Help! You scientific types.
What's the biggest difference between a solar panel and a solar planet? I don't need to tell me what they are, but I ask you to please tell me what the BIGGEST difference between these two types of things are. the biggest difference is in size and/or mass. |
kissing friend seattle
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Thu 11/12/09 06:34 PM
That sounds interesting. Nevermind, profile deleted.
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Thu 11/12/09 06:16 PM
DNA's double helix structure was an enigma, until the scientist trying to figure it out took some lsd. Then the double spiral ladder made sense all of a sudden. I'm also pretty warped. Normal scares me.
I guess I better be careful what I wish for. Yep. Once you wake up, you can't go back to sleep. So, do you want the blue pill or do you want the red pill? I can't remember which one is which. I'll take the one that wakes me up. it's the red one. that one wakes one up. |
I agree. Reason can not fathom the unknowable. There are two sides to life, the side we can talk about (the tonal) and the other side.
How serious is everyone?
im here to find a guy thats not a jerk :) someone who can get over the fact that im not a tiny little perfect blonde and im happy with that sick if being shot down because i am who i am...looking for someone who can accept me for me... :) anybody out there ? I'm all for accepting people for who they are, as long as they are gonna do the same for the occasional flaw in my own character. No one is perfect, but at least some try to be. |
What Would You Ask God?
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Thu 11/12/09 01:42 AM
I would think that God's first thought was: I AM!
I would also ask God to make fate just a tiny bit less obtrusive into the lives of everyone. |
I'm not just here to awaken, I'm here to spread awakening across the planet, like a match tossed into gasoline soaked firecrackers.
but on at least one of the levels of reality, all people are connected to each other as one. so in a way, each of us is everywhere. So, say for example, we were so far in the future from where we thought we were in time, that there were completely immersive and immensely detailed video games that were basically seemingly long dreams that took place in a short time. And if what we consider to be life and reality was all taking place in that video game, how could we figure out if that was the case? If the universe is indeed structured the way it looks like it is, it lends itself to holography. If everything is a hologram, then new ones could be created with a little smoke and mirrors. Holograms don't have thoughts though. What if they were programmed to think they did though? I guess if life is really a giant holographic future video game, then kudos to who or whatever wrote the program.
here's a better question. do my actions that affect other people in my view of the universe, really affect those people in their own views of the universe, or is everyone that isn't me just a convincing illusion in my own unique reality tunnel?
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Wed 11/11/09 10:48 PM
But if what we think of as real, is an illusion, where or what is the real part to it? I mean, hologram or illusion or reflection, it has to have some sort of real thing behind the chicanery.
question needed
local laws matter more than the opinions and guesses that I could venture. it sounds unfair, maybe find a different landlord? they tend to get the message if you move out and they don't have rent coming in anymore. In the US, check the law section of the biggest local library. Look up City, State, Federal, and Civil Law. That should cover it. Or maybe try asking a lawyer in the context that you have a situation and you are unsure of whether or not you need a lawyer, so you want a free quickie consult.
What job would you
i'd hate being a cop, and i would love a nice paying job in my field (media.) I'm not picky, heck I've been out of work two years solid, at this point I'd pick up garbage, or be a stripper. I don't care, just pay me.
There has to be an "outside" for the universe to play in. It borders what some call Hades. There is most assuredly nothingness, but it is entirely at the other end of existence.
My theory on the matter is that the larger suns have small but dense black holes in their cores. No way to prove it, but I like my hunches. I agree. I will go even further than that and say that planets also have a black hole in their center. I will go even further than that and say that you and me (people) arise from a 'black hole.' I completely agree that the black hole of people is what is really linking us all together as one. I also agree on the planet one. Kind of tough to prove, but it would be a Nobel for sure. |
I heard that what goes into one is crushed into oblivion from the force of the "gravity". Really? I heard that too. Many years ago. Now what is this thing you call "oblivion?" And what exactly is it that gets "crushed?" Okay, granted, planets, and everything on them. But what are they actually made of? Basically they boil down to ATOMS which are mostly just energy and empty space. Oblivion = infinity? Or Oblivion = Another universe on the other side? Oblivion is like final death for a vampire. It's primordial chaos. Pure Nothingness. The opposite of being. |
My theory on the matter is that the larger suns have small but dense black holes in their cores. No way to prove it, but I like my hunches.
DC sniper
I lived in Baltimore during that shooting. Glad to see him go.
Champions Online is alright. I have a lifetime to it and regret the purchase though. Character creation is pretty decent, and I'm sure it is fun with big teams, but I have to agree with Steam's rating it as a 72 out of 100. It is new though, maybe they will fix it.
I despise christianity...
I can relate to despising it. It doesn't have all of the blame, of course, but if you really look at Christianity closely, and the horrors that it allows to continue on a day to day basis, then you may begin to understand better how someone can hate a religion that is based on love.