14 01:16 PM
Tuscany. I am deeply immersed in Italian culture but would like to connect with some other expats here.


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Fri 01/17/14 12:57 PM
Edited by AmericanainToscana on Fri 01/17/14 12:57 PM
My vote is for a hairy chest. There is too much manscaping going on these days. :-) Overplucked eyebrows etc.