Community > Posts By > Robhoskins

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Sun 05/10/15 06:15 PM

Are there any out there?

Yeah soba since February here ! I drink but no alcohol after falling down stairs while wearing spiked belt had a sore lower back for nearly a month so after that thought should stop !

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Sat 05/09/15 07:43 PM
Do it at 50 miles then instead !

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Sat 05/09/15 07:33 PM
But people are dumb and like wasting money thinking of tens of years rather than hundreds of years in service !

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Sat 05/09/15 07:24 PM
Also if they are going to be driverless trucks why not just build a freight railway faster and cheaper in long run rather than putting people out of work and keeping roads as clogged up !

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Sat 05/09/15 07:20 PM
Weird thought they already was using person less vehicles on roads as see so many people driving with no hands on steering wheel on mobiles and playing with radio at same time !

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Sat 05/09/15 02:50 PM
So does the same for a females breasts !

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Sat 05/09/15 08:52 AM
But also agree with there are slight mutation's every time !

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Sat 05/09/15 08:51 AM
During 5 years none unless related! 5 couples so it would be what maybe 3 generation's maybe on forth generation would have mutation's!

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