Community > Posts By > Nohottiesheresrsly
Can you jiggle your a*ss?
Without moving anything but your as*s muscles?
the cure
Flicka flicka flicka! Here you are! cata! cata! cata! Caterpillar girl! *dances*
Do Drugs.
Take my herb and I'll send my demons after you!
Although a lot of potheads are freaking annoying. |
creative expressions
I freakin hate chicks who get roses, a freakin unicorn, or butterflys tattooed anywhere. Could you really be anymore creative?
If I was to..
Yes! Follow the rules! There's a music form here where idiots post lyrics to songs everyone's heard a million times like it means anything to anyone other then the poster. Your more then welcome to go join them.
My mother tried killing me and my brother once after getting into a fight with relatives and walking into traffic. We were little kids, but I remember it well. She ended up getting slapped in the face by an aunt for doing something like that. Whatever. It's really nothing.
Once my dad broke a plate on my mother face by accident when he just meant to break it on the wall. It was a wonderful birthday for my brother as you can obviously tell. We were on our way to see Pan's Labyrinth and all this **** happened. I actually ended up getting kicked out of the hospital for fighting with a nurse. She was one those "funny" I like to make jokes, nurses, and my mothers face is hanging so I was a bit hostile to her.. She should have just done her job like a good bi*tch. I think these are probably the two worst experiences, but I have a ****load . I see these experiences as something that just makes me tougher as an individual. I fu*king dare you to f*uc*k with me. |
Wiccans - part 3
Edited by
Sun 12/07/08 10:08 AM
Things that happen include spinning chairs. Footsteps in the house from the upstairs rooms, while no one else is home.
Footsteps in general at night. One time after I went to the RenFair I was wearing an Indian tribal dancer anklet which I took off at the coffee table. It 3:30am it was jingling. No one other then me is ever up that late. Apparently on Halloween my dad was home alone and he heard a whisper in the basement and a hand touch him. My mom claims to have woken up with the feeling of someone sleeping and breathing right next to here. I was in the living room with my dad when she asked if he came into her room at night, slept there and then went back into his own room. He said he didn't and I suggested it was probably the dog even though he sleeps in my room, but there was no further discussion. There have been instances of lights flickering. Or walking into a room and the light just goes off. My brother claims he saw something walking in the yard once, which the way he described it sounded like a shadow being. My mother claims to have seen some kind of slightly overweight woman in a black dress follow me once when I came home. It apparently was behind me and went upstairs into my mothers room while I was taking off my boots. She followed it and she claims it told her to stop praying to the Quran and start following Christianity instead. My dad once came to me and told me that I need to stop doing "witchcraft" because he thinks i'm responsible for all of it. I told him I don't even do witchcraft and it's just me burning incense or candles usually for aromatherapy. EEXXCCUUSEE me if I like pretty smells.. gawd. Or i'll burn sage when I clean my room. That's not "witchcraft". But it really convinced me something was going on if he had to approach me seriously about it. He usually just laughs everything off and always came off as someone who didn't believe in ghosts or anything supernatural. Even the whole pagan thing. None of my parents have been bothered by the fact I have an alter in my room. They just joke about it then considering it anything serious. Which I'm completely fine with, they can joke about it, I really don't care. It beats them giving me s*hit about it, you know? BTW: I have NOT been summoning up spirits or anything, but they all think it's because of me. My room is pretty typical goth, purple walls, hanging skeletons and all that sp0oky stuff I love. My mom was like maybe you need to get rid of all of that, which I REFUSE! I'm not going to change who I am over some stupid sh*T like this! I tried the OUIJA with my brother after the anklet incident, but we got nothing. *shurg* I can't really say if it's hostile or not and I kinda don't want to get rid of it because it's just too cool of a concept. MY house being haunted, hell yeah! |
I totally regret not dressing up like satan, WTF WHy didn't I think of that?!?!
My fellow Minglers...I promise to try to kill each and every thread i post in. If for no other reason, just to kill it! Yeah i'm kinda doing that.. B*ITCH IT's ON! |
New Cuties!
my momma puts in one vote for yo momma too.
Edited by
Sun 12/07/08 09:38 AM
srsly? |
Movies that make you cry.
Beetlejuice because it ended.
Yo Momma!
Thread killer
Killers do it best!
Your Death Preference.
There is nothing wrong with dying in vain. Vanity is beautiful, combine it with death and you have ART! ur too cool Lmfao, Why think you. DON'T let this board DIE people. (irony?) |
Wiccans - part 3
BTW: I apologize for being off topic.