arrived at JFK
would bugs be a good topping for a baked potato?
would they eat a baked potato?
finish my sentence - part 24
tacos sound good.
Don't ya think.. |
finish my sentence - part 24
with your big toe.
I think.. |
beautiful night sky
lick-ably delicious
Will you make me some jalapeno poppers? |
finish my sentence - part 24
with a porcupine.
Can that hurt.. |
Would it depend on how hung the male stripper is?
so other people on the freeway can say ewww and make jokes about them
Are you excited about the upcoming football season? |
Cheese Puffs
finish my sentence - part 24
ing around in the playground.
You know.. |
best in life
three too many?
Would you pet a crocodile ? |
nice feelings
finish my sentence - part 24
one where naked men run around.
I am so on my way.. |
happiness is bliss
needed for emergency
finish my sentence - part 24
me jumping up and down on my bed.
Crazy life.. |