Community > Posts By > beeorganic
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Sat 01/24/09 12:45 PM
ya gotta be kiddin me???...the man just got the position hes in handed to him by a murderous tyrant (g.w.)....a man who through outright lies and deception has not only this country but the entire world in utter disaster and chaos...give him more than a week to try to sift through the wreckage...hes not gonna change the world overnight...we are already engaged in some cases in areas we shouldnt be... i do believe given the choices we had the right man got the job...give him a couple more weeks before you have him tried for war crimes maybe you should lobby to have the true criminal mastermind tried for war crimes. A-men brother, I couldn't agree more! That murderous tyrant Bush and his outright lies and deceptions has the entire world in utter disaster and chaos. Obama is just continuing the "failed policies" of the past administration by that savage and overwhelming attack on those innocent individuals in Pakistan. I submit that Obama has no right to bomb, attack, or engage in ANY military actions in the world based on the intelligence data gathered by Bush and his cronies (E.G. that purely evil Karl Rove) that engaged in nothing but complete lies and deception. The world already hates us, Obama and like all his unprovoked actions will cause them the hate us even more. I don't like being hated anymore, it makes me sad. I think like Obama needs to like seek/heed the advice of enlightened groups like "Code Pink" and the woman I now consider the reincarnation of "Gandhi", Cindy Sheehan. I think now they're the only ones who "got it" all along. We need to bring ALL the troops home now (like they call for), this will give Obama the time he needs to sift through all the lies and deceit of that murderous tyrant Bush. Obama now has the power and authority to bring our brave men and women of the military home TODAY! One more soldier need not die for oil to fuel/feed those greedy corportations or that phoney war on terrorism in a foreign country based on Bush's "empire building" megalomania. The people that actually physically committed the 9/11 attacks are dead (the evidence of it being an "inside job" perpetrated by the Bush administration now has me convinced). I think like maybe Obama HAD to bomb/kill/murder those innocent individuals in Pakistan to cover up the truth of knowing the real fate/whereabouts of Bin Laden. This savage, viscious, and completely unprovoked attack by Obama is still in violation of international law regardless whether or not he's been in office for one day or four years. I have e-mailed Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to have charges filed against the murderous and treasonous duo (Bush and Obama) to have them prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law but I haven't heard anything back yet. Maybe like if everyone else here e-mails them too we can get the "change" we demand. EVERY single day Obama continues the failed policies of that statanic worshipping Bush it's going to cost our children and future generations even MORE! There are now children in Pakistan who will never see their fathers again as a result of Obama's murderous rampage. We must not allow history repeat to itself! Speaking on behalf of the United States of American, I would like to apologize to those surviving family members of innocent people in Pakistan who were killed by my president Friday. I am so very, very, very sorry and I'm doing everything in my power to stop ALL future bloodshed. If it helps any, I'll wear a ribbon (on a union made shirt) that symbolizes how much I am sorry. Again, I'm really sorry. Oh beans, how brutally linguistically insenstive of me, you might not speak or understand English. I'm sorry again. It's Bush's fault for not having Punjabi, Sindhi, Siraiki, Pashtu, Urdu, Balochi, Hindko, Brahui, and Burushaski taught in public schools. My president's promise to promote diversity will "change" that... I hope. |
Obama didn't do it. We the People did it. Finally the war on terror is being directed where it should be. Go Barry. Obama is getting all his intelligence data from that lying Bush administration too. We can't trust one single thing that comes from those Republicans. Karl Rove doctored the information. I Just saw on CNN (refusing to watch that biased and fascist Fox News) that 17 people in Pakistan died as a result Obama's action. Where is the evidence these people were terrorists? Obama promised a more open and transparant government! We all know that this war on terrorism is a phoney one created by Bush and Rove... I just heard Obama saying "we will crush Al Queda" on CNN. What does an Al Queda terrorist look like? We know only those Repukeblicans only engage in racial profiling. |
First of all...let's get the actual story straight. Missiles kill at least 18 in Pakistan AFTER president Obama takes office. Suspected U.S. missiles killed 18 people on the Pakistan side of the Afghan border Friday, security officials said, the first attacks on the al-Qaida stronghold since President Barack Obama took office. Big difference from saying HE killed them. Obama as Commander and Chief of the military is ultimately responsible for whatever the troops do. It was that war-mongering Bush who was to blame when he was president. So now it's President Obama fault this unprovoked massacre happened. I just keep shaking my head in disbelief and want to cry for those poor, innocent Pakistani people who were mercessly murdered without compassion or mercy. Obama lied, innocent Pakistani's died. |
actually isreal was attacked from gaza -- thus they were responded to an attack and acting in self defense When Bush was president, I would have agreed with you 1000%. I have come to finally realize ALL of Bush policies in his support of Israel were wrong thanks to all the unbiased information my fellow Obama supporters provided here... you guys rawk! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Obama will solve everything. I can't apologize enough for allowing myself to be blinded and led around like a sheep. |
The Moon
Lunar = moon Lunacy = madness caused by full moon. it's been known for centuries.... ask any emergency service worker.... full moon intensifies everything... always busier on full moons... go to a mental health unit for a few months, as an observor... you shall see the natural fluctuations parallel the moons phases... with or without patients being medicated. It would be an interesting clinical test (if one hasn't been performed already). Placing an individual in a sensory deprivation tank to reorient the circadian rythme and such to see if there were any emperical evidence to support the observations. Perhaps tell the volunteer (falsely) what the moon phases were also to test the power of suggestion. |
Well, what is good for the goose, must be good for the gander, isn't it? Fair shot! Apparently it's not a fair shot... the silence of my newly found anti-war bretheren is deafening. C'mon commrades, we MUST unite! In the name of "fairness" and "equality". Pakistan hasn't fired one missle at the US and look how we respond! Obama said/promised he wasn't going to repeat the failed policies of Bush. Obama lied, innocent Pakistani's died. |
The Moon
Are humans effected by the cycles of The Moon? We are said to be about 90% water, and The Moon is what causes the the tidal flow in the ocean. Does it effect us in the same way? Just a thought... I believe it's entirely possible as an influential factor. Using that as a model, it would be a fair assumption that everything dealing with gravity and frequencies would have some effect upon us. Radio waves, microwaves, satellite waves, cell phones, ect.. |
Edited by
Fri 01/23/09 10:56 AM
Attacking a sovereign nation that hasn't attacked us. I believe we need an immediate investigation into war crimes against Obama for this act before he murders even more innocent people. The Pakistani's killed received no trial to prove them guilty, they could have been innocent citizens. This dastardly act can be equated to the Israeli attacks on Gaza. At this time I would like to formally apologize for and renounce my support of FORMER President Bush and his phoney war on terror...only now I see the error of my ways. Perhaps we need to start filing impeachment papers on Obama for violating international law. Knowing that my former ideological adversaries would neverrrrrrr indulge/engage in hypocrisy or double standards. I'm extending the olive branch of peace that we can stand united in stopping the barbaric tactics of this president. Being a relative newbie in "anti-estabilishment" tactics I'm supposed to support the troops but not Obama, right? Change we can believe in! Yes! We can! Power to the people! Down with war mongers! |
Well, I have read through here and I have something to say. Our healthcare system is not the best. People are not treated equally. Granted in a capitalistic society the richest will have better care but it is not fair. Poor people actually die from the lack of care in this country. Now I thought I heard genocidal reference in the text from bee but I am not sure. The poor are not poor because they want to be, unlike some would try to have others believe and they deserve the same chances to live as the rich or more advantaged do. If a reference was made to "clean out the societal pool of people" by letting them die from lack of care, that is just sick. Some do think they are impressive too much, eh? How many times does it have to repeated, if you do not like the US healthcare system and believe you can obtain better elsewhere, feel free to do so. A simple fact of life, people are not treated fairly nor equally. Politically speaking... are you treating Obama the same as you treated Bush? Nope. Realistically, we ALL have our biases and predujuces. People who work are generally held in higher regard than those who do not. "Poor people actually die from the lack of care in this country". Why? It can't be because they can't afford healthcare, nobody is turned away (according to one of templer's previous posts here) that I already pay for in higher insurance premiums. Even the "homeless" heroin addict with HIV is treated. Even though it wasn't his fault the person became an addict and may have shared needles. Can't pay for meds? There are a multitude of greedy pharmcutical companies that provide assistance at little or no cost to certain individuals(see Montel Williams commercials on tv). There are no free clinics in the US? No free blood pressure monitoring devices anywhere? I know, I know... it's not enough- it never is nor ever will be. If you aren't sure if I made a genocidal reference or not, I won't bother defining it for you and allow you to draw your own conclusions. Why are the poor, poor then? As I've stated before, there are many excuses for being poor, very few reasons to be poor. We ALL have the same opportunities (with a few exceptions). Do I really have to go through the trouble of posting a link to stories about LEGAL immigrants who arrives in this country with very little money, doesn't speak a word of English, and becomes successful? Lastly, in regards to "If a reference was made to "clean out the societal pool of people" by letting them die from lack of care, that is just sick". What do you propose then? We give everyone, everything possible to treat every single disease, medical problem on the face of the Earth? It's not FAIR nor EQUAL not to treat everyone. Very noble/novel idea... impossible to do. The resources nor the manpower exists. In the job you work, could the company you work for give all their products away for free or greatly reduced costs? Would you be willing to work for free or considerably less? How would you compensate all these people who work in healthcare who invested their time, efforts, and knowledge? If worse comes to worse... nobody is keeping you from taking the sick and infirmed into your home for free. All entitlements and no work makes for a poor person indeed. |
I have the sinking suspicion this post was a troll to start. Cant believe I fell for it. Would a complete resume satiate your sinking suspicions? Post photographs of my high school/college degrees (biochemistry and physics)/diplomas/transcripts/athletic awards/medals/military service as an officer in the USMC (how about a nice pic of where I was shot in the neck)/ MCAT (medical school admission test) scores? Would that help at all? Just because I choose not discuss my entire PERSONAL life here proves absolutely nothing. Verily, tis a danger of trying to play a cyber-sherlock and speculating. When it's all said and done, it might me the suspected troll who makes the accuser(s) to look foolish. Might I suggest in the future you choose your battles more wisely? Indifference to you, think/believe what you shall. I apologize for an earlier comment I made about you as well, I obviously gave you undue credit for perceiving you as a smart man. Carry on. |
WELL GOLLY GEE!!! We bow to the master. It quite obvious you are a superior intelligence sent here to set all the rest of us ingrates straight. The only one to see is insurance premiums triple, the only one to see his taxes go up, he!! the only one with a job...Just who the he!! do we think we are anyway!!!!!! While I am flattered with your platitudes, I must humbly decline the title of master. I assure you that I'm just an ordinary person doing the best I can to get by. If I am perceived as smarter, wealthier, or any possess any perceived superiorities I can only attribute to my G*d given talents/abilities and hard work. If my insurance rates increase twenty-fold and taxes increase equally, I have two choices 1. Work harder and smarter to obtain the best or 2. Completely give up trying to be the best I can be and allow myself to accept and wallow in mediocrity. As they say, the cream always rises to the top. You may hate, loath, despise me (or my message) all you like; However, does that help your life at all and your personal persuits/endeavors? Winxeepooooo- As much as you quote my posts and comment on my comments, people are going to start thinking you have amourous feelings for me (cleverly and thinly disguised as anti-beeorganic posts) in seeking my individual/personal attention. For a "I nothing to say" post you're saying a lot. I swear, between you and Lynann... just promise me no catfights over me, okay hon? Don't get me wrong here, I'm sure you look good in a tight corsette too. |
What you fail to realize is we already pay for the uninsured at a much higher price. All you have to do is look at our ERs. We dont turn people away for not being able to pay. We treat them. These costs are passed on in higher costs and insurance premiums. Do you not see that? Do you not realize why we cant control health care costs. We have become a country of high cost treatments for low cost ailments. Who do you think pays now? Golly gee, I thought my experiences working in the medical field (ER) whislt preparing for medical school would have provided me with at least a modicum of knowledge/understanding in this area. Perhaps I'm just too much of a simpleton to comprehend the complexities until enlightened by the likes of cut-n-paste "exspurts" now (you know who you are). A suggestion. Try reading the book called "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu. Please pay close attention to the chapter that addresses engaging in battles when you are the inferior opponent. Healthcare is a business/service like any other. Obviously the costs gets passed on to cover those who can't/won't pay because of "no refusal" treatment. Try thinking in these terms- your place of employment. What would happen if a customer didn't pay and you couldn't refuse providing your goods/services? You either pass on the cost to other customers or you go out of business (which is actually happening to hospitals in TX... partial cause, two words "illegal aliens"). (Take note here union workers) If you don't expect to work for less than you believe you deserve, you shouldn't expect doctors, nurses, and supporting staff do the same. If you believe every single healthcare provider is in the field because of purely altruistic motives, you are sadly mistaken. Those who can pay for the best, receive the best. One of the reasons we all don't drive Bugatti Veyron 16.4 automobiles (1.5 million). One of the reasons we all don't our own individual Lear jets. Those who can only afford a Yugo, drive a Yugo. Those who can't afford a car, take the bus, ride a bike, or walk. They get by the best way the can. Lawyers and lawsuits. Where there are perceived "deep pockets", there's a lawyer looking to get their hands into them. Healthcare providers are people too, they do make mistakes... just like you. The quantum difference- chances are you (generally speaking)don't have deep pockets when you make a mistake and aren't dealing with life and death situations. Every frivolous lawsuit also drives up medical costs/insurance... resulting in a doctor leaving the profession (most noteably in Illinois, Ob/Gyn physicians). Go find a mid-wife then. "Controlling" costs. The only entity that has that power to control healthcare costs is the government (private businesses/corporations tend to promote growth and self-regulate as per supply/demand). This of course leads to "nationalizing" (a/k/a socializing) healthcare. Going back to the car analogy- we can either drive the vehicle that we can individually afford or we can all be forced to drive Yugos. If the Canadian model of healthcare was so great, why do some of their political leaders and wealthy come to the US for proceedures? I believe the most overlooked in regards to healthcare is personal responsibility and lifestyle choices. "I smoke, resulting in cancer and/or cardiovascular disease... you must treat me". Obesity, sedentary lifestyle, things that healthcare providers have been trying to educate people for decades about. How many millions of dollars have been put into AIDS education, litature, and research? In what segment of society is this disease still growing? Though this may sound harsh and uncompassionate. Culling of the human herd is not a bad thing. It's a necessary thing. Even if the technology existed to cure/treat every single malady on the face of the planet, think of the consequences that would result. Every single organism on this planet realizes something we don't. The strong and very, very, very, lucky survive. I believe our current healthcare system is the best on the planet for one reason. People that want the best, pay for the best. Any complaints? Go Canada or Cuba then. I'm sure they'll welcome you with open arms. Just wondering if acute corsette removal surgery is covered by an HMO. ![]() |
closing Guantanamo
I believe those of you who wish/desire to see the closing of Guantanamo are being rather naive and extremely shortsighted. This is just one facility that you are aware of or have been informed of is all. Though some of you will say "oh, it's so nice that "we" won't be waterboarding or torturing suspected terrorist anymore" are just not living in reality. The only thing this will do it just push it further underground and make for a good public relations front. I support any and all techniques that will provide safety and security for this nation. To personalize this belief: Say your child was kidnapped, the authorities had a strong belief and/or a plethora of circumstancial evidence a certain person had information of your child's whereabouts... would you want EVERY techniqued used to obtained information to get your child back? Or would you just want them asked nicely and release them when they say "Nope, I know nothing... I was just around the wrong place at the wrong time"? Granted, abuses involving innocent people probably occurs as well; However, in this case of the prisoners incarcerated at GB I believe it better to err on the side of caution. Being ENTIRELY satisfied these people know nothing. Remember, most weren't just walking around a field tending to livestock minding their own business and picked up for nothing.
![]() ![]() So using your logic, you're suggesting those who dont't like the current US healthcare system should move to Canada or Cuba for "free"... well, socialized care. Good call there Mirror. I'd like to sue Logan1976 for his "BTW LynnAnn loosen that corset girl its cuttin' off the blood flow to your brain" comment. Injuries to my nasal cavity sustained when water was forcibly ejected through it due to laughter (no warning label provided/present). To quote Larry the Cable Guy "I don't care who ya are, that's funny". |
You would have to use "the one, our savior" for the analogy. ![]() Too funny, the time it took for me to click on "post reply" and the page to refresh, you had already posted a reply (now checking my laptop for a "Winxware" program). The analogy is an actual business plan I've been entertaining. What's one more "Obama" item on the open market anyway? "Be a part of history" even more. Just doing my part in helping to stimulate the economy is all. Just hope Obama doesn't get too mad for me perhaps stealing his thunder is all. |
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Thu 01/22/09 10:29 AM
it's sad that american people are suffering because super rich companies are making 45 billion instead of the calculated 100 billion so they lay off thousands to keep money in their pockets,if i'm wrong please tell me why. this is a capitialist nation and look where it's taken us You have to keep in mind that these "super rich companies" are in business to make money and show a profit for the shareholders. Many of these shareholders are not super rich individuals but your average ordinary persons who worked and invested their income in these companies (through a broker or group investment plan). These profits go towards their retirement to suppliment social security, and other sources of income to survive. When the laws of "supply and demand" aren't met the employees are laid off to maintain profits. If stockholders lose faith in the company for not making a profit, they will take their money out of that company and reinvest is elsewhere, resulting in declining capital resources to grow and expand; Hence, resulting again in the laying off of employees to the point of fiscal equalibrium. When consumers don't consume enough, employees are let go. A good analogy. Say I start manufacturing Obama commemorative paper plates. The image of "the one, our savior" silk screened onto a paper plate, outlined in gold ink (guaranteed to be a collectors item to pass down to future generations). I hire a few hundred employees to fill the demand for them. Once Obama is no longer in office or the demand for them met, profits will start decreasing forcing me to lay off employees. |
I speculate this may be an example of "keeping your friends close and your enemies closer". Personally, I believe Mrs. Clinton would be more qualified for the Secretary of Agriculture position... cattle futures being her forte.
Beorganic, I feel no pain about what you wrote. I actually feel sorry for you. This statement is false: "Multi-generations receiving some form of welfare living under one roof is not what I would consider "temporary"." That cycle has been broken for quite a few years now. There is a time limit on that help. I think it's 5 years in my state. They need to be working and/or going to school now. Do you have anything more current then 1992. Sheesh. The poverty level is so low now compared to then. Heavy on the opinion/emotion, light on the "facts" (as expected). Old statistics speak louder than none at all. A purely hypothetical situation (knowing that your "precious poor" ALWAYS want to do the right thing, they just need a little help). I'm a single unwed female with a child and already on welfare, my 5 year time limit is almost at an end. OOOOOPS, I become pregnant (by accident, again). You're going to try to tell me ALL benefits cease the moment that 5 years is up? There are NO "safety nets" in place, no exceptions what-so-ever? The government will not look out for/protect that child? I stand corrected... calling you naive is an understatement. "The poverty level is so low now compared to then." I'm having a difficult time following what you are trying to say here. The poverty level is so low, as in there aren't that many people in poverty as there was then? So low that these people are poorer than before? If so, in what way? Feel free provide a recent link informing me of how many have air conditioning, color tv sets, number of cars, ect. they have. nogames- I share your experiences and know exactly what you are talking about. A few years ago I was the coordinator of the Master Gardener program for the local cooperative extension service. The largest city near me has several housing projects for the "needy". Located next to these projects were large plots of vacant land. It was my proposal to the city to use these pieces of land for vegetable gardens for said clients. The city signed off on the project. The Master Gardening program would educate these individuals with a series of hands on workshops and litature these "needy" individuals. Provide equipment, and help them through the entire process (including volunteers to help harvest and preserve crops... with donated supplies). We sent out over 400 fliers. Only 6 people showed up. The very first question asked after my hour long presentation was "If I do this, will this affect my (welfare) link card or my benefits"? I'm eagery anticipating hearing what Winx's excuses/justifications/rationalizations will be in regards to the above mentioned testimonials. |
Are you aware that we pay taxes and they are then distributed? People don't get hand-outs, btw. They get temporary help. That's what makes us caring humans. What you said to him is uncalled for. He is 29 years old and going beyond the call of duty to help his family. That says a lot to me. I'm all too painfully aware that I pay taxes, up to 48% of what I earn overall. I'm also aware that some have to work 5 months just to pay them. If I make less, I would have to pay less... another valid reason to not work hard and try to achieve to be the best I can be. Unfortunately your belief of it not being a handout and "temporary help" is woefully naive. You can spare LBJ's "Great Society" cliff notes. Multi-generations receiving some form of welfare living under one roof is not what I would consider "temporary" (not to imply and already knowing this is not Bushidobillyclub's situation). You can also stop making excuses for him. I already know he's smart, rational, and articulate enough to speak for himself. Personally,I never thought, believed, or operated under the paradigm that there was a limit one could or should help their family; Hence, one never could go beyond the "call of duty". So where is the cut-off line in your opinion? So I'll know for future reference (when one of my family members calls for help). What does him being 29 have to do with anything? He's a man with reponsibilities, not a child. I'm not going to compliment him for trying to do what I believe is the traditionally right thing to do to begin with. Should I compliment/congratulate every teenage girl for who doesn't have a child out of wedlock while in high school as well? Thank a fast food cashier for getting my order right and giving me back the correct change? I don't think so. How about a little light reading about your "precious poor" receiving "temporary help"? "The total cost of means-tested federal and state welfare programs equaled $305 billion in fiscal year 1992 (the latest year for which complete statistics are available), or about 5.2 percent of GDP". "53 percent of poor households have air conditioning; 91 percent own a color TV and 29 percent own two or more color TVs; 64 percent own a car and 14 percent own two or more cars; 56 percent own a microwave oven; and 40 percent own their home, with 71,000 owning homes worth more than $300,000." All I can say... "Ouch (Winx), this post is gonna leave a mark ![]() ![]() |
If that is even a choice for you, then you have no honor. (to not work and filch off of society) I have choices, but none that are honorable but the ones I am making now. _______________________ Personally I am done with this topic, the only topic I have brought up is health care and you have made no points at all about that. Honor doesn't pay the rent, put food in the cabinets, or pay the medical bills either. Stealing from/punishing those who strive and achieve success to subsidize those who do not isn't fair/honorable either but that's reality. When/if Obama's new socialist tax/healthcare, potential reparation plans are enacted, I will the cognitive CHOICE of the path of least resistance. I'll be one less teate non-producers can extort and suckle off of. If anyone wants a job or anything else... I'll say "go talk to Obama". " I have choices, but none that are honorable but the ones I am making now". As of this time, to that I say- "bull snot". I have seen your posts in other threads (namely the Science & Philosophy)and know from your posts there that you are FAR smarter than that to claim your honorable choices are limited. That line may work on a Hallmark greeting card but that's about it. I don't know what points I can/could make about healthcare. I pay for and believe I deserve the best healthcare (or any other product/service)that I can afford? I may get sick and will die? I possess the education and knowledge for providing medical treatment on myself? Life is unfair? I get by the best way I can just like everyone else (but don't want, expect, or desire a handout)? |