Community > Posts By > Godwhispers

Godwhispers's photo
Sat 02/28/09 01:19 AM

Galations 6:7,8

Godwhispers's photo
Sat 02/28/09 01:10 AM

Godwhispers's photo
Sat 02/28/09 01:09 AM

Godwhispers's photo
Sat 02/28/09 01:03 AM
Of course you can... why do you think I am still SINGLE? LOL...

Godwhispers's photo
Sat 02/28/09 12:51 AM

Godwhispers's photo
Sat 02/28/09 12:43 AM

Godwhispers's photo
Fri 02/27/09 07:06 PM

Simple answerthink ...Most guys{not all} are @ssesindifferent


Godwhispers's photo
Fri 02/27/09 06:57 PM
barely anything in his pants (except pee and poo)

Godwhispers's photo
Fri 02/27/09 01:59 PM

i have 20years ago.....would i do it today ????? heck no !

Yeah it was about 20 years ago for me too, and HECK NO I wouldn't do it again for NO MAN.... thanks for stopping by...

Godwhispers's photo
Fri 02/27/09 01:58 PM

I have......

ya won didn'tsha?

Godwhispers's photo
Fri 02/27/09 01:54 PM

Wait fight for them or fight them?

for them LOL...

Godwhispers's photo
Fri 02/27/09 01:51 PM

Hey be careful out there.. there are nuts everywhere diguised as normal people. I had a man wave a gun at me with a nasty leer on his face.. It was funny. I was in law enforcement at the time. I just waved my badge and gun right back at him.. he about sh*t himself getting away from me.:banana: :banana: :banana:

So could there be NORMAL people disquised as NUTS? Yeah I know a few of those, I was employed by one of "them"

Godwhispers's photo
Fri 02/27/09 01:49 PM

Michigan no law. and i dont have a cell. i too get up set when they do it.mad

Just wondering... hmmm... could that be a man in a CATSUIT? LOL... thank you for stopping by...

Godwhispers's photo
Fri 02/27/09 01:48 PM

my looney buns are fine benny lava!!bigsmile

looney buns? is that a GOURMET DISH? lol...

Godwhispers's photo
Fri 02/27/09 01:47 PM

When cell phones first came out, I rearended someone who stopped dead in mid traffic flow to answer her damned phone.

But I was ticketed for bumpin into her... luckily, I just knocked the dirt off her bumper... but her husband was the one calling her and he insisted they get a police report so he could falsify damage (he owned a body shop). So I got a ticket and the guy called me the next day and tried to get me to pay him $200, I refused and turned it into my insurance but alerted them that there was no visible damage, the cop even wrote it on the ticket.

The guy still ended up getting a $600 bumper cover out of the deal... I think he switched a damaged one for his so he could get some cash.

Anyway, cell phones are a pain in traffic.

geeee $600.00 for a bumper? UGH! heck ya cell phones are a pain in the... ARSE? thanks for stopping by...

Godwhispers's photo
Fri 02/27/09 01:44 PM

of having a nasty mouth! I know every biblical scripture to why I SHOULDN'T have told some female on the road "Call your FRICKIN mommy later AND get off the DAMN phone" but hey, in our county it's against the law to to drive and be on a cell phone, and there is a valid reason for it, when people are on their cell phones they don't pay attention to the road! GRRRRR...

drool Turtle soup yummydrool


Godwhispers's photo
Fri 02/27/09 01:44 PM

it is a pain because people drive bad enough without them

here is a link to check the cell phone laws in your state

Thank you much ma'am for that link!

Godwhispers's photo
Fri 02/27/09 01:42 PM
Ok then.


Godwhispers's photo
Fri 02/27/09 01:41 PM


thanks for stopping by sweetie!

Godwhispers's photo
Fri 02/27/09 01:40 PM


LOL... I know what you are talking about... LOL

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