Community > Posts By > bill_greathouse
Nice Guys?
nice guys wow and you cant get a date hummmmmmmmm sounds right
I have been told so many times I am a nice guy and also been told so many times nice guys come in last and guess what same truble here when it comes to woman thay all say how thay want to meet some man whos trets them nice but when a nice man comes along thay strotype you out every last time so woman dont want a nice man thay lie so what do woman want guess a ass hole not sure yet?????? |
Help I am new here
its ok got over a foot of snow here and cold with winds of 40 mer hr
here in westrn iowa |
woman and men are the same men and woman all thank the same mony
mony mony yess got it opess then that guy named bill showed up dam lifet me broke again guss wat to nexst pay day hope that guy named bill dont show up again |
yesss weress hess mony he needs it to go bye a woman to take home
oppess he oready did that oh need a new one oready |
dont run dont run the woman will live stop dont run just got to
say wow wow dont mess it up now |
wow wow wow a real live woman is here wow wow wow
wow wow wow a real live woman is here wow wow wow
Yes, women ARE smarter!!!
and using the words love lieing not careing whom you hurt
feeling big be couce you hurt a guy thank it makes you big are somethang. so whats wrung with these wow see comes to show its all about looks mony and nothang more and to us the words just to get your wants sad to bad your harts are black eveil what can I say eveil is running are world |
Yes, women ARE smarter!!!
well so what you just sead is you can bye love notttt you can not
bye love if you have to have lots of mony to have a woman then you are a fool a fool for mony is not love and she will only love your mony us the words love to you and not mean it at all and when shes tyred of your dum ass take your mony in a devrice and live your dum ass mony is not love and never will be so yess you need to wake up man |
Yes, women ARE smarter!!!
I dont see a greenhouse in here hummmmmmmmm do see a greathouse
hummmmmmmm funny |
Yes, women ARE smarter!!!
so so funny how dum you can be look you thank your so so smart why oh
you have a a brain were its not showing |
Yes, women ARE smarter!!!
sir did you know that you just sead that men are all dum
these is what these sead in her post ok so you thank for real men are dum so then you are dum ?????? |
Yes, women ARE smarter!!!
that was about the dummest thang I have ever seen some one say
you juge one man to another so then do that say if I do that what would that make you ????? woman are not smarter then men men are not smarter then woman in rel life there are guys and woman just as smart and just as many dum ass woman out there as there are men wake up your salf |
I do understand what you thank and I know why you thank these
but I can tell you that whats happion and my feelings do not spell over on my child as I wont let it you dont know me and what I feel well if you have walked in my place you would understand you dont understand and try to say you do you have never walked in my place and I can tell you if you did yu your salf would see feel and no what I go thurll can also tell you these us drugs ok go to a doctor us drugs to cover up whats happion to me so that it can keep happioning you dont have any idea how long I tryed what happion to make me these way and to say I showed it to make them walk the other way no not true what happion was looks thay walked with out giveing the time of day try puting some one up getting them a job feeding her ass give her a place to live and have that same one tell some one be with bill ohhhhhh yekkkkkk would not give him the time of day try haveing every one you meet talk great with you to thay see your pic ones thay see your pic oh ant got time to talk to you any more try going year after year for years not eveion able to get a one night stand let alone a freind why same reson looks its been proven over and over and over again I been put wereI am bye woman for no reson other then being born would love for you to walk in my place for a few years then yu would feel see and no I dont care how strong you thank you are you can only get back up so many times be for you get week you can only be hurt so many times in life be for it mesess you up so see I am not going to go hurt any one I know that I dont worry my salf about I will I wont its not me are in me I was always knowen as that nice guy the one whom you all made come in last I am speking out why to try and wke up others to what thay are doing to guys for no reson at all how would you all like to be trun down bye every last guy you meet for years how would you feel dont matter how good you dersse up dont matter how nice you are you can not have no one no one be trun away bye every last person you meet for years then tell me how you would feel |
Fact or Fiction
yes thats right some like to us a nice guy just us how well I know as
I have been used over and over my salf but it dont change my hart any and the ones whom us nice guys are garbage thay are trsh them salfs for doing so |
Fact or Fiction
say so why is it nice guys come in last ????? what you woman want a
guy to bet you up are a guy who trets you all like **** is that what woman want????? so see why is that???? |
Fact or Fiction
oone in a million if you rely have a nice guy you are only one in a
millon as nice guys to come in last and its sad and when you here woman say thay want a nice guy then when one comes along the frest thang thay do is **** on him so you are one in a million to do these thanks |
Fact or Fiction
well in real life both must give both must care for one another
and if its based on looks as thats what you go after then you get what you got and dont feel sorry for you are any one who gets in to a bad thang when thay go bye looks go bye whats in side a person see what happions you would find out a much better life but to men and woman wake there assess up it wont happion and both must give and take nothang ever one sided |
Fact or Fiction
so true so true been told these my salf as I am a nice guy and been
told I will always come in last and guss what thay are right want a woman to like you for you guss thay want treted like **** after all if you are a nice guy look out thay dont want you so much have to be a ass hole tret them like **** sad ant it |
forced in to lonlyness being stotyped out
haveing no one wanting only one but not allowed to evion have one try and try dress up be nice help out others when ever I can try and try for year after year get the same thang from every last woman you meet for year after year strotyped at frest look not allowed a life and have a child whom has no mom whom loved hes mom wanted hes mom needed hes mom just like I did loved her needed her but did she care no way she found a guy who big he fits the porfile woman want hes not just a avrage guy so she dumped me and her child on are you know what to be with him eveion her only child and 17 years did not mean athang to her at all she did not care how she hurts you after all just a guy dont have feelings dont have wants are needs only woman have that thay are the only humman on these plant thay thank and whats eveion more funny is hereing and seen woman cry and say how that guy did her wrung when she went bye looks only to meet him then says he **** on her are dont love her are he chets but found out men and woman both chet but to be a man and have a life on these world you must be good looking and have mony are both as a guy you can not look avrage to any woman as if we have say so on what we look like but as a woman you can be avrage no porblum right you allowed as a woman you never go with out you dump a guy these week and nexst week you have anew one sad and as a guy if your not good looking you go alone and alone and alone for year after year my son was 3 when hes mommy thurll him and me away hes now almost 10 years old and has no mom, will never have any woman for a mom why hes daddy strotyped out bye woman so he has to go with no mommy ever woman dont care as long as thay are the ones not being hurt to hurt a man woman like doing that thay thank its fun and when woman no thay hurt a man thay feel so big in side but dont want to be hurt them salfss |