Community > Posts By > REDGIRL67

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 07:00 PM
Move Over - Janis Joplin:banana:

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:52 PM
I answer almost all my mail.

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:40 PM
Does this mean you're an "old timer"?laugh Congratsflowerforyou

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:36 PM

William the "Conqueror" aka: King William the I is in mine

it seems that we are relatives...:wink:
Howdy cuz:thumbsup:

One of my relatives is called: William.....the bartender....:wink:
My dad's name is William:wink:

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:29 PM

:heart: that movie..

me and some friends did that last christmas...

a friend got me a VERY hard to find WII about 2 weeks before christmas one day..and just charged me what she paid for it and told me to pay it forward.

i got another friend a small christmas tree to set up in his house because he had been to busy and almost forgot about putting up a tree..

pay it a good way to live life.
every day..a random act of kindness
I think so to. I try to do a random act of kindness as often as possible. Today was weird though. If I hadn't watched that movie I wouldn't have been inspired to go out today and I shutter to think of what might have happened to that lady if I hadn't gone out today. I couldn't believe able bodied people were just passing this lady by and one kid that passed her was pointing and laughingmad

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:20 PM
awwwwwwwwwww, that was soooooooooo sweet. Thanks for sharing and boogie is sooooooo cute.flowerforyou

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 06:11 PM
A stuff my bra, Their actually just little acorns........shhhhhhhhhh, don't tell anybodyflowerforyou

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 05:58 PM

did that happen when she heard obama won

i bet it hit the floor hard

smokin smokin
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 05:45 PM

William the "Conqueror" aka: King William the I is in mine

it seems that we are relatives...:wink:
Howdy cuz:thumbsup:

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 05:42 PM

My cousin is James Gurley of Big Brother and the Holding Company/Janis Joplin fame

And I am descended from King Richard the Lionhearted of Robin Hood fame drinker drinker drinker
You're related to someone that knew Janis Joplin?shades I love her music. I have a few songs of there's on my playlist at

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 05:38 PM

second cousin

Yeah, i found out when i moved out to seattle. My mom told me. She took me up to the house. It was wierd. I met him when i was 3. i saw him every couple weeks growing up. The older i got the more i got to see him. It was great. He was such a sweetheart.

Sorry for your loss. Loved his music. I cried the day he died.

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 05:24 PM
:banana: :banana: :banana: drinker drinker drinker Couldn't have happened to a nicer person

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 05:02 PM

Talk about a story to get ya choked're an outright HERO, REDGIRL ! ! ! !

Tonight, I sent an e-mail and made the effort to patch up a friendship I more or less threw away over a misunderstanding a few weeks back.......I do feel better for trying to fix things......

This person just e-mailed me back! And assured me that everything is OK!

Damn it, REDGIRL, are you a guru or an angel or something?
Nope, just in the right place at the right time

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 04:33 PM

Red is a guardian angel
good for youflowerforyou

helping others gives you a warm feeling inside
Yep, it gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:07 PM

second cousin

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:06 PM

My grandfather was the chef on the titanic...he survived..story has it he dressed as a woman and got off the ship...
WOW, that's interesting. So glad I asked this question

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:05 PM

Kurt Cobain....shades
Really? what's the relation?

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:04 PM

Oliver Cromwell....even if he was an ugly bastardlaugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh laugh

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:04 PM

I wouldn't know. I have never taken the time to trace my family tree.
oh sweetie, trace it, it's fun:banana:

REDGIRL67's photo
Sun 11/30/08 03:02 PM

Gene Krupa....Big band Jump Swing drummer for Benny Goodman orchestra and later formed the Gene Krupa Orchestra....the older kids will know who I am talking about.
Very cool:thumbsup:

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