Hi I_am_trustworthy,
Is this a philosophical, theological or sociological question? This type of topic will be answered internally in people according to their world view, and personal and/or religious convictions. Succinctly put:- * Some people will think their body is their own, and will treat it accordingly * Some will think their body is a 'temple' * Some will think their body is part of the universe and joined to all things * Some will think their body was created by God and belongs to him * Some will think their body is given/belongs to their partner and vice versa, as in 'two becomes one' to name just a few (because I don't know how to reference the body in relation to reincarnation...) and there are others that I can't put into words... I view all life as sacred, both mother and child in equal measure and also the father, of course. Children are a gift to the parents from God (My belief) whether they are planned or accidental; and as such the children's bodies need to be nourished, nurtured and protected until their reach the age at which they can take care of themselves. Then they are accountable to themselves as to how they treat their body, and other people. I don't see anywhere in your post about referencing rape. Maybe your phrase about indulging in acts prompted that thought in others - but I don't read it that way. Are you scratching the deeper argument of how people 'live'? If so, then it is also related to inner convictions and upbringing, etc. I have to say that I am noticing a serious and worrying decline in the level of respect people show towards each other, and a lot of younger people have little self respect. - Let me explain before I get a tirade of complaints from the afore-mentioned. Put it down to media overload etc. I know I am generalising but take a look around you, and observe how people are in, for e.g. in queues. Some people will give a virtual stranger a BJ or hand-job and then part ways ??? No judgement here, just observation because it relates to self-respect and ultimately is a selfish act if it doesn't include some level of commitment. It harms the soul. Let me drive this argument home. Just yesterday, in my own county of Cork (in Ireland), a 20 year old boy went 'postal', lost it completely and stabbed his own 9 year old twin brothers to death and then took his own life...horrific, heart-breaking incident. It has shook up the whole community. How do you explain that? |
Have you ever - part 11
yes but I blamed it on the cashier cos dogs aren't allowed in the stores
Did you ever think of taking charcoal tablets for your excessive 'trumping' problems? or at the very least put a cork in it? |
Grocery Shopping
Bwah hah hah
You crack me up, Basha ![]() I would not be surprised at all because this how you Roll and with Gene, it's rock and roll, baby. So.. wise carrying a cactus cos when the security guy tries to intervene, you plan on chucking it at his groin and make a quick getaway Then Gene dives into the fish display and gets up close and personal with an octopus (which is premeditated on his part as he came prepared in the wet suit) and the umbrella protects you from the ensuing squirty mess ![]() ![]() |
559 Males ONLY!!
Hi and welcome
If you hang around here long enough, you will get a sense of who they are and why they say it, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() A thick skin is needed and a lot of patience as it is very hard to find a local guy. |
| are Not smiling in your photo ! Go figure...
Happy Birthday ... To me!
![]() ![]() ((Eric)) I looove this emoticon :] Smooth moves, man, You are welcome to come over anytime and show me your fancy footwork. Gee, I miss dancing at the moment with my busted up ankle and all.... |
Happy Birthday ... To me!
Happy Birthday, Sweetheart,
hope you have a fabulous day, If you lived near me, I'd take you salsa dancing or whatever you prefer ![]() ![]() ![]() According to the unwritten but generally accepted 'rules of celebrating birthdays' it is the one day where everyone had to pander to your reasonable requests, so have fun with that, ![]() Lots of love and blessings and happiness to you ![]() |
^^Ah Doc, you are definitely not na�ve,
your vocal abilities alone prove that, Wish an emoticon existed for 'wants to like ice-cream of your chest' As for me, is it sad that I like being poked and nudged... I mean, some guys are shy and maybe that is how they make initial contact. But like most ladies, we like that one that use words, and actually talk to us as it is indicative of how they think... |
Scams ?
Are you for real?
I am not joking here. Your profile says you are an accountant and you are asking these kind of questions? You can't be that na�ve, and ok, I get that you might want to help people but accepting internet requests for money is Not the way. I don't want to seem disrespectful, but really, I can't believe you would fall for it. Keep fighting whatever war you are in??? All the best to you, tho :] |
Man Flu - The Facts.
![]() ![]() ![]() Sooo funny Scarily true, as in it actually exists, so I agree, ![]() us ladies should be more sympathetic. (hard core feminists will shoot me down in flames now) Anyway, I love a demobilised man in bed ![]() who I can cuddle up to and soak in some of his body heat, which is one 'plus side' of it, especially during the winter freezes. |
Torgo's Treehouse
Dayum, wish I could find some rabid unicorns to post up, which gives you an insight into my mind :D Peace out, bro XOX ![]() Aaww shucks for doing this, as I couldn't muster up this image, given my limited IT skills etc I love it. Might even reprint it and make cards out of it for some of my discerning friends. You is the cooliest for sharing this. Thanks, man. You are now deserving of ruling this thread. I can follow your lead...(once it's not attached to said zombie unicorn ! :P ) |
Friends Are SOLID!
I've done workshops where I needed to list everyone I knew within a 2 weeks period. Came up to Just under 1000 people and if my memory hadn't failed me, many more. Then, To list 10 friends... 10 friends who know everything about each other, friends who I trust with my life and them trusting me with theirs. I could only come up with 5 and 2 passed away This year in their 40's and a third close call a couple weeks ago. I miss them terribly. ((JOHNN111)) I can relate to this. I have many acquaintances but only a handful of close friends, who know me intimately and vice versa. God, when I read about your young friends passing away, I could understand your pain and loss, because I have lost a good friend who was a young mother, and I have another friend who is undergoing chemo as I write this, and my small church friends are all praying for her. ((Dreamerama)) So glad to hear you got through the cancer scare. Love, continued strength, peace and God's blessings to you, sweetheart <3 This is seriously making me consider my diet, cos I read somewhere that a diet with a pH alkaline balance kills off cancer cells. In other words, eat more acidic foods like lemons, vinegar (especially cloudy apple cider vinegar) etc to counteract all the sugar we ingest (in all its forms) as cancers feed off sugars. Also cinnamon is great for regulating blood sugars which is good news for diabetics. I'm delighted with this, as I looove cinnamon buns etc. ![]() I have made these dietary changes over a year ago and I have to say that I feel a lot better and it helps with weight loss too, even though I am okay in that respect. (( )) Hugs to you all, in Mingledom ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 09/02/14 05:15 AM
^^^ Smoking hot photo
((Stormy)) *whistles* I'm a pure hetro, but girl, if I ever decide to bat for the other side, your sexy new 'do would be the pull... ![]() Oh, I remember Moe too, he was funn_ay guy. Come back to us, we 'wnuv' you (that's my word for want, need and love you all in one) Sending out the love and blessings to you, mighty man ![]() |
age and shorter skirts
Hi Rock Gnome, Is a funyun like the 'mankini' thingy that Borat wears? ![]() Cos I would pay good money to see you in that ! ![]() ![]() A funyun is an edible snack, shaped like an onion ring. lol I wasn't sure as we don't get them in Ireland but I have heard references to them in movies. And I would Still pay good money to see you wearing a funyun ;P |
age and shorter skirts
Hi Rock Gnome,
Is a funyun like the 'mankini' thingy that Borat wears? ![]() Cos I would pay good money to see you in that ! ![]() ![]() |
What makes You Happy
... plucking the arms off my Ken doll. .. . And slapping him in the back of the head.. with his own arm...ohh.. happy !! ^^^ Hey Doc, You know what that means from a psychological point of view... |
What makes You Happy
Hey Pete, nice to see you back on here. That alone has made me happier. Check out Zippy's circus thread in the recent posts, as I think you would enjoy it and even make an interesting contribution. Take care, sweetcheeks. X0X |
Tlc for my busted ankle
Thanks all of you for your love and get well wishes.
![]() Sorry I took so long to reply and thank you all. At this stage, almost three weeks later, I don't have to wear the leg boot or use crutches which is a great relief. I still have muscular pain around my ankle, and I am going for physiotherapy but I am improving...So I'm happy and I can't wait to be able to wear my heels and dance again. ![]() |
![]() Lol They've got serious skills, (Impressed) ((Pink Bunny)) Do you want to join our troupe? could be fun, We could sneak up on the guys and throw buckets of water over them... |
Edited by
Mon 09/01/14 06:49 PM
On second thoughts Nascar should perform the wheel of death, seeing as he is such a cool driver. Come on, all you minglers, get in here and showcase your skills, don't be shy now... |