Community > Posts By > thePatriot

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 11:51 PM

Again, Barack Obama ran a smart, disciplined and nearly flawless campaign. Though I did not support him in his run, it worked out well in that he most assuredly did not need my vote. The country has spoken and so he will be my President.

His election was remarkably historic but in itself that was just one of a few things that struck me. What I really thought interesting was the fact that we can still transfer power in this nation without a bloody coup d’état. This sort of fractures the idea that we were (prior to yesterday) being run by a massively powerful fascist regime. Even a cursory study of fascism makes it beyond clear that fascist states do not allow themselves to be rendered powerless by way of a free election. This is because freedom to choose is anathema to fascism--in every possible way.

All of that stated, Barack Obama raised more than 600 million dollars during his run for the Oval and that means that he has a number of favors to repay. I worry that when some of those favors are called in (as they always are) a number of people (both for and against President Obama) will be disappointed.

He'll be given a honeymoon period and he'll no doubt try to take advantage of that by trying to get through bills that are more risky. Time will tell how crafty and savvy he is once he is sworn in but it would appear that like most elected officials the massive reality and complex nature of Beltway politics is a tough ice to navigate around.


Ahhh...but alot of that money came from the little people in the form of donations. His campaign sends out emails. People send in $5, $10 and more through the emails.

got proof?

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:33 PM

It is so funny how people rationalize destruction.

Good and bad are relative, I am sure the animal you kill thinks its bad.

yep, but if you go out shoot a animal laugh and walk away then its bad, but if you are in a desert dying and you shoot a rabit and eat it is it bad?

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:19 PM
you get back greened cheddar cheese
i put in a empty water bottle.

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:17 PM
there is a difference to god between murder and killing both are sad but only one is bad.

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 07:16 PM
Charlton Heston

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 06:53 PM

congratulations on making the right choice...flowerforyou

maybe now America can get back on track and return to being the great nation and leader of the world the way it once was a long, long time ago...:thumbsup:

oh you mean like in 1880's?
lol trust me obama wont bring about the restoration of our rights he is part of the same corrupt circle i believe the right choice wouldve been Ron paul or for every one to boycott voting all together and stat it all over again.

it btw i dont recall the founders saying we needed to be world leaders i do rememeber them talking about sovereignty alot and how if we lose that we lose our rights and our country.

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 06:49 PM
david hyter

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 06:48 PM

The election is over, I highly suggest we give our "future" President Obama, the respect the office deserves; NO MATTER what our personal feeling are.

As a "MOD.", I suggest the "crack pipe" & like remarks, STOP. Grow up & treat eachother as YOU want to be treated. I think many of the site members are getting rather sick of all these, seemingly childish, remarks.

"Nothing GOOD to say to someone, DON'T say ANYTHING"


ya because in America if you dont say nice things your not allowed to say anything. lol nah i know its forum privately owned.

but i dont have to have respect for the office because he has done nothing to earn it and i believe our govt. is run by more than just one man so i dont say i hate him but its not about him its about my concern for my country.

Do you know what a Mod is?

mod dosent=God.

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 06:30 PM
Edited by thePatriot on Wed 11/05/08 06:31 PM

The election is over, I highly suggest we give our "future" President Obama, the respect the office deserves; NO MATTER what our personal feeling are.

As a "MOD.", I suggest the "crack pipe" & like remarks, STOP. Grow up & treat eachother as YOU want to be treated. I think many of the site members are getting rather sick of all these, seemingly childish, remarks.

"Nothing GOOD to say to someone, DON'T say ANYTHING"


ya because in America if you dont say nice things your not allowed to say anything. lol nah i know its forum privately owned.

but i dont have to have respect for the office because he has done nothing to earn it and i believe our govt. is run by more than just one man so i dont say i hate him but its not about him its about my concern for my country.

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 06:24 PM

You made a major step in proving the naysayers wrong. You've made a giant leap toward earning the respect of the world again America. Don't screw it up.

One can only hope....but you know how messy and jealious some can be !

idunno why any one would be jealous...

Then you're not reading the threads...or watching the news.

your right i don't watch mainstream media total brain washing by govt. sponsorship "clear channel" heard of em?

now tell me why you think any ones jealous of our govt. or president?

Dude...I'm not your guidance and watch yourself !

lol your the one that made the claim not me.

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 05:47 PM

You made a major step in proving the naysayers wrong. You've made a giant leap toward earning the respect of the world again America. Don't screw it up.

One can only hope....but you know how messy and jealious some can be !

idunno why any one would be jealous...

Then you're not reading the threads...or watching the news.

your right i don't watch mainstream media total brain washing by govt. sponsorship "clear channel" heard of em?

now tell me why you think any ones jealous of our govt. or president?

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 05:40 PM

You made a major step in proving the naysayers wrong. You've made a giant leap toward earning the respect of the world again America. Don't screw it up.

One can only hope....but you know how messy and jealious some can be !

idunno why any one would be jealous...

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 05:36 PM

Oh, and for what it's worth, the respect for America may not last very long. We're still top dog in the world and international jealousy will not stop for long.

may i ask what happened to sovereignty? i get the feeling unless we the people step up this will be something i will never get to experience in my life time.

Pakistan is pissed our govt. dosent respect there's and rightfully so.

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 05:09 PM

You made a major step in proving the naysayers wrong. You've made a giant leap toward earning the respect of the world again America. Don't screw it up.

how did we make a giant step?
i am sick of everyone saying oh America you got your first Black president i am starting to be offended and i am not even black i think well thats nice and all but what about the peoples lives that he is going to affect and how will he effect them? not skin color wise i remember before every one saying we dont see skin color and ya it dosent matter but it sure dose now by seeing everyones commenets and the news...

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 05:06 PM
Edited by thePatriot on Wed 11/05/08 05:11 PM
I found this very interesting, especially sinc ei cant find anything to prove we do have to...

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 05:00 PM

If you don't want to support this corrupt government then do everything you can to avoid paying taxes.

Don't expect anything from the government.

Better learn to be self sufficient, learn to barter, make your own electricity etc. cause if the lights go out you will not be able to buy a loaf of bread.

and don't trust anyone in a black helicopter..

shadesI never trust anybody in a black helicopter.shades

ill be the one getting the black helicopters and joy riding in them actually, and if anything dose happen i know a few people that are doing exactly that...

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 04:58 PM

years of nightmares now begin!!!!!!!!!!!

Jesus. Quit being a drama queen and move away.

no dont move away,
Tromette your suppose to be older than me but look how you talk to people you just tell every one to shut up and go away, thats very childish in you and offensive. i can assume by your pictures you consider your self a leftist by your McCain hate pictures lol some are funny but it dosent change the fact that you are full of hate, do you even have picture of yourself posted in your profile?

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 04:55 PM

this was my first presidential election and i feel shammed because the canidate i liked was ignored alot of the time or smeared and had lies spread about him.

Can I ask you a question? It might come off as I'm being critical but that's not my intention. You say you feel shammed because your candidate was ignored etc. Did you volunteer to help his campaign? If not, for the next time, that's what you should do. Volunteer, get out there, help out, help spread the word, talk to people, attend fundraisers, etc.

People can only do what is in their power to do. If they do not know, it's not because their stupid or anything. It's because we're human, we don't know everything but we can learn. But if there's no one willing to teach, how can we?

Thought for you for the next election flowerforyou

ya i dint learn about him until late and i joined a site were they organize meet ups for him but i never made it to one i meant to but my ride fell through for the last onesad

you definitely seem like a rational person and your right.
i did however start putting out stickers and propaganda for a site called , the site doesn't represent everything i believe but its definitely good at getting people started to digging into history a little more.
some of it is conspiracy stuff but it dose show how the fed is corrupt too.

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 04:47 PM

any one that voted for obama is a traitor in my eyes same for McCain.

it's my right to vote for who I want .

oh i am not syaing dont vote for who you want just dont be brainwashed, and learn how to not watch your tv then vote.

these guys are selling our country out.

Most of my info came from books,newspapers and websites not run by fanatical nutjobs.

well i have to say you deffinitly sound more rational than others.

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 04:46 PM

any one that voted for obama is a traitor in my eyes same for McCain.

Dude, you need to shut it.

You call yourself a patriot talking like this? A patriot? A person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion?

You're the traitor.

oh i need to shut it and not let my opinion be heard, ya frustrated you sound real American lady.noway noway noway

you know what really hurts is i see how little any one cares about our opinions, i wrote quite a few congress men to vote no on the bailout but they passed it any way even though a overwhelming majority of people sent them letters made phone calls and sent emails saying Nooooo! and then i hear these guys saying we cant all ways do what people want us to and i thought wait! yes you can actually you are suppose to!
do you need to study up on what patriotism is it sounds like you know but pay no attn to what the facts are!
the fact is i love my country now more than i ever have, and if i back down because of you hows that devotion?, i will always defend my country against enemies foreign and domestic, our govt. is however not part of what i love the people are not suppose to fear the govt. as most do, our banking system is corrupt by the Fed, and we have a Income tax that's totally unamerican.
these are the qoutes that influence me men smarter than you or I they accomplished more than we ever have in our lives, watch who you call unpatriotic you dont know me at all.

Thomas Jefferson~
Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction.

Those Who would Give Up Essential Liberty To Purchase A Little Temporary Safety, Deserve Neither Liberty Nor Safety.~Ben Franklin

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery ? Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" ~ Patrick Henry

dissent is fine but don't diss the one's who voted their heart,diss those who take their right to vote for granted or don't contact their congressmen or senator when bills come up before the Legislature.I happen to feel very proud today,I feel I made the right choice and no I don't think Obama walks on water .

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