till we meet again
OMG!That is so beautiful DGF.Know that the words you lay down,the words
you speak,the thoughts that lie within your heart are felt by your Father as we speak for his abilities stretch well beyond the scope and comprehension of mortal man now.He left behind a very beautiful and precious gem upon the Earth to carry on.He knows!Godspeed!Cybear. |
Aaaaaaaaw!You guys are klling me here.I know you just like seeing
Cybear's eyes tear up.That's what it is.I completely understand now.K.With that said LaMoM that is so beautiful and straight as an arrow to the heart.So true gurlfriend.Txs is one of my dearest friends and go~to gurls.WhatI hope she understands,is that the feelings lie mutual for she fills in our voids of lonliness as well.In addition to her other fine qualities that she shares with us all here in the comm.The Bear is honored to be within this thread with you ppls.Also within the thread lies two awesome friends.Michael and Karma.You guys & gals RAWK! claws retracted Cy.Yes they are I promise.No claws crossed(lmao)Hey! here comes Terry;he's not the gun~toteing jealous type is he?No Cybear he's the sweetest,not to worry.(phew)that's a bearific relief.What's that in his hand?Oh!Cy that's just his carry~on luggage.K.Cy give me back that pump.Cy give it here;I don't want to be standing crooked when he comes up to kiss me.K.Here.(LMAO)Your Bearific Friend Always!Cybear. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"Captain of My Ship"
This is very beautiful and compelling.I can virtually sense this journey
as if I was onboard this ship.May I ask to come aboard for this trip with my Princess hand in hand?I love this very much Txs.This is a mystical journey delivered by the fingertips of a truly loving and compassionate soul.Your surrealism within your Poetry truly moves the readers desire to a high level.You're awesome gurl.Godspeed!Your Friend Cybear. ![]() ![]() |
where did you go
I am very sorry for your loss DGF.When I initially attached the song to
your first poem I did not have this knowledge.However then,I can only hope that you will perceive them words as your Father's thoughts for you.For if he was here now this is exactly how he would feel about you.So then let them cherished words remain in your heart for all time for they come directly from him in Heaven as he looks down at you and smiles.You are his angel for all eternity.Godspeed!Cybear. |
~A Poem for Princess~
If I touched you,and held you close
And you felt my breath upon your skin Then would your world begin to spin Would your soft smooth lips quiver When we kissed for the first time Would I make you feel alive again If you would take a chance with me Just let yourself love once again If you could open and let me in Let me unlock your delicate heart Would you feel that it is worth the risk Fearfully perhaps being wronged again Or would you just turn away and run Sadly,I realize that you're now afraid I'll see uncertainty & fear in your eyes Then I'd feel you tremble when we touched Certainly,I'd never take advantage of you I would take all the time to help you see That new love could bloom for you and me Ceaselessly painful as if it were infinite Since earnestly beginning to think this way Avoiding the dark corridor of chance & pain Our laughter ceased when love's silence began We closed that heavy door so very long ago But somehow Princess,we may smile once more We don't know if anything will come of this But I think about you more than I will admit A world of maybes and foolish as it seems If you find your way to my awaiting door We may find something we never found before Suffocating confines of our somber reality Wrestling with that great fear of chance The courage of opening that forbidden door A desire for this pleasure yet unexplored Stifled whims and fantasies to explore A vision of perfection and contentment Yes,this yearning still lures me to you We shall forget this life once so refined If only for one lifetime,let's us be free Let our passion show,abandon our insecurities Gracefully let go,and let God set our course Lovingly Submitted by Cybear 1/28/07 For my Princess@JSH(not revealed yet) ![]() ![]() |
Movie Quotes...
Nightmare on Elm St."Jump Rope Song"
One~Two:Freddy's coming for you Three~Four:Better lock your door Five~Six Grab your crucifix Seven~Eight:Better stay up late Nine~Ten:Never sleep again /////////////////////////////////////// Will~In my dreams I can walk again F.Krueger~But when you wake up,it's"Back in the saddle AGAIN!" Will~Oh Yeah!Well in my dreams,I'm the Grand Wizard Master F.Krueger~Sorry!kid;but I don't believe in fairy tales ![]() |
Movie Quotes...
A.Schwarzenegger~Remember Sully;when I told you I'd kill you last? Sully~Yeah!right,Yeah!Yeah!you did. A.Schwarzenegger~I lied! |
got 2 find u
O.K.Sexy~Kitty,let's go for it.I promise we will break the bed with the
level of fun I have in mind(wink).And I promise to leave any matches or lighters on the dresser I promise(wink)(No claws crossed)Cybear=Grrrr~Sexy~Kitty=Meeeow. ![]() |
got 2 find u
OMG!Sean.This one is so simple to figure out.Remember last night in
Songbird's thread you stated you made love to her until the bed broke and caught fire(lmao)Well!This woman is now scared for her life and she has been placed in a Fed.Witness Protection Program.This one is self~ explanatory.Initiating pyro~sexual fantasies upon a woman can produce these type of results.It's fair to say you will probably never re~connect with this terrified woman.Seriously I would highly recommend some intense psychological counseling before undertaking your next relationship.As kinky and erotic as you may find this to be,others find it quite frightening(lmao)So with this said,I wish you the best in the future and please do refrain from any type of ignition devices.(lol)Peace!Cybear. ![]() |
~A Poem For Karmafury~
Awesome!Karma.I'm truly happy that you enjoyed it.Your Friend and
Brother forever.Cybear.Until there is Peace!Amen. ![]() |
~A Poem For Karmafury~
Aaaaaaaaaaw!DGF.I apologize for making you cry,however this is a very
passionate subject for Cybear for obvious reasons.Hey!Gurl where have you been?You have to come into the JSH~house more often with us.We have an awesome group of people within.Trust Me!Did you enjoy the T.McGraw song"My Little Girl"that I placed within your thread awhile back?It seemed to fit like a glove,when my eye caught your screen name.I hope you enjoyed hon.Godspeed!Your Friend,Cybear ![]() |
~A Poem For Karmafury~
Absolutely Dane,I would be honored.All I ask in return is that you
assist me in watching Song's back.For she is very precious and she possess on of my most dearest hearts I've encountered.She is clever, witty & a live wire at times,but very sensitive underneath.I know this because she is one of my dear friends who confides in me.The Bear can't be in all threads simultaneously,so help me to cover her back O.K. Godspeed!Your Friend,Cybear ![]() |
~A Poem For Karmafury~
Good Eve.Tneal,my dear friend.I submitted my Poem"I must get home by
Night"two days ago and it is not posted yet @PS.But certainly,I will submit it once the above one is posted.Once again T;I am honored and deeply appreciative.Thank You! so much((((((bear~hug))))))) p.s.I really bear-ed my soul(pun intended) there in that Poem for obvious reasons.I am truly passionate in this area.Thx!again Tneal ![]() ![]() |
~A Poem For Karmafury~
Thank You!Venus~Rose,I am very happy that I touched your heart.I am
honored.This is an subject in my life that I am very passionate over for obvious reasons.Godspeed!Your Friend,Cybear. ![]() ![]() |
Excellent K.Thank You!very much for the heads~up.This is what I've been
saying all along.There are certain things we can do within the help each other out.I have a very aggressive Sec.Sys.but not all members do.You're a good friend K to all of us.Good work.Thx again!Godspeed!Cybear. ![]() |
~A Poem For Karmafury~
Awwwwwwwww!I Luv you to F/P.You're my gurl,you know that.You can always
bring out the Grrrr in Cybear,as I can bring out the Meooow in Kitty.(wink).You are my dear friend forever and a day.True friendship in life is indeed difficult to obtain,so it is never to be taken advantage of or forsaken.It is to upheld and cherished throughout our life that God grants us.Your Dear Friend Forever,Cybear aka Steve ![]() ![]() |
~A Poem For Karmafury~
Hello!Karma.You most certainly can copy my poem for it was You and your
beloved Country for whom it was written.From one Soldier~Brother to the other.Until there is Peace!We will always stand guard at the gate of our beloved Countries to be certain that Life,Liberty,Honor and our Flags shall never fall.And to safeguard our loved ones within our homeland.For this will always be our primary and foremost mission in life until God claims us.Amen Godspeed!Your Brother & Friend Always,Cybear{101st Airborne}"Death from the Sky"United States of America.My Beloved Country Forever.Amen. |
~A Poem For Karmafury~
He was getting old and paunchy and his hair was falling fast, And he sat around the Legion telling stories of his past Of a war that he had fought in and the deeds that he had done, In his exploits with his buddies,they were heroes, every one. And tho'sometimes to his neighbours,his tales became a joke, All his Legion buddies listened,for they knew whereof he spoke But we'll hear his tales no longer,for old Bill has passed away, And the world's a little poorer,for the soldier died today. He won't be mourned by many,just his children and his wife, For he lived an ordinary,quick and uneventful life Held a job and raised a family,quietly going his own way And the world won't note his passing,tho'a soldier died today. When politicians leave this earth,their bodies lie in state While thousands note their passing and proclaim that they were great, Papers tell their life stories from the time that they were young, But the passing of a soldier goes unnoticed and unsung. In the greatest contribution to the welfare of our land One guy breaks his promises and cons his fellow man But the ordinary fellow,who in times of war and strife, Goes off to serve his country and offers up his life. A politician's stipend and the style in which he lives Are sometimes disproportionate to the service that he gives While the ordinary soldier who offered up his all Is paid off with a medal and perhaps a pension small. It's so easy to forget them,for it was so long ago That the old Bills of our country went to battle,but we know It was not the politicians,with their compromise and ploys Who won for us the freedom that our country now enjoys. Should you find yourself in danger with your enemies at hand Would you want a politician with his ever~shifting stand Or would you prefer a soldier who has sworn to defend His home,his kin and country and would fight right to the end? He was just a common soldier and his ranks are growing thin But his presence should remind us we may need his likes again. For when countries are in conflict then we find the soldier's part Is to clean up all the troubles that the politicians start. If we cannot do him honour while he's here to hear the praise, Then at least let's give him homage at the ending of his days Perhaps just a simple headline in a paper that would say, "OUR COUNTRY IS IN MOURNING,FOR A SOLDIER DIED TODAY !!" Submitted by Cybear {A U.S.Soldier~101st Airborne}1/27/07 A Dedication to Canada's Brave Soldiers Whom Have Paid The Ultimate Sacrifice In Battle "May You Rest In Peace". ![]() |
Passions eve
Hottttttttttttttt!Be still my beating heart!You Rawk
Gurl!!Godspeed!Cybear. |
Is there any ladies
Thx!Shadowdog.Nice to see you to bro.Hey how's bout playin a little
J.Hendrix~Among the watchtower for us all ![]() Hi!Jerbear.101st Airborne"Death from the Sky"Yeah!baby. ![]() |