Community > Posts By > Quantumthoughtbubble
Just got 1 question for you Quantum. So you think God took a personal interest in your well being and guided you. So what would you say to the 5 yr old who gets raped by her father? Sorry, God must like me better than you? COINCIDENTALLY i WAS RAPED AT 5 YEARS OLD! Thanx very much for the reminder. This system of things is ruled by evil. I can assure you that if rules by love the word rape would'nt even be in the dictionary. I just wanted to share an expeience I had and still have on occasion to this very day. I'm still a baby in universal knowledge so asking me won't do you any good. |
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Wed 05/20/09 01:53 PM
opened a clothing store in a nudeist colony (jaybird)
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Wed 05/20/09 01:58 PM
I bet your hubby was annoyed at your calm. LOL righty o jeanie bean |
BTW...God gave me that answer! woohoo and a snap to you! |
I don't think it'sa coincidence that today, before I even read this last post, I put that very advice to practise.
My car wouldn't start. The kids are already strapped in and Mike is going nuts about this new proplem. I, on the other hand, am cool as a cucumber 'cause this now gives me an opertunity to pluck my eyebrows without the car bumping around. As soon as I was done I sauntered over to the drivers side and started the car with no problem. I felt that the car wouldn't start so that I COULD pluck 'em. Is that something to the effect of what your talking about, or am I way off base. |
"i knew it" ...and yet you never warned others. I may be the one about to be committing heinous crimes, but you sir, by displaying indifference and a total lack of concern for others' safety and well being, are just as guilty as I am... if not more! And now, if you excuse me, I must refer to my Necronomicon handbook and put a non-reversable forever lasting curse of damnation upon all of humanity. The only thing that could possibly stop me now would be if a fine young lady would step up and confess her love to me... ...ahem... I said, if a fine young lady would come forward and confess her love and desire for me... and be madly in love with me... ...well then... I seem to have misplaced my handbook, so while I search for it, there is still some time left if any young lady out there has anything they want to come forward and say... ..anyone...? Wait, wait, wait!! Am I too late? ? Mahan I you But i have to tell you something. I've been cheeting on you with maHan. He's treated me better than you could ever imajin so this is good bye. I hope you understand... maHans just better than you in every way..... and............ow.........What are these boils? Mahan can't we be adults about this's's falling out..............damn you mahan it's not like you could'nt see this comeing. |
Another way you could have brought your experience into the realm of science would have been to go to several independent psychologists and/or psychiatrists and had them all interview you and write independent reports on your story based on questions they chose to ask, etc. I don't even know if that would work. The questions have always been mine. That would have brought it at least a little more into the realm of science since it would have given a wider base of unbiased vantage points with which to exam the story. I think rather than attempting to call it "scientific proof of God", you'd be far better off just sharing it as a personal experience and forget about trying to prove it to anyone. After all, if God wants people to know he/she/it exists shouldn't God make him/her/itself known to people? Maybe it does but people aren't listening. Was there anything in these broadcasts where God instructed you to know go out and convince the rest of the world that he/she/it exists? At one time I was confused on weather I should tell anyone. My answer was not to keep it all to myself. But the rest of the world, |
Imajin, if you will, that the whole of the planet and all of it's inhabitants were operateing with the vibrational energy of love. What effect would this have on the surrounding multiverse?
This is absolutely incorrect. I don't think it's "absolutely" incorrect. But deffinitly, by popular opinion, found lacking. Damn my high school science teacher The scientific method is far more than this. I guess I would have to agree. It also requires repeatablity and the verification by many unbiased and completely skeptical, doubting, and challenging independent researchers and experimenters. That would be fun to be a part of That's science! What you're talking about in the OP is an entirely personal experience that was not even verified by an independent observer baised or otherwise. Not true, I shared every expeinence with My 'ol man.Even if had subjected it to The kind of testing you're suggesting I would still have skeptics saying that I must be lying about my question. Even If I wrote the question down before hand the skeptics would question my interperatation of the answer. There is absolutely no way for anyone else to distinguish your experience from delusion, schizophrenia, imagination due to fear, smoking pot, alchohol, whatever. What you had was a personal experience that was totally uncontrolled with respect to the way that scientific experiments are done. Valid? Perhaps. Scientific? Not even close. now how do I go about changing the title to this thread? Witch by the way was made in haist. |
observation, hypothesis, testing, and prediction
This is the basic platform for the scientific method. Please correct me if I'm wrong. When i put this phenomena to the test it I observed it's answers 100% feedback ratio. My original hypothesis was that I was crazy but as it is very improbable that I could get an answer every single time by "chance" I predicted that I would not be going loony tunes any time soon. I concluded that I was write because after 7 years my room remained unpadded and my jacket is still gay. |
The matrix by David Icke was quite a read as well.
bravo salvator!!!! easier said than done though.
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Tue 05/19/09 01:11 PM
However to your topic of proving God using the scientific method, I feel that the Biblical story of God has already been proven wrong by the scientific method. Not that scientists were out to prove the Bible wrong, but rather just like Greek Mythology the Bible contains false information. I couldn't agree with you more here. But remember there is some truth in every lie. And the best way to defeit an enemy is to divide and conquer. If people see one lie in the midst of truth they are naturally inclined to disprove the whole thing. Moreover, when there are soooo many religions people don't know WHAT to believe in. It is all a cleverly evil plot to take the glory away from GOD. Lets not forget that man is not infallible and has most assuredly corrupted the word for there own ill gotten gain. The Bible claims that mankind is responsible for bringing sin and imperfections into the world due to our fall from grace from God. I listened to this thing on you tube once. It was called messages from the pleadians. They said that the Law maker commissioned them to propagate earth and at first we were a Utopian society, we had 12 strands of DNA and were able to use all our higher functions. The tape said that a rival alien race overtook our world and turned us into slaves. They messed with our DNA disconnecting anything that wasn't essential for survival. I believe that the original sin story is much like an Aseops fable.I will argue that there is real knowledge to be learned from the bible. Weather these stories are based in fact has yet to be seen. In fact, this isn't just a trivial claim, this is the foundational premise of the whole mythology. All men are sinners and have fallen short of the glory of God. I agree that we HAVE fallen short of our original purpose. The first sin was the lie. Have you ever told a lie? One lie and you have sinned....more than two lies and you are a sinner. That doesn't mean you are damned though---doesn't mean you're gonna go to a hell that doesn't exit anyway make your choices hear on earth and you get punished here on earth."You reap what you sow." I believe that if you are at least 51% good that your name will remain the book of life and your spirit will transend. Some believe that you will inherit a paradise on earth---I guess we'll see when we get there. OK, well, is it true that mankind could be responsible for having brought death, disease, natural disasters and even the fact that plants have grown thorns as the Bible claims? My ol man says that yes that with out sin there would be no more death disease pain or suffering. It's a nice fairytale that I would love to believe but I'm still torn on an opinion personally. Well, according to scientific observations of the actual universe, no, this claim of the Bible is clearly false. Death, disease, natural disasters, thorny plants, and the fact that animals competed with each other for food and habitat, starved to death, and even ate each other has been true long before mankind ever arrived on the scene on planet Earth. So if we appeal to the scientific method of inquiry and observations of the actual universe, we have no choice but to discard the Bible as having absolutely no more credibility than the Greek Mythologies of Zeus. Even a myth can teach you something B=asic I=nstructions B=before L=eaveing E=earth In fact, if you stop and think about it, the God of Abraham isn't all that different from Zeus. They were both appeased by blood sacrifices. This was a corruption of the establishment. The clergy wanted a free meal. So, yes it has already been proven by science that at the Biblical version of God is false. Or to put that more properly. The authors of that ancient mythology have been caught lying. I prefer to recognize this latter truth. After all, science was never out to disprove the Bible. So it's kind of a farce to claim that science proved the Bible wrong. What's actually true is that the authors of the Bible just turned out to be liars. Which shouldn't come as a surprise actually. "hmmmmmmmm could it beeeee SATIN"--Saterday night live |
Interesting story! I have had answers to my questions come in that same way. Through signs that have meaning to me personally. The Tarot cards work in a similar way. Images are the universal language. Images are what we see in the real world. I can't say that these things are "scientific proof" of God because for me, you must first define what "God" means before you set out to prove it exists to someone else. You can, however develop faith in that which is and in God or the Universe or the Law of Attraction or what ever is at work in this 'place' we call reality. i'de like to think that the love of god is what makes Loa possible. That the little treats in life have come from a loveing father/mother. That's part of the reason why i call it the Law Maker. But that's just it. I can't prove or disprove that these answers and gifts aren't just some part of the mechanism. Or maybe we are just answering our own question . That remindes me of what someone said the other day. "What has happened and what will happen is happening right now. And still i don't know of ANY proof of that. OR And here's a wild one. The help, answers, and presents are comeing from extrdimentional angels who are appointed to those who live in love(no matter what dogma you subscribe to) |
That's heavy I'm pretty sure you're being sarcatic |
You don't get it dude. That 50% is the result of LOA. With out it I would only be At 2%
1% problem free breathing and 1% problem free wipeing my ass. Just because I can take advantage of LOA doesn't mean I'm good at it. And look at you. You quit after the first try. I bet you already expected to fail. Infact you probly wanted to fail to prove yourself right. So if you proved yourself right....((((((((((((((((((((((DID YOU REALLY FAIL?)))))))))))))) When I had my first child my husband and I were apsolutley destatute. One day hubby says, "We got to start saveing up for a stroller." I told him, "Don't worry about it even if I had the money i wouldn't buy one. people are always giv'n those things away!" The very next day a brand new greco stroller was set out to trash. One day I was looking in a magazine at a ring I could never afford. Around x-mas my mom came up to visit. She had two bags of fake jewlery(wich I hate)And the only real piece just happened to be the very ring I desired. When I was little I had hair that was straight as a board. I always said that i wanted black peoples hair 'cause they could do anything with it. At 13 I cut my hair really short and it grew back in curly. All I new to ask for in a mate was someone to protect me and beautifull, smart kids. I got exactly what I asked for and that's why my lifes at 50%. 6 years later I started to ask for a partner that could offer me more emotionally. Ray moved across the street a year ago and I'm now in a possition for him to come and save me from my tailer made hell. I would never go out and try to find some one. My desires drew a suitable mate to me like a magnet. Yeah, my life kinda sucks because of the decisions i've made, but I have hope knowing that all things come to me in time. |
OK so I just made proveing GOD with the scientific method a new thread. Please check it out and give me you brutally honest opinions.
When the end does come, I imagine a new doctrine would be given to us and every religious sect who absolute "knew" that they had the only truth, they'll be reluctantly admitting that they were wrong about certain key points.
I wasn't raised with any particular dogma. Mom said there is a god and he's good. Aside from that we never read the Bible, sparsely prayed, I didn't know the 10 commandments ,And we never went to church. I was always intrinsically(spell?) a good person because that was the rite way to be, not because I was scared to go to "hell".I've always had a strong belief in karma, you reap what you sow, good things happen to good people...whatever you want to call it. Later on in life,about 6years ago, I had an experience that changed my life, I won't get into ALL the details, but I put a bad man in jail. He had the resources to to get to me even while he was incarcerated. I worked at a night club and got off very late. at 4 in the morning there aren't allot of cars on the highway and this same black SUV kept pase with me, I slowed down, he slowed down, I put on my blinker, it followed suit and so on........I'm getting worried. I spoke these words" GOD if you're out there I need your help" then I turned on the radio. The very first thing I heard was. I"m here at club so and so and I"m gonna get ya threw the night. Then I said "is that really you?" The radio goes on " yes it's ME D.J. so and so listen real carefully to win." The next song went like this : You had to be a big shot didncha had to open up your mouth -had to have a white hot spot lite-had to be a big shot last night> The significance of the song is that I didn't have to let him know that it was me who put him in jail. The night he got arrested I let him know that he had stolen from the wrong person. I knew he had warrants he didn't have to even see me. Anyway getting back to the road. Every song after that had a direction in it. One song said that there are two wrong ways and only one is right. I just happened to be stop at a 4 way intersection, so I took a right. Each song gave me more insight on what way to go, and finally,after a long while I lost the car. I must have stayed parked and hidden for an hour or so before heading home. Think God he only knew where I worked and not where I lived. Needless to say I quit the next day. So coming out of that ordeal I'm thinking"I must be crazy -or it was just a coincidence. But I'm a scientific type of person, so I put to use the scientific method. Make a hypothesis and keep testing. Time and time again a message would come through different types of media and even other people. One time I was going to cheat on my boyfriend.....I didn't know what to do so I opened the Bible to random page and read a random #. It spoke about the whore of Babylon... and something about being unclean. So I didn't do it. I used the bible like that many times I've prayed silently in quite house and the person in the other room says "yes". He thought he heard me call him but I hadn't uttered a sound. This would also work when there were no media or people available. My house was right off the main road so I would ask for two honks for yes and one for no. The speed and accuracy of my answers never once let me down! I began study the bible and other religions. What's sad is that I don't "communicate" like that as often as i used to. Maybe because I've got a firm grip of the reality that there is a God, where as before it was only an inclination and I needed a revelation. But I do find that when I really need guidance and concentrate on it, the answer is always around the corner, I need only to stop and listen. I'm not saying this would work for everyone but it did for me. So I'm open to hearing your comments. Even if it's to tell me I'm nut bag. Believe me I thought I was too in the beginning. |
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Tue 05/19/09 08:05 AM
I used the scientific methode when I dicovered that GOD was real. I was thinking about makeing a new thread for it, since it would be so off topic.