Community > Posts By > durtydduck

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Mon 04/27/09 10:01 AM
I can only say seizing the moment has lots to say for itself. Yet commitments do also. I can give only one example that hurts me deeply to this day why seizing the moment wasn't a good choice.

My son was about 10 years old , fathers day.. he made me a gift. and waited all day in the driveway for me to show up . I was divorced. I choose a date instead had forgotten it was even fathers day. Thats no excuse I know. My son is now 39... and to this day speaking about this still brings tears to my eyes...

so seizing the day has its faults to. I loved what you had to say and it made me think about this. I guess sometimes its better to remember what gives you joy the most..

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Mon 04/27/09 08:51 AM

I have this really big growth growing around my genitals. Can someone tell me what that may be????
I read in a thread yesterday something about rubbing the side of your penis and it stimulates growth for a second one.. Could this be the problem?

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Mon 04/27/09 08:45 AM

I think it's very helpful on a site like this to have posts about people's problems. I like it because I learn more about people by reading their responses to the problems. I can eliminate someone as a prospective date fairly quickly based on a few answers to different scenarios.
to a degree here I can agree with this . You can learn a lot about a potential ( if thats what you want to call them) person. But I found the drama isn't necessary for that. But I also agree with LHB. there is to much drama on here sometimes. I wonder if its out of boredom or what. but then again I don't need to sit in front of this idiot box all day crying the blues. personal problems are just that "personal"..and should remain so . To divuldge certain information on a "dating site" ? thats when you get to know someone a whole lot better. And not strangers that happen to be on line...JMO

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Mon 04/27/09 08:38 AM

i have yes, it still hurts if i let myself go i keep those memories well tucked away.

same here, and some days it just does consume me. I fight it and wish things were different. But I have moved on I hate those memories.

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Mon 04/27/09 08:36 AM

The heaviest element known to science is Managerium.

This element has no protons or electrons, but has a nucleus composed of
1 neutron, 2 vice-neutrons, 5 junior vice-neutrons, 25 assistant
vice-neutrons, and 125 junior assistant vice-neutrons all going round in

Managerium has a half-life of three years, at which time it does not
decay but institutes a series of reviews leading to reorganization.

Its molecules are held together by means of the exchange of tiny
particles known as morons.

Managerium is also very dense.

had to do this I had a good laugh for personal reasons here enjoy

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Mon 04/27/09 07:16 AM
I wish to die alone. I do not want people hanging around me waiting for me to take my last breath. And say afterwards how that is a relief he is gone now, he was suffering so much. Its harder on them I would think.

But then I am strange because after my death, my request is to be cremated and have my ashes put into a coffee can and set out with the trash on Tuesday. No services , no final farewells and no way spreading my ashes over the ocean.People do not need to have closure with me. Either they have it before hand or they don't .

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Mon 04/27/09 07:06 AM
I used to live outside of NYC but still a crowded place. And yes have the ability to have all the good things about NYC. But now I live in a mobile home park is N. E. Ohio near a lake and the only exciting thing here is watching the lake freeze or thaw. Its 10 miles to the nearest town....... I love it.....but what a shocker it was

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Mon 04/27/09 07:02 AM
gooooooodddd moooorrrrnning minglers.

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Sun 04/26/09 04:14 PM
me? i just plan on not swapping spit with any runny nosed pigs... and doing all the things you should already be doing.. like wash your hands frequently....

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Sun 04/26/09 04:12 PM

There was an convention in Philadelphia, [South Broad street] they changed the name of the Hotel because they lost a lot of business because of this virus. They were and are not sure if it originate from the air-condition system at the hotel.
that was legionaires from mold and bateria in the drip pans ? condensation of the cooling systems nothiong to do with flu or swine flu

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Sun 04/26/09 03:05 PM
The way I see it, you gave him the brush-off enough times, he's giving you a dose of your own medicine back to you, just so you can know how it feels.

this may be the case. but maybe after all the requests when you finally agreed to meet he said yes with out taking into consideration his own schedule? .. Personally I would of given up long before he did.

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Sun 04/26/09 03:02 PM
she has to decide for herself no input from you will alter that .Maybe make it worse even. Then at the last thing you text is "I give up" yeah you explained that.. but thats the know you should just give it up. Its best for her right now .NOT YOU IMO.

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Sun 04/26/09 12:01 PM
In these times? your kidding its been a god send for some. Sure they stuff they have is cheaper made and sold, And sure you can get better quality at other places. Not everyone with kids or large families can afford the "gap".. I will say That I usually do not buy my vegitables from wal mart. I can get better quailty at the local grocery store. And as for meats I shop at a little Mom and Pop place with in 2 miles of me. The best meats at really low prices... NY Strip steaks $3.59 a lb.. as an example.

But I digress. sure they have some practices that I don't agree with, but they are doing better with them in the last couple of years . Especially with the employees.

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Sun 04/26/09 11:16 AM
homeless? that's a hard choice to want to take. I could understand if your not working , can't pay the bills, have no family or friends that can or will help? But to just give up? never....But who am I to say what drives people to that? been done for no reason all the time. well good luck. but the south is the place to be if homeless, at least you won't freeze over a ventilation grate....

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Sun 04/26/09 11:11 AM
considering the choices I made through out the years.. Some bad some good. I think it is what I expected. I am happy and content with who I am and how I live....I don't want for anything, except the companionship of a good woman...

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Sun 04/26/09 11:04 AM

I hate to say it but this marriage is doomed, 2 weeks is not long enough to know whether or not your in love.
She is using him so her baby will have a daddy and will dump him when her ex gets out.
there is def a screw loose with him, That or she must be really great in the sack, cause most guys won't even buy ya flowers in the first 2 weeks of knowing ya.

I wish it luck but as soon as the baby is born, and he gets out of jail then she will be back with him.

I went through and read every response ..And this is the only one that really said something different. I have seen so many people like this it isn't funny. Someone I dated 2 years ago . her daughter had her husband put back in prison. While he was there she went and partied all over the place. BUT.. once the old man got out of prison? whoosh off to be with him all over again he was a thief, abusive, drugie beater. treated her and their kids klike crap.. BUT she went running back...

I think this case you will see the same thing.. she will run back to the guy in jail when he gets out.

And one other point here.. It has nothing to do with "what trailer park" they live in. Not everybody living in a trailer is trash....The above reference about the lady I dated came from money and a good home. The daughter was a "piece of work"

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Sun 04/26/09 10:24 AM
I had a similar situation But I was the Facilities Manager. We had a VP (female) who was a real bitoch. made several accusations against me about abusive language etc. Yet everyone knew I wasn't. So I brought in a personal pocket micro casett with voice activated microphone. carried it in my shirt pocket and the mic was like a tie tac.. I also informed my bosses I would be taping conversations from now on.. Well It came to pass she made another complaint. I said no problem played the recorded conversation for my bosses at a review and said what is she talking about.

point is you have to have more proof then hear say..... your word against someone else's... and you also have to let your people know you are recording every conversation you have at the work place . I used the reasoning of self improvement and covering your own butt.

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Sun 04/26/09 09:13 AM
The "bible " to me is nothing but a history book. and with that being said.. I run for cover.

I spent 6 weeks traveling Israel seeing all the religious sites and taking it all in.. I also come to find out that references to women and the roles they played were intentionally left out by the churches. And as one person said on here "the rapture" was added in the 1800's.?

don't know don't care. because my beliefs are of the nature that I know whats right from wrong and in my heart I know I am a good and decent person. I do not need churches and their doctrines or the "bible" to tell me what I should or shouldn't be doing in my life.

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Sun 04/26/09 08:40 AM
wow, after sitting here trying to decide what to put on the list?

I came up with these in the following priority.

1.Find the last love of my life
2.find the last love of my life
3.Be so in love that nothing else will matter
4. win the lottery
5. reach 62 and get social year and half..
6. go back to Italy one more time
7. retire somewhere in the Caribbean.

did i mention find the love of my life?

I have done or experienced almost everything I ever wanted to do with the exception of 2 things. skydive and bungee jump. And those 2 I no longer desire to do. I have already seen most of the world. .

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Sun 04/26/09 08:28 AM
That's great Audie, just be careful with the "I love you's" for now I did that2 years ago and man did it ever bite me in the azzzz. It was great at first then the mood swings started.The erratic behavior the off and on again crap. till this day she tries to get back in my life....

But I wish you the very best man. goes to show you sometimes when you least expect it.