Community > Posts By > Spirograph
Tears drenched Cassi's cheeks, her skin glistening in the light from the fire. "That was such a sad story, Ajare." Losing her appetite, she offers him the rest of her share of bread. "Are you still hungry?"
My GF rapes me every chance she gets! I can blame Mingle (JSH) for that! However, that's really not a laughing matter and as Kat said we shun them quickly. If lucky, nobody tracks them down and neuters them! Erik and I met on here and just celebrated our 10month anniversary last week :) |
I miss romance. I would absolutely love to get romance back into the equation.
"I believe that I once heard a story of a King Ambrose.. but no, not of a demon." She smiled, her eyes sparkling a bit. "Please, tell me the story of demon Ambrose."
"You gonna eat your half?" She chuckled, looking at his untouched piece of the bread. "Your stomach grumblings could wake a goblin."
"Hmmm.." she giggled, nibbling at the bread. "I'm in the mood for a romance story. Do you have any of those in that book of yours?"
Yes, No, or Maybe - part 7
Yes, i like it.. but it doesn't like me.
Have you ever had mongolian food? |
Last to post wins! - part 67
i like to think that poster is real.
"Oh no need to apologize." She chuckled pressing a quick playful kiss to his cheek. "You're cute." Breaking off a piece of the bread, she nibbles at it. "Will you tell me another story, Ajare?"
"Why do you look at me like that, little one?" She chuckled quietly, breaking the bread in half and offering a share to Ajare.
Last to post wins! - part 67
like me?!!?!?
![]() |
"Hmm.. it's been a while since I've been to market, so my rations are short...." she digs through the bag, moving her products aside to get down to the personal rations she keeps for herself. "Looks like I have some bread here. We can place it on a stone near the fire and let it get warm?" She smiled sweetly, doing so, finding a flat stone and wiping it clean to the best of her ability, setting the bread to warm.
Last to post wins! - part 67
yes... it's the most pointless game on the site... i think that's why i love it so :)
Yes, No, or Maybe - part 7
Have you ever picked apples?
Last to post wins! - part 67
last! :)
"Just had to see me again, 'eh?" She giggled quietly. "I haven't seen anyone else yet tonight. Please, join me by the fire. We'll dig through my bag and see what kind of dinner we can scrape up."
"Ajare! Where did you scamper off to?" She smiled, rustling the boys hair after setting the last log to the flame.
Yes, No, or Maybe - part 7
ughhhh i'm so fvkking stupid.
no, i don't tip them individually, I invest in programs that'll help them in the long run. have you ever jumped from a bridge? |