Community > Posts By > AutumnDusk
What are some signs?
It isn't so easy just to ask because of we fear the answer we don't want to hear. I would still try to talk to them because relationship evolve and you just may being seeing any phase of the relationship.
Me... I would find the courage to talk to my spouse. |
Je t'aime.
It has been 8 months without the French language in my life. It sticks! I miss it but don't want my buddies laughing at me so I never told them how much I learned from my ex! Alright where is the Etrain? For some reason I was hoping to bump into him tonight. |
Have you ever felt like
I know that feeling and I hate it. After struggling with it I decided that I was the reason for the thought process not them. You just weren't compatiable. Don't hold it against them or yourself. You were both meant for other people. That is all!
I have never had that problem though I try to hold it.
If the bathrooms were crowded at a horse show we would go in the stall. Not proud of it but better that competing without going. |
Mind Ratin MY pics
Your practice in front of the mirror paid off! I would agree that there are probably women out there that thoroughly enjoy the idea of being with a gangstar so good luck! Though I would agree it would be nice to see some photos of you in a natural setting. Posing or not it is up to you but maybe add your friends.
I would recommend taking the photos of money off because it could attract the wrong kind of attention. Wouldn't like to meet a girl interested in you and not your money. Good Luck. |
How Can I Be More Unpopular?
Stick with your 6 week rule... you don't want the 75% anyhow. You are better than that... ;D
How Can I Be More Unpopular?
"I am really happy being single but know that love will find me one day. I am sorry that you have a crush on me but I am not the one for you. Please don't the mistake of calling a mutual friend and asking whether or not you should call me for a one night stand because you haven't had sex in six months and think that because I am single I feel the same way. Though I find this amusing I would never date you. Though I should find this insulting I can't stop laughing at the fact you made the terrific mistake assuming I would be desperate enough to sleep with you. We all know that you want more than a one night stand with me also so stop hiding behind you sexual needs. I am sorry it won't work out for you but I just can't help not wanting to further our relationship past friends. You truly don't know me and I don't think I will ever give you that opportunity because of your shallow ways and immaturity. Honestly you disgust me and I am friends with you because we hang out with the same people and I work with you. Normal circumstances I probably would have worked away because you give me the creeps. I am sorry but dispite my amusement with your crush and I do feel sorry for you because it is awful to like someone who won't return your emotions. Despite all this I really do like you hanging out with our group and I truly do hope you find true love one day! Please don't hate me for preferring a good book and a hot bath over you!
![]() ![]() oh my god... Lol! |
Less Trees...More Bush...
I really want to reread that before making a reply but so far you have given me a lot to research and think about this morning as I clean house.
Ok I hope this is better
Ok I hope this is better
Remove photo #7 (leaning against truck) and replace with another face shot if you have one. That photo makes you look mean. As far as the profile summary goes, you asked for input, so here you go: Remove all of the following: "There is so much more that I will add as I go on but you get the idea. See the hardest part of theses "profiles" is trying to write down what type of person I am , how people around me perceive me as a person. But I decided to just ask...... and take I am who I am. Its hard to vocalize the personality I project on a daily bases. But hear it goes: I am a fun person to be around. Seems I have a problem with unhappy people, I always seem to try and make them laugh, Everyone told me I am hilarious at times, with the way I see common things around me, at times using things as props for a joke. I Don't know, I just like to have fun and be happy. I am by far not materialistic in any way, I have what I need to be happy, all I want for is happiness, Compassion, companionship,a good job(s), and good friends. I am a down to earth level headed person; not sure how to explain this one. You'll catch on as you get to know me. Very trusting person: I offer everyone I meet two things from the start free. my respect for the person you are, and my trust. Apparently I am also just as forgiving. Theses are most of the things that I have been told by some of my friends. And I hope that it gives everyone a better understanding of who I am. What I am NOT looking for: No control freaks please. I offer a 50/50 relationship. No impossible dreamers, Life is what it is. Deal with it. But see if you stop and look there is always a way to be happy, and loved those things are or should always be free! And that's what I offer. Sorry but no big girls please, I understand that they need love too, just not by me." Replace with: "My life does not revolve around materialism but rather happiness, compassion, companionship,a good job(s), and good friends." Don't put a list of what you are NOT looking for. I see this a lot on the female profiles. It comes across as being rude or b$%tchy. Focus more on what you are looking for. If you are into thin women, mention that in your "want" list. honesty, trustworthy, down to earth, etc. are not characteristics that need to be mentioned in a profile. Leave it up to the person to decide if you have these qualities. Humor? Use it by posting something witty in your profile. Don't say that others think you are humorous. BE humorous. That's my two cents. ![]() Personally I think I like that you took your friends advice and how they veiwed you as a friend. You sound passionate about what you don't want in your life. It is only rude if you list things you don't like in women or men with no consideration to the expressiveness to your writings. A great starting point for any relationship is knowing what you don't want and allowing new possiblities to evolve that is why we learn from failed relationships in the past. This worked but this didn't so I am going to remember that for any future relationships. I LOVE THE PHOTOS OF YOUR PETS! He did make some good suggestions but put them into your own words. This is your profile and it should be from you. That is who we want to hear from when reading them. |
I'll try! Lol!
New Year's Resolutions!
If you are one of those peoples that doesn't look forward to a fresh start at the beginning of the year this forum is not for you. At the beginning of this year I found hope to be the person I am and live up to my full potential. I know that there are people like me out their but I am discovering that I just a little bolder with my optistism about this upcoming year. Everyone is facing hard times with a failing economy in the United States and the entire world struggling to catch with the times and once again convert itself into a better place. My objective with these forum is to see what people really want to accomplish with there lives and what holds them back from fulfilling their dreams. I honestly beleive that every obstacle can be overcome in a person's life. Of course there are the exceptions to this rule but honestly review every reason you have given yourself in the past for not accomplishing your dreams in this life. Why haven't you gone back to school, why haven't you started saving for a new house, why haven't you consulted a finicail advisor to get you out of debt, why haven't you signed your kids up for sports, why can't you find that specail person, and so many other things we deny ourselves because WE have convinced ourselves that we can't accomplish our dreams. Could the reason maybe be that you won't allow yourself to succeed because you are scared of the road you must travel to your dreams. The sacrafices you have make, the comforts you may have to deny yourself, and the fears you have to conquer just to grasp that dream that would allow you to live a better live. Allow you to live up to your full potential. When I sat time and look over my life wondering why I was not accomplishing certain dreams I realized that the only person I could blame for my failure was me! No one else. All I had to do was conquer my fear and travel that hard path towards my dreams. Now my beginnest fear is that I will allow that fear to stop me from accomplishing my dreams. What are you denying yourself and what could you accomplish this year if you allowed yourself to do it. Lol! Beginniest now means Biggest! Sorry! Lol! |
New Year's Resolutions!
If you are one of those peoples that doesn't look forward to a fresh start at the beginning of the year this forum is not for you.
At the beginning of this year I found hope to be the person I am and live up to my full potential. I know that there are people like me out their but I am discovering that I just a little bolder with my optistism about this upcoming year. Everyone is facing hard times with a failing economy in the United States and the entire world struggling to catch with the times and once again convert itself into a better place. My objective with these forum is to see what people really want to accomplish with there lives and what holds them back from fulfilling their dreams. I honestly beleive that every obstacle can be overcome in a person's life. Of course there are the exceptions to this rule but honestly review every reason you have given yourself in the past for not accomplishing your dreams in this life. Why haven't you gone back to school, why haven't you started saving for a new house, why haven't you consulted a finicail advisor to get you out of debt, why haven't you signed your kids up for sports, why can't you find that specail person, and so many other things we deny ourselves because WE have convinced ourselves that we can't accomplish our dreams. Could the reason maybe be that you won't allow yourself to succeed because you are scared of the road you must travel to your dreams. The sacrafices you have make, the comforts you may have to deny yourself, and the fears you have to conquer just to grasp that dream that would allow you to live a better live. Allow you to live up to your full potential. When I sat time and look over my life wondering why I was not accomplishing certain dreams I realized that the only person I could blame for my failure was me! No one else. All I had to do was conquer my fear and travel that hard path towards my dreams. Now my beginnest fear is that I will allow that fear to stop me from accomplishing my dreams. What are you denying yourself and what could you accomplish this year if you allowed yourself to do it. |
What you hate most in others
dead fish in bed ![]() ![]() We women love those guys who "announce" what they are going to do in bed and then they get there and we think, "Whaaa?, this sucks". Like, Oh baby I am gonna blank you so good and for so long.... ![]() That us just an addendum to what I said initially though... ![]() I couldn't agree more! |
What you hate most in others
Racism or Discrimination
cute and sexy... and probably a little kinky... but gives away too much information on the page. its always better to find out those little details in the private conversation.. ![]() Your advice is taken! Thanks! I'll review this weekend. |
Matchmaking Game - part 166
This looked like fun but I don't see anything going one but conversation between old friends. Can new people join the fun? We would like to try it? Sure, we always welcome fresh mea...err I mean we always welcome new people to join in ![]() ![]() Oh no... what have I gotten into? LOL! ![]() |
Matchmaking Game - part 166
This looked like fun but I don't see anything going one but conversation between old friends. Can new people join the fun? We would like to try it?