The real reason corporations are moving their headquarters to places like Sweeden and Switzerland aren't because they pay lower taxes. The United States has the lowest corporate tax rate (32.5% for those producing over $10 million in gross revenue) than any industrialized country in the world. Sweeden comes in at 112 and Switzerland at 118 with 48.2 and 49.8. However, if corporations take advantage of Switzerlands' 'no cash' rule, they can opt to pay no taxes at all so the Swiss government loses millions in tax revenues. The system is almost identical in Sweeden. The reason that CEOs and business leaders are going to Sweeden or Switzerland isn't for lower tax rates, it's because of their "blind eye tax system" which says you don't have to report any earnings you make outside the country. So the rich do this to avoid paying any taxes at all, just like their companies do. So the rich go overseas so they can hide their large, stockpiled wealth from the United States government (which is illegal.)
im a lovin in wisconsin
Sami, it's so sad that's true
you need to give people a reason to get to know you. Something should spawn from that.
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I have to agree, you need maybe two more pics and something more about your personality (although from your pic it looks like you're outgoing enough.)
rate mine???
not bad, I'd put your fifth pic as your default, it shows the most cleavage