Community > Posts By > Fit2bFunVB
I just joined an I'm looking for a beautiful lady between 20 an 30. Check out my profile an hit me up if you like what you hear. ![]() Not at all to offend... But I think you're looking for a different kind of site. I maybe wrong... I agree with you wraith... lost, try: |
well that may be true but not all men are out there for that reason,I dont believe in any of the reasons or excuses for wars. I agree with you 100% - hence my attempt to interject some humor into the discussion. Apparently, it does not seem to gone over very well... Guess I'll take my measure of testosterone and go play in the less serious topics. *chuckles softly* you are fine lol ![]() I may seem serious but I really aint.sometimes I just really get into a subject specially one I dont care for. *curtsies* thank you kind sir :-) I understand.. sometimes it is the distasteful topics that have the most intense responses within us.. lead on! |
well that may be true but not all men are out there for that reason,I dont believe in any of the reasons or excuses for wars. I agree with you 100% - hence my attempt to interject some humor into the discussion. Apparently, it does not seem to gone over very well... Guess I'll take my measure of testosterone and go play in the less serious topics. *chuckles softly* |
Do you always tell others to NOT message or IM you when you are not interested in them either as a friend or more? Or do you either ignore or string them on when they try to contact you? I send a short note.. "thank you for your interest.. however, I do not think we would be compatable. I wish you the best of luck in your continued search." - it is the appropriate thing to do, as we all have feelings and should be treated with dignity and respect. |
We war because it is human nature to make war. And as long as one country has something another can covet, and as long as people are frustrated and continue to hate, there will be war. War between countries, war between individuals. People's penchant for bloodlust just seems to intensify as time passes. Human beings will never find a common ground, because they will always find superficial ways in which to categorize others. We war because males are always slinging aound their over-abundance of testosterone - it is the age old "mine is bigger than yours" argument. Women do not have these propensities... we are more apt to use the measure of testosterone we're given in more construtve ways... like increased sexual urges. ![]() ummm are woman not out there also?? Women do not start wars with other countries - generally speaking, as history goes - they will of course fight those wars once they've begun. That has to do with honor, not testosterone. |
We war because it is human nature to make war. And as long as one country has something another can covet, and as long as people are frustrated and continue to hate, there will be war. War between countries, war between individuals. People's penchant for bloodlust just seems to intensify as time passes. Human beings will never find a common ground, because they will always find superficial ways in which to categorize others. We war because males are always slinging aound their over-abundance of testosterone - it is the age old "mine is bigger than yours" argument. Women do not have these propensities... we are more apt to use the measure of testosterone we're given in more construtve ways... like increased sexual urges. ![]() |
This category seems to be fairly vast. How would you describe an Athletic body type? Tough question - as we all have different perspectives of what "athletic" might be... ideally, it would be a body that is in it's best possible form - through regular use. "Athletic" defined is: Characterized by or involving physical activity or exertion; active. Physically strong and well-developed; muscular. So, if a body could fit these descriptors - wouldn't that make it an athletic body? |
Why is a perfectly natural act such a taboo? Its pointless in my opinion, Sex between to consenting adults is an act that shouldnt be so hush hush, its an act that takes place in nature and does no harm to anyone when two consenting people are involved. Before we can remove the taboo from sexual contact between consenting adults, we have to remove the sexualization attached to the naked human form - from day one, American society sexualizes everything about the human body, from having kissable lips with this lipstick and having short-shorts and big breasts means that resturant serves the best hot wings.. to drink this kind of beer and you'll have a desireable woman hanging upon your arm. I believe, we need to postulate the position that the naked human body is just that - a biological machine designed to provide us with service while we live out our lives. Look at the European Culture.. comfortable with the naked human body, and not nearly the amount of sexual/violent crimes surrounding sexual activities. My two cents. :-) |
Glad I'm nutless while hunting! ![]() |
{laughs} Good One!
All old men should get so lucky at that age. :-) |
So important to be thankful every day, not just mindful on the holiday. Amen - life is lived everyday, not just holidays and special occasions. |
uh, all righty then.
It all seems a little bit unrealistic to me.. maybe I just lost your point because I became confused/enmeshed in the minutia of this extensive posting... *shrugs and wanders onto the next interesting topic* |
Power Supply Question
My power supply comes from 12 volt deep cycle batteries and an inverter. I charge the batteries with a generator that runs on metane i make in buckets. Hmm.. and here I thought the energizer bunny kept me powered all these years. Gosh! The things you learn while reading randomness... ![]() |
Obama or McCain
were spiraling down fast i we need someone whos gonna spin us around quickly the other way. Sit-n-Spin?! OoooOOOoOoOOoooooo!! I love this toy! There is something that really rocks about about getting all dazed-n-confused without the potential for a hang over. ![]() |
Varoom Varoom!
Nice Write. Welcome to Mingle2! ![]() Thank you kindly... interesting place, this is. ![]() |
only human female my grandmother is widowed and looking ![]() |
Varoom Varoom!
It seems to be running at break neck speed,
Don’t know if it is running away, or just running from pure need. Racing, racing toward the unknown, Straight out, hell bent and like a cyclone. Looking here, and looking there, It is clear that the senses are totally aware. Does this break neck speed have a purpose? Or is it really worth all this fuss? My engine revving day and night, Keeping my fires burning strong, and bright. What I know for sure, and without a doubt, Is that this journey has its own route. Uncontrolled and at a fevered pitch, At some point it is possible to end up in the ditch. I will do as I have always done, Stand tall and proud, and act as if I’ve had loads of fun. I might be bruised and sore and covered with dust, Yet nothing can diminish my unbridled lust. “Get over it,” I will tell myself, Be nimble, and bouncing, and free as any elf! Ready, willing, and always able, To lay my cards, face up – and on the table. “Deal with it,” I will most likely think, Knowing I have been saved, once again, from going over the brink. |
only human female Then say what you mean. :-) |
Get in line. There is a line?! [looks out her window] Not in my neighborhood.. *whew* ...finally got them to accept the motorcycle parked in the lot - don't think they'd like a line! ![]() |
Just a "female" ?! Female... dog?... badger?...Tasmanian devil?...
A whole lot of females in this world.. [giggling] |