Community > Posts By > seaworthy1963
Back in 1962.....??
Inside my Dad's testicals.
What animal
A rabbit.
Weird food
I like mashed potatoes with cream corn and BBQ sauce.
Mama always said.....
You'll poke your eye out.
Midday sun in July.
May 26..
Run for the Hills. Run for your life. They are an old jammin band.
I'd answer "girl don't go away mad, girl, just go away."
Gas it up
Not while Bush is still in office... So, the day he leaves office it will happen? Sell your car and begin riding a bike. Stop heating and cooling your home with anything made of fossil fuel or natural gas; try cutting down wood to heat; swim in your pool to cool off, but don't use any electric to run the pump. Throwing stones is ok. But I hear no REAL solutions from those on the left. |
Gas it up
Do you think the Government, or private Corps, can come up with a new cheaper way to power our car, and trucks? Do you have any ideas? Name one thing government has ever invented? |
What is the difference?
Between: a few extra pounds, stocky and heavy set? Seriously, not trying to start a debate. ![]() I know it when I see it. lol |
You can subsist working for someone else; there are no boundaries working for yourself.
Damn, I Feel Pretty
That almost made me wan tot go gay just for you.
Hangover Cures
Try eating before you go to bed. That, or simply drink til dawn.
i swear
some guys are jearks News Flash. Now, back to our regular programming. |
an observation/inquiry
It makes them look manly? That, or it is their pride and joy.
seafood help
anyone have some good seafood ideas? Seafood fetuccini; one pound shrimp, cooked. 1/2 pound salmon, cooked and shredded. 1/2 - 1 lb pound of scallops. Cook fetuccin noodles. I'd make 2 lbs of it. 2 sticks of butter and 16 oz of heavy whipping cream and a pound of grated paresean cheese. |
I'm part of the 2%
This is a fun "test"... AND kind of spooky at the same time! Give it a try. Now... just follow the instructions as quickly as possible. Do not go to the next calculation before you have finished the previous one.. You do not ever need to write or remember the answers, just do it using your mind. You'll be surprised. Start: How much is: 15 + 6 3 + 56 89 + 2 12 + 53 75 + 26 25 + 52 63 + 32 I know! Calculations are hard work, but it's nearly over.. Come on, one more... 123 + 5 QUICK! THINK ABOUT A TOOL AND A COLOR! Scroll further to the bottom... A bit more... You just thought about a red hammer, didn't you? If this isn't your answer, you are among the 2% of people who have a different, if not abnormal, mind. 98% of the folks answer a red hammer while doing this exercise. I thought of a blue hammer. I thought about hot chicks. |
Blue Box Effect
if they are gonna have a blue box..then perhaps blue balls as well........did i go too far?? ![]() Hey, I talked about blue balls first! |
texas and ohio
I'm getting the feeling from reading these threads that people have no clue of what Hillary's or Obama's plans are. It has nothing to do with which party your supporting but what some of you say about the candidate of your choice is real troubling... ![]() How in the world can the posters have a clue as to what Hillary's or Obama's plans are when Hillary and Obama don't know! ![]() ROTFLMAO |
texas and ohio
i dont think Obama will win ohio but i do think that he will win TX and when he does i dont think Mc Cain will be able to beat Obama for the presidental election. Obama is a political super star right now. Right now he is. NOv is long way off; Ever hear of Tony Rezco? And what exactly does Obama have planned for us? Tax increases? Deficits? Talking to our enemies. His time will come. for one thing talking to our enemies is one of the smartest things that he could do. we should have never been in Irac in the first place. with all to money that we have spent over there we could have turned the whole affgany MT. into a huge pile of gravel and we wouldnt have to worry about Osama but for some reason Bush thought that we should take more onto our plate. As for the deficits if we were not in a pointless war spending 12 million dollars a day we wouldnt have to worry about how our economy is going to crap because we could aford to put in a real stimulus package insted of a tax relief Nevill Chamberlain talked to Hitler; he brought "Peace in our time." And then we had WWII. After Pearl Harbor we didn't attack the Japs. We invaded . . . Morocco. Morocco! It is in Africa. We went to Iraq to fight them on their ground, not ours. Talking to our enemies will get us little, if anything. as of right now we are in a war that could last 50-100 years. fighting isnt doing anything ether. we cant win a war against an idea unless are are willing to go to total war. AKA blow up homes, kill women and children, destroy churches, and anyone that caries that same views as our enemies. but because we have to much media that effects the war we will never be able to do that. there for we should get the H*ll out untill we are ready to do what ever it takes to win. Get ready to start riding your bike, or prepare to drill off the coast of Florida and California and up in ANWR. Without Mideast oil we couldn't heat our homes. You can pontificate all you want, but we need the oil at market prices. |