Community > Posts By > loovedoove

loovedoove's photo
Sun 10/13/13 01:11 PM

I doubt rich women who are (gagging for it)are looking on a free online dating site LOL, but good luck buddy keep reaching for the stars!!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

loovedoove's photo
Sun 10/13/13 12:44 PM

I not sure why some of the ladies jumped all over CrystalFairy. I am sure she did not mean any disrespect, she is generally very fair minded. To me, because I am a newer member than most, this subject is not old so I do not mind chatting about it. I have not viewed most of the older topics.

I think most on here are correct when they say it is according to what each person considers average.

Lets change from body type to shoe size. I wear a size 8 shoe. Now to me that is an average size but when I was in Hawaii my shoe size was considered big. Well of course nothing about me was "average" there. Quite a few locals are of Asian persuasion so course their shoes size is smaller. There I was truly a minority. Color of my skin and of course my body type. When I ventured to where there is more of a American Somoan population on the island, then I would be considered small.

I don't get why anyone would just browse through random profiles and then judge their own proclamations. That doesn't make sense. Especially because photos never really portray the person correctly.

Everyone on this website judges profiles by their proclamations.

loovedoove's photo
Sun 10/13/13 10:57 AM
Dude, you know what to do. You really do not need our input. The problem is your heart is broken and understandably. Always separate yourself from a liar, there is usually drama there. Just do not make the next lady you get involved with pay for what this chic did. Like the previous posts said, keep it moving.

loovedoove's photo
Sun 10/13/13 10:45 AM
I not sure why some of the ladies jumped all over CrystalFairy. I am sure she did not mean any disrespect, she is generally very fair minded. To me, because I am a newer member than most, this subject is not old so I do not mind chatting about it. I have not viewed most of the older topics.

I think most on here are correct when they say it is according to what each person considers average.

Lets change from body type to shoe size. I wear a size 8 shoe. Now to me that is an average size but when I was in Hawaii my shoe size was considered big. Well of course nothing about me was "average" there. Quite a few locals are of Asian persuasion so course their shoes size is smaller. There I was truly a minority. Color of my skin and of course my body type. When I ventured to where there is more of a American Somoan population on the island, then I would be considered small.

loovedoove's photo
Sun 10/13/13 10:20 AM
Very good Topic.
Personally I have never made that decision before. Under the right circumstances between 2 good-hearted and well-meaning people,yes I would say a move like that is very reasonable. You truly never know what good will happen in life just bring your faith with you.

loovedoove's photo
Sat 10/05/13 07:24 AM

I sure hope u are ready for all the sorted answers you are about to receive Sidcoolman1989. I am guessing the answers/opinions will vary between religious views especially and moral stands from many aspects.

Have the husband and wife established an open relationship? If so, most would probably say that it is still wrong to seek sexual satisfaction outside the marriage. In reality people do it all the time for many reasons. Maybe one of the spouses is physically or mentally ill. Regardless what reasons exist, an extramarital affair can eventually carry some heavy burdens. Haven't you ever seen the movie "Fatal Attraction?".

no I haven't seen the movie,,,,,,, but I guess I have to watch the movie

I would have suggested the movie "Play Misty For Me" but in that movie no one was married. In the movie "Obsessed" there is a married couple but no one actually cheats. All 3 movies have basically the same concept but "Fatal Attraction" fits the most to the situation. Sometimes you do not want what you have asked for.

loovedoove's photo
Sat 10/05/13 05:32 AM

Keep doing what you're doing. I appreciate your honesty and view points even when it differs from mine because your opinions are mostly unbiased. Right now, my country(America)can certainly use unbiased opinions so thank you for participating on Mingle2.

loovedoove's photo
Sat 10/05/13 04:59 AM
I sure hope u are ready for all the sorted answers you are about to receive Sidcoolman1989. I am guessing the answers/opinions will vary between religious views especially and moral stands from many aspects.

Have the husband and wife established an open relationship? If so, most would probably say that it is still wrong to seek sexual satisfaction outside the marriage. In reality people do it all the time for many reasons. Maybe one of the spouses is physically or mentally ill. Regardless what reasons exist, an extramarital affair can eventually carry some heavy burdens. Haven't you ever seen the movie "Fatal Attraction?".

loovedoove's photo
Wed 10/02/13 07:58 AM
That is a good question. Their profile may have been deleted since they emailed/messaged you. You may want to check your email and IM settings see if that helps.

loovedoove's photo
Wed 10/02/13 05:04 AM
Hey Happy Birthday my man!

Your not getting older, just wiser.

Have fun this weekendbigsmile

loovedoove's photo
Wed 10/02/13 04:59 AM
Edited by loovedoove on Wed 10/02/13 05:17 AM
Hi Karla,

I have never used instant message on this website but it is my understanding that when you click on someone's profile, there is a instant message button. The button does not appear if the individual does not have instant message enabled in their settings.

Sorry I cannot be more help.

loovedoove's photo
Wed 10/02/13 04:44 AM
Do you mean a person who does not post a picture?

Do you mean a person of color? Not sure what you mean about "Blank"

I have a pet peeve about people contacting me without a profile picture and yes I will not converse with them. There is too much technology out there not to be able to post a profile picture. If your not equipped enough to post a picture, then I think it is best to wait until you are equipped to post a picture before you add your profile online. There is too much deviant behavior out on the Internet. Even people who post fake pictures are just as bad. Those who disagree than that is your right to disagree but no one is going to change my mind.

Are you talking about a person of color, then all I can tell is that I am a person of color and I do not have that same issue.

loovedoove's photo
Tue 10/01/13 03:25 PM
Edited by loovedoove on Tue 10/01/13 03:38 PM
Yeah...that is messed up. She sounds like she is scheming on you. Do not blow up though, just see what else she is capable of once she sees you are not going to change your mind. Let this situation be a lesson for all of us. You, dummy3 for obvious reasons. I promise I am not trying to throw salt on your wounds. Let this be a lesson to the rest of us because we usually throw our support to these types of females before we really see what they are all about.

Good luck everyone!

loovedoove's photo
Tue 10/01/13 02:02 PM
Ok I try to never but my hands on any grown up because I do not want anyone hitting me. I know some females smack guys on a regular basis. Most of the time, as I have observed, this happens because the guy is usually perceived as a nuisance to women.

I am not calling you a nuisance, I am just telling you in these cases, women perceive men to be one so they "smack" them.

loovedoove's photo
Tue 10/01/13 01:00 PM
Regardless if she is pregnant or not, do not avoid her just be honest with her and hopefully she is not one of those people who love drama. Now, I did not say be mean to her but you know just sit her down and be honest.

Tell her you want to take a paternity test ASAP, be clear about what path you will take with her through the court system, do not candy coat anything and skip all the drama!

loovedoove's photo
Tue 10/01/13 12:48 PM
That is a good question

My problem is I have been using mine for over 20 years and do not remember. How sad is that?

loovedoove's photo
Tue 10/01/13 12:01 PM

Men demanding a phone number aftera few messagess and then get shitty with you because you are being cautious. Sorry but who in their right mind would give out their number to a complete stranger.

I forgot about that one SammySassy. Yep had that happen to me plenty of times.

loovedoove's photo
Tue 10/01/13 11:56 AM
Listen, I stay on a military base and have stayed on many other bases for 13 years. Trust when I tell you that there are a multitude of interracial couples of every mixture. There are Asian/Afro-American, Caucasian/Asian, Caucasian/Afro-American, African/Afro-American, etc. mixtures all over the place. You may also want to try some of the interracial dating sites. Either way if you seek, you shall find.

Good Luck

loovedoove's photo
Tue 10/01/13 06:44 AM
Edited by loovedoove on Tue 10/01/13 06:47 AM

Guys on the down low - I know that is still a liar but down low guys are living and lying on whole different level

Guys who advertise that they are "God fearing" and they are so far from it. Hey I never said that I am. I love God but I am more spiritual and no I do not frequent church but that does not mean I should be targeted as a sinner either.

People who just sit back and criticize everyone else just because their lifestyles are different.

Guys who describe themselves less kinky when they are actually more kinky. Just be honest we both may like exploring.

Guys who send me emails, flirts, nudges without pictures when it clearly says on my profile I am not interested please do not bother me.

When guys who live far away insist on trying to have a long distant relationship. Hey I will talk/chat with anyone but it clearly states on my profile that I am interested in locals only. Now if sparks really fly than who knows what could happen but realistically long distant love is not going to blossom.

loovedoove's photo
Tue 10/01/13 06:14 AM
Do I believe in true love - yes

Do I believe I deserve true love - yes

Do I believe I will find true love- I am 43 all this time I have not been looking/searching too hard I kind of just wanted it to just naturally happen as I go through life happy go lucky, bubbly attitude, etc.

The reason I am on this site is to put myself out there and meet different people and just broaden my horizons,so to keep up my life-long optimism I am staying positive.

Do I believe I will find true love.........YES!