Isn't that the point of this website? Why do I have to click the "start" button in order to turn my computer OFF???? |
It's the same as not being able to spell.
Why do I have to click the "start" button in order to turn my computer OFF???? |
As some people know I go to school for Information Technology.
So I am going to start this thread to help others to know more about computers as well. Here is some definitions to help you understand terms used in computers. I will update information on this page to help you understand web development as I go, so keep checking out this thread, and if you have any questions just ask me. 1. Markup language: A series of commands to format, organize and describe information on a web page. 2. Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) : The traditional authoring language used to develop web pages for many applications. 3. Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML): The current standard authoring languages and other electronically displayed documents . XHTML requires stricter code syntax than HTML. 4. Wireless Application Protocol (WAP): a standard protocol that presents the text portions of the web to wireless devices. 5. Wireless Markup Language (WML): A markup language that presents the text portions of the web pages to wireless devices. 6. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME): A protocol that enables operating systems to map file name extensions to corresponding application. Also used by applications to automatically process files downloaded from the internet. 7. Graphical User Interface (GUI): A program that provides visual navigation with menus and screen icons, and performs automated functions when users click command buttons. 8. Image map: A set of coordinates on an image that creates a “hot spot” which acts as a hyperlink when clicked. 9. User Agent: Ant application, such as a web browser, cell phone, PDA or help engine, that renders HTNL for display to user. 10. Mailing list server: An e-mail server that regularly sends e-mail to a specific list of users. 11. Spam: Unsolicited and unwanted e-mail messages; the online equivalent of junk mail. 12. Cookie: A text file that contains information sent between a server and a client to help maintain state and track user activities. Cookies can reside in memory on a hard drive. 13. Structured Query Language (SQL): A language to create and maintain professional high- performance corporate databases. 14. Bandwidth: The amount of information, sometimes called traffic, that can be carried on a network at one time. The total capacity of a line. Also the rate of data transfer over a network connection; measured in bits per second. 15. T1: A digital carrier that transmits data at a speed of 1.544 Mbps. If you are in site development please e-mail me. |
Zune -vs- I Pod
I have a 30G Zune and I like it, but it is not
compatible with some components in my car. What is your opinion on it? |
LIMEWIRE question
The newest verion is the best
The brain is the most complex organ in our body, nobody know's for sure of how much we use our brain. We can use an apparatus for measuring brain activity, but evrybody is different. Many factors are considered when measuring your brain activity such as tumors, and ext. Local MRI is a good way to measure activity in the brain. However keep in mind that their is nothing 100% efficient, if so we would all be geniuses.
raff out roud
I like that one you have now
I need some help/advise
Try finding them something constustive to do with them, play with them and wear them out. You might want to talk to them about the rules of the bedroom. Be firm but fair, sometimes all it takes is to redirect their mind into something positive and creative.
Florida Fishing
The only place I know of is Grimes Lake in Santa Rosa County, Florida.
virus help please
RA.HACK may gain complete control of your mailbox to generate and send e-mail with virus attachments, e-mail hoaxes, spam, and other types of unsolicited e-mail to other people.
Go to: and download ExterminateIt! It should help you. |
Google Chrome
Did not care for it much
Research Report Dormancy of the Human Brain Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory T.D.A. Lingo, Director The human brain is only 10% functional, at best. The first to outline this theory, later proved a fact by others, was Australian Neurology Nobel Laureate Sir John Eccles. (Lecture: University of Colorado, University Memorial Center Boulder, July 31, 1974.) "The brain indicates its powers are endless." In England, John Lorber did autopsies on hydrocephalics. This illness causes all but the 1/6th inch layer of brain tissue to be dissolved by acidic spinal fluid. He tested the IQ's of patients before and during the disease. His findings showed that IQ remained constant up to death. Although over 90% of brain tissue was destroyed by the disease, it had no impact on what we consider to be normal intelligence. Russian neurosurgeon Alexandre Luria proved that the 1/3 bulk of frontal lobes are mostly dormant. He did this by performing ablation experiments on persons. He gave physiological and psychological tests before, cut out parts and whole frontal lobes, the re-tested after. His conclusion: removal of part or all of frontal lobes causes no major change in brain function, (some change in mood alteration). The frontal lobes are mostly dormant, asleep. (Luria, A.R. "Frontal Lobes and the Regulation of Behavior." In: K.H. Pribram and A.R. Luria, Editors, Psychophysiology of the Frontal Lobes. New York, and London, Academic Press, 1973) Finally, the human brain contains 10 billion neurons, mostly in the outer layer of brain cortex. the function of these currently dominant cells is fairly clear. but the brain also contains 120 billion glial cells. Aside from some secondary nurturing of neurons, the primary function of the glia is not clear. What big bang mirical awaits mankind within these mysteries? Today, most would agree without argument that the potential of the human brain is infinite. Thus, to state that a person uses 10%, 5%, or even 1% of their potential brain capacity (infinity) is overly generous. The point is this: There is no dispute among honestly rational experts about the latent potential of the human think box. There is only friendly dispute about how much and what still awaits us, patiently to be self-discovered between each set of ears. Hence, the wisdom of intuitive folksay was correct: "The human brain is only 10% functional." John Eccles thinks that number is too high. "How can you calculate a percentage of infinity?" Thanks for the laugh. Poor research = bad conclusions. Old research = old conclusions. Here is a link that should explain things better: |
10% is just a myth, if you can read this then you are using more than 10% of your brain.
I Cdnuolt Blveiee Taht I Cluod Aulaclty Uesdnatnrd Waht I Was Rdanieg. The Phaonmneal Pweor Of The Hmuan Mnid, Aoccdrnig To A Rscheearch At Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, It Deosn’t Mttaer In Waht Oredr The Ltteers In A Wrod Are, The Olny Iprmoatnt Tihng Is Taht The Frist And Lsat Ltteer Be In The Rghit Pclae. The Rset Can Be A Taotl Mses And You Can Sitll Raed It Wouthit A Porbelm. Tihs Is Bcuseae The Huamn Mnid Deos Not Raed Ervey Lteter By Istlef, But The Wrod As A Wlohe. |
Jax, FL...anyone?
I live north of jax.
Research Report
Dormancy of the Human Brain Dormant Brain Research and Development Laboratory T.D.A. Lingo, Director The human brain is only 10% functional, at best. The first to outline this theory, later proved a fact by others, was Australian Neurology Nobel Laureate Sir John Eccles. (Lecture: University of Colorado, University Memorial Center Boulder, July 31, 1974.) "The brain indicates its powers are endless." In England, John Lorber did autopsies on hydrocephalics. This illness causes all but the 1/6th inch layer of brain tissue to be dissolved by acidic spinal fluid. He tested the IQ's of patients before and during the disease. His findings showed that IQ remained constant up to death. Although over 90% of brain tissue was destroyed by the disease, it had no impact on what we consider to be normal intelligence. Russian neurosurgeon Alexandre Luria proved that the 1/3 bulk of frontal lobes are mostly dormant. He did this by performing ablation experiments on persons. He gave physiological and psychological tests before, cut out parts and whole frontal lobes, the re-tested after. His conclusion: removal of part or all of frontal lobes causes no major change in brain function, (some change in mood alteration). The frontal lobes are mostly dormant, asleep. (Luria, A.R. "Frontal Lobes and the Regulation of Behavior." In: K.H. Pribram and A.R. Luria, Editors, Psychophysiology of the Frontal Lobes. New York, and London, Academic Press, 1973) Finally, the human brain contains 10 billion neurons, mostly in the outer layer of brain cortex. the function of these currently dominant cells is fairly clear. but the brain also contains 120 billion glial cells. Aside from some secondary nurturing of neurons, the primary function of the glia is not clear. What big bang mirical awaits mankind within these mysteries? Today, most would agree without argument that the potential of the human brain is infinite. Thus, to state that a person uses 10%, 5%, or even 1% of their potential brain capacity (infinity) is overly generous. The point is this: There is no dispute among honestly rational experts about the latent potential of the human think box. There is only friendly dispute about how much and what still awaits us, patiently to be self-discovered between each set of ears. Hence, the wisdom of intuitive folksay was correct: "The human brain is only 10% functional." John Eccles thinks that number is too high. "How can you calculate a percentage of infinity?" |
Try this: Smitfraudfix - free tool for remove Desktop Hijack malware Hope it helps. |
Kaplan University
Edited by
Mon 05/18/09 10:31 PM
I am a college student at Kaplan University and will have my bachelor degree in technology and animation here soon. So if you need any help on your computer just let me know.
Fart!!!!! oops!!! excuse me!!!!
Revised profile
Check it out and let me know what you think.
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