Community > Posts By > Rock

Rock's photo
Sat 10/28/23 09:27 AM

It's a beautiful day.
I may go out later to paintball some midgets.

But, but, but everyone’s a midget in comparison to you!


I do try to limit such to the county I live in.

Rock's photo
Sat 10/28/23 09:17 AM
Prepping the paintball gun.

Rock's photo
Sat 10/28/23 09:15 AM
It's a beautiful day.
I may go out later to paintball some midgets.

Rock's photo
Fri 10/27/23 10:39 PM
I'm feelin', that ribeye and fried onions hit the spot.

Rock's photo
Fri 10/27/23 10:34 PM
Will they be serving free :popcorn:?

Rock's photo
Fri 10/27/23 08:11 PM

Do we still have men that trusts and just let love lead ? Skeptical minded people everywhere

When you're using stolen pics, and lying through
your tooth... Expect skepticism.

Rock's photo
Fri 10/27/23 07:34 PM
Edited by Rock on Fri 10/27/23 07:35 PM

Rock's photo
Fri 10/27/23 07:34 PM
Go to edit account,
Skip directly to "General" info.
Your gender selections are there.

Rock's photo
Fri 10/27/23 03:53 PM

Rock's photo
Tue 10/17/23 10:34 AM
Getting ready to go out and paintball some dirty
hippies this evening.

Rock's photo
Mon 10/16/23 07:10 PM

Whatever it is that CNN or Fox Or other shitty media have been showing on the news is full of bias, and never shows what's really going on over there. I pity the gullible Americans for being spoon fed lies.

And about that man in Illinois who murdered a 6 year old Palestinian boy, are you going to make excuses for what he did?

Most media outlets are unadulterated bullschit.

I've been to Israel. Have you?

The outright murder of an unarmed child on U.S. soil, should be punished by death by public hanging.

Israel and Israelis have as much right to exist and defend themselves as any other people and nation.

Seems you've been spoonfed a bias you accused others of.

Rock's photo
Mon 10/16/23 06:58 PM
You have plenty of pics, and interests listed.
You could work on your write up in your "about me" section.

Rock's photo
Mon 10/16/23 06:56 PM
I'm thinking back to when I said I was attracted
to batschit crazy women.
I never said anything about dumb women.
Dumb, you have been blocked.

Rock's photo
Sat 10/14/23 02:35 PM
Pissin' people off.

Rock's photo
Sat 10/14/23 02:33 PM
I'm really liking the well deserved fires at hamas hq.

Rock's photo
Sat 10/14/23 02:28 PM

Rock's photo
Thu 10/12/23 07:12 PM

Rock's photo
Thu 10/12/23 07:09 PM

It's a dating site.

Unless there are Israeli or Palestinian singles looking for a date, I'm not sure how this is an appropriate venue for that.

Well then...
You're cordially invited to endeavor an aeronautic
conjugation at a rolling doughnut.

Btw... Did you happen to catch the title of the
forum category?

Rock's photo
Thu 10/12/23 07:03 PM
I generally delete 100% of all messages.

Rock's photo
Thu 10/12/23 07:01 PM

I've been seeing a girl that I met on Match. com, and things are going well. We've gone out on four dates, and we're both taking things at a comfortable pace. We haven't been intimate in any way and I'm okay with that. Our dates have all been at nice restaurants, and I always pay the bill.

I find her attractive and I know that many men are interested in dating her. On our last date, I shared with her how much I enjoyed the fancy restaurant and the walk afterward on our last date. However, she appeared confused and said, "Did you really take me to that restaurant?" I confirmed the date and time, but she still seemed unsure. She told me that many men had taken her to that restaurant before, but she didn't realize I had taken her there too.

I guess this is a problem dating a woman that is dating a lot of men. She doesn't remember any special time.

You're so full of schit, your breath stinks.

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