Who are you?
Downside to Fracus16. If I don't know and have an understanding of my weaknesses, how can I work on them?
This guy has gasoline for a temper. Doesnt handle being stabbed in the back very well. Spends money outside his needs way too often. As great as he is under pressure, the timing of his delivery couldn't be worse. Has difficulty forgiving. Day Dreams way too much about his dogs, and their ability to speak and carry out chores for him. Occasionally priorities are out of whack. Dang!!! How did I end up with more bad qualities than good??? Mmmmmm, oh, the good ones are weighted heavy in the quality department. I am about quality, not quantity. |
Who are you?
Sweetest girl, I think I'm falling.
Sam I am not. I am Fracus16, I am the 4th in line of 5 children. I am a loving but firm father of one. Discussing the meaning of life is arbitrary. I challenge my body, mind and spirit on a regular basis. The way I view life is if I'm not growing and if I'm not challenging myself, then I'll slip into old age and atrophy. After that I have three goal I want to accomplish before I leave earth. 1. I want to love more than be loved. 2. Give more than take 3. Laugh more than I cry I do those, I just might get in. No expectations. **** be a kick *** Dad!!! |
I would say get a pen and paper. But just click copy and past these ingredients.
Starter- shot of the Patron. Next- drag of cannabis CIG. Just 1 minute in and its beginning to fade. Remember, no sipping, cause u want fast. Another shot of patron This is the tricky part.... Not too much, but u want a good jolt. Line up some Tony Montana, a catapilliar. Chase that with another shot. Presto, forgot all about it in less than 5 minutes. Disclaimer Do attempt this on your own or if you have an addictive personality. Results could then back fire and result in years of therapy and will most likely lead to death. |
Sometimes I feel like a nut. Sometimes I don't. Some like almond joy, some don't.
Or is that 'ole yeller?
Does it matter?!?!? |
I don't know about anyone else here.
But I could really go for some unadulterated, no holds barred knock down fun with a female. All of sudden I'm feeling like dog! Well.... Time to call 'ole faithful. |
Now, if you're talking morals that is one thing. If you're thinking men are, (your words) after, something.
Yes, I am trying to obtain or "after" something. As are you, no? Let's explain this way. Only would God attempt to put together opposites. Men and women in general think and act differently. This has been true forever! That is why it confuses me greatly when people are like, "i want to find someone that's just like me.". Or, "we are so similar, its awesome." As you will come to know, you can find similarities with yourself and a rock if you believe in in that rock. Just the same, you can find differences with your biological twin if you look long enough. Perception is our world at this moment and ideals is what people seek without even knowing it. |
Love it metalwing!!!!
Sex!!!! If you're not "after it" then you're before it????? I'm confused. Should I be after it or before it. Does that question my sexuality? |
i need advice
Patients. Do you!
That could be the first time I have given advice. I said I wouldn't. My bad all. |
Nice 1jb6c5!!!
Edited by
Tue 02/25/14 02:48 PM
Death is the opposite of time!
Such a tabboo topic. When we 'die', what really dies? Is anything destroyed? Certaintly not the body, which falls into parts of water and chemicals. So our body actually transforms. What about the mind? Does it cease to function? Or is it tied to our sole? What about sole? Does it exsist? No body is sure. The only thing that dies is our human meaning. There is still someone naked underneath. Once we understand who that someone is, death no longer bothers us. Nor does time. |
You say you want proof? Na, there is no traceable evidence that man can find. And there will be scientists, Doctors, and a many more who will debate this topic until the proof is right before their eyes!!! For those that are impatient, you just have to wait for this answer. And listen closely to those on the death bed. You'll find out a lot quicker than you want. |
Don't belong?????
Fracus16 disclaimer. Anything I write is an opinion. My opinion is solely based on my personal life experiences. I was there. Wondering where or what is my part in this vast sea of personalities and opportunity. Finally, not so long ago an old timer over heard my belly aching. He pulled me aside, and said boy, what is it you want to belong too? I had no reply, because I didn't know. Here's the wisdom. Old timer's reply was.... That's fine, your not alone. That right there makes you part of something. Furthermore, he said, if you ever want to belong all you have to do is look down at your feet. That is the spot where you're exactly suppose to be. Once you accept that, your perception of life will change. And that old timer changed my perception. |
Moe..... without dignity a person is still a person. Kind of.
Some mentioned Lorraine Bobette. If her partner didn't cheat, do we honestly think she would have carried out an inhuman act? No way. She carried that out because in her mind that was a way to get respect, gain her dignity back. So... I don't think we are human when our dignity is taken only because we commit inhuman acts at that time. Hensed....Temporary Insanity!!! |
Yes MM, I agree 100%. Cheating is cheating!
I like how this thread has now moved to the man being focused. I assume by man we are speaking of woman as well. Lets break this down. Both partners have an agreement, verbal, Written or a sixth sense. Doesn't matter. An agreement was made. Now, one of the parties thought and acted out on their own behalf without discussing the prior commitment and Agreement with the other party involved. We could psycho analyize this until we're. Blue in the face. Fact being, cheater not only betrayed the trust issue. That alone takes a very long time to obtain again, if ever at all. Also, the cheater is a selfish person to the 10th degree! To put aside another persons feelings and more important put aside their dignity is beyond repair. That is why its wise to not attach yourself, your identity to anyone, relationship, job or group. |
i need advice
My experience has taught me many valuable and cruel lesssons. The more I want, desire or obese I know the likely hood of it becoming reality is almost nil. Like any goal in life, I must first accomplish the small goals to obtain the ultimate goal. So what I have done and many do this, is we get fixed on the end result. Obsession!!!
We forget that while obtaining a goal is wonderful, but the real Gold lies in the journey. Once I began to enjoy the journey, my.... how sweet the flowers smell!!! Your woman will come if you sit back and enjoy the journey. The end result most of the time is kind of a disappointment in our heads anyway. Because we built it up so much. True love of life is enjoying here, what you have today! Show a woman that and you will have a person to walk with for awhile. But at some point, that journey too will end. Attachment is my worst enemy, everything in this life is temporary. Everything!!! |
Those of us who have been around the block a few times know it is rare for two people to have the exact sexual intentions. One of the two eventually falls. Then it has the very high probability of going all bad!
Fact or not? In a romantic/ sexual relationship, one person always loves more than the other. |
I like that Doc! You can never blame someone if they choose a different path.
However, there is the question of dignity. And dignity is what is taken when someone betrays a certain level of trust. Why didn't the said cheater man/ woman up and exsit relationship before cheating? If a man/ woman has no dignity, are they really a person? |
Love the forums when they have this positive vibe!!!
Park After Dark
Daaaaang dani!!! I like that!!!
No by line? So it's yours? |