Any Cat Gurus??
I read that only females are tricolor, it can't see its genetalia... its too furry
Any Cat Gurus??
Its a tricolor, does that mean its a girl??
Any Cat Gurus??
warm milk is bad. alot of cats are lactose intolerant believe it or not. definitely take it to a vet sooner rather than later, and keep it close in your bed at night. its gonna need a lot of attention and time to get used ot stuff. dont be suprised if it pees all over. but it will get the hang of littler boxes eventually. check for its sex, and decide on if you want it fixed. which i highly recommend earlier rather than later in its life. :) Geez berg I had no idea you were a cat guru Good advice, thx |
Any Cat Gurus??
I found a tiny kitten at a gas station tonight. It was crying. I felt bad so I took it home, fed and bathed it. It is the cutest little thing... and now I'm thinking that I'm not going to take it to the animal shelter tomorrow and instead and keep the little thing. I have never been a cat person, so I don't really know what I should do. Warm milk? Does it need shots?? I know there has to be some cat people that can give me some advice.
Matchmaking Game - part 141
Thanks tanya
Matchmaking Game - part 141
Not sure how this game really works, but it sounds fun... read the rules already... MATCH ME
Matchmaking Game - part 141
I want to play the game!
What Yall Think?
On your profile, you say you want someone who is the same as you... why would you want to date a mirror image of yourself? Maybe you should try learning things from other people and experiencing something outside your box.
Most likely wrong most of the time
Most likely to realize I'm worst online than in real life
most likely to be a nice guy maybe
Most likely loves to pick on me
most likely to be so wrong, but also so hopeful
Most likely to be eating a Philly cheese steak
most likely to put his foot in his mouth, if your not in the desert, where are you?
Most likely thinks I meant him when I really meant Natel...
most likely to be in the desert somewhere doing nothing
Most likely to get a messaged aimed at Willx18
Most likely to be named a nickname
Most likely to be bored just like me