Community > Posts By > SkyHook5652
Evidence for a Designer...
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Sat 11/07/09 03:27 PM
Abracadabra wrote:
Everything I have written supports the idea that science does not say cannot say. Nothing I have written contradicts that, so I have no idea where you are obtaining the information from which you draw the conclusion that I supposedly take "the hardcore stance that science favors no-design". That is bullsh*t! I have given sound philosophical proof regarding the fallacious form of argument which is required to even begin to delve into the teleological idea of a designed universe.I have offered you repeatedly that science simply cannot say. I have even offered this very thing several times throughout this very thread. You continually refuse to accept that and take the hard-core stance that science favors no-design. “Assuming a premise” is not a “fallacious form of argument”. It is exactly what is always done when there is no evidence to the contrary. Philosophers do it. Scientists do it. “Even uneducated humans do it.” (Cole Porter joke). The only requirement for any argument is a premise (“designer”/”no designer”). If there is no evidence to the contrary, then there is no logical reason to exclude any premise from consideration. And as far as I can tell, everyone is agreed that there is no evidence either way. So we simply say “What if ____?” and then proceed from there. That is where the "delving in the teleological argument" begins. Nothing fallacious about that at all. |
Why order from Chaos?
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Sat 11/07/09 03:02 PM
So what does this new revelation of "indefinitely high degree" of order change?
Not to toot my own horn here but...
Well, here is the logic: If this is TRUE: THEN: Every tiny speck of what we think of as "disorder" does have specific causes, and the "butterfly effect" is also true. These causes cannot be known. It also means that we must take full responsibility for our personal reality in the sense of the "causation" that arises from what we think and do and how we react to the explicate order of things. Also, since the holographic nature of the universe indicates that we are all 'connected' via the deeper levels of reality that David Bohm calls the implicate order, (which means enfolded) order, our own level of existence (The explicate, or unfolded order) is affected by everything else and it seems to arise (unfold) from the deeper levels of our own existence or observation point. Simply put, if I stumble over a piece of clutter in my house I am responsible. If I pull out in front of a semi and my car stalls and I get killed, I am responsible. (which I almost did yesterday.) Where I am, what I do and think, is part of the "indefinitely high degree" of order that arises from me personally in my personal reality. My personal realization is that I have more control over my reality than I previously thought. Toot Toot! ![]() ![]() I have been saying, since almost my first day on this forum: "You create your own reality". (One may replace "create" with "unfold" if one wishes. ![]() So let's play a duet... You want to take the melody or the haramony? Toot Toot! ![]() ![]() |
Violence in the world .
this is true the media will twist and turn everything u say to make u look bad. The media is a part of the problem and their propaganda should be an ILLEGAL and a criminal act . People believe the media and the media keep on feeding them all kings of Administration agenda regardless of the outcomes . The best example on that is the two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan . Peace is nice and we should all do our part to achieve it . Those who want wars and violence have nothing good to contribute on this planet and therefore are not welcome to be listen to or followed .And if their purpose is to "report the state of the world", then they are failing miserably by reporting only one side of it. I don't really think they are necessarily oriented toward feeding us administrative agenda. One of their biggest focuses is "what's wrong with the administrative agenda". As such, they are doing the exact same thing there as they do everywhere else - feed us conflict and disaster. In short, it doesn't matter what is happening or where - they're "agenda" seems to be to always feed us the worst of it. |
Who was I?
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Sat 11/07/09 02:46 PM
A female who is "the most famous scientist in the field of radioactivity ever."
That can't be anyone but "Madam Curie" |
The first episode of V is available online today. I'm gonna watch it later today. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Fermi Paradox
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Sat 11/07/09 02:36 PM
I'm not privy to the cpabilities of the SETI reserach, so the main question I have is this: If there were ETIs that had the exact same technology, would their SETI experiments be able to detect us?
And I assume there is some limit to the range of our SETI capabilities. So that would mean we can only detect ETI within a certain distance of us. And one must also consider the qualitative aspects - that is, we are only looking for things within our technological capabilities - i.e. certaing radiations within the electraomagnatic spectrum. But if ETI posessed "superior technology", it may be that such technology is completely undetecteble by us. I can think of at least one possibility there - the ability to "focus carrier waves in a tight beam". An analogy might be us trying to detect the signal inside a shielded fiber optic cable. We simply don't have the technolgy to detect it. Another possibility could be that any such communication is "encrypted" in a way that would simply look like "noise" to us. And then there is the "purpose and intent" issue... If an ETI had the capability of traveling intra-galactic (or even inter-galactic) distances, we'd have to postulate that they wanted to contact us, which may not necessarily be the case. In other words, we could simply be the "backwoods slum" where no one wants to go. Just some ruminations. ![]() |
Who was I?
Antoine Lavoisier – “the father of modern chemistry”
Evidence for a Designer...
Yes, I understand that.
Good post. I had not appealed to Occam's razor, I was simply clarifying the idea in an attempt to correct it's misuse. ![]() I was just replying to the "What about...?" question. ![]() |
Evidence for a Designer...
creative wrote:
Main Entry: Oc·cam's razor Variant(s): also Ock·ham's razor \ˈä-kəmz-\ Function: noun Etymology: William of Occam Date: circa 1837 : a scientific and philosophic rule that entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily which is interpreted as requiring that the simplest of competing theories be preferred to the more complex or that explanations of unknown phenomena be sought first in terms of known quantities Abra responded: So? The keywords there are "competing theories" not competing guesses. So what about the bolded, italicized, and underlined key words? It is true that explanations should first be sought in terms of known quantities. But the point is that, in this case, known quantities do not provide an explanation – just as “Newtonian quantities” do not provide an explanation for quantum behavior. Thus, if we are to have any explanation at all, we have no choice but to postulate unknown quantities. One could argue, that "Intelligent Design" at least offers an explanation of how order came to be. Therefore it qualifies as a valid "theory". Is that why so many scientists are on that bandwagon?It’s perfectly analogous to “inertia” – there are a few centuries of time and effort behind the direction science is now going. Changing the direction of something with that much “inertia” behind it is not easy. Thankfully, there are some small pockets of change (e.g. PEAR), so at least it’s starting. So the scientists object and say, "So who designed the designers?" But that objection is futile, because science already explains everything in terms of unexplained fundamental forces and particles. So they aren't any further ahead.
Asking "Who designed those things?" first assumes that they are/were designed. Science does not ask that question because it cannot be answered. It is not a two-way street. Science knows it's limitations.Who designed those things? It's a two-way street! Science is standing on quicksand and offering to toss other people a rope? Get real. That’s what this whole thread is about. The problem is that, with very few exceptions, that question has never been addressed scientifically. So of course, there can be very little scientific evidence either way. |
Why order from Chaos?
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Sat 11/07/09 12:40 PM
So what does this new revelation of "indefinitely high degree" of order change?
Not to toot my own horn here but...
Well, here is the logic: If this is TRUE: THEN: Every tiny speck of what we think of as "disorder" does have specific causes, and the "butterfly effect" is also true. These causes cannot be known. It also means that we must take full responsibility for our personal reality in the sense of the "causation" that arises from what we think and do and how we react to the explicate order of things. Also, since the holographic nature of the universe indicates that we are all 'connected' via the deeper levels of reality that David Bohm calls the implicate order, (which means enfolded) order, our own level of existence (The explicate, or unfolded order) is affected by everything else and it seems to arise (unfold) from the deeper levels of our own existence or observation point. Simply put, if I stumble over a piece of clutter in my house I am responsible. If I pull out in front of a semi and my car stalls and I get killed, I am responsible. (which I almost did yesterday.) Where I am, what I do and think, is part of the "indefinitely high degree" of order that arises from me personally in my personal reality. My personal realization is that I have more control over my reality than I previously thought. Toot Toot! ![]() ![]() I have been saying, since almost my first day on this forum: "You create your own reality". (One may replace "create" with "unfold" if one wishes. ![]() |
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Sat 11/07/09 12:32 PM
Form follows function. It is common design criteria in millions of items. It probably was made famous in contempory times in architecture (Falling Water, etc.) but it has applications in everything from a toaster to the space shuttle. I agree, but Bushi makes a good point. It seems that form follows function only in purposeful design. But in those cases where there is (apparently) no purposeful design, then form follows function.
Although, it must be admitted that in those cases, the reason for assuming the form follows the function is because there is no known purposeful design. So maybe form does always follow function and the only reason we assume differently is because we can't see a purpose. |
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Sat 11/07/09 12:20 PM
Form follows function. It is common design criteria in millions of items. It probably was made famous in contempory times in architecture (Falling Water, etc.) but it has applications in everything from a toaster to the space shuttle.
Same reason you shouldn't get a Red Ryder BB gun. Why aren't doorknobs placed at eye level? Laughed out loud at that one. ![]() |
Why order from Chaos?
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Sat 11/07/09 12:08 AM
JB wrote:
Rightfully so. Even mathematicians cannot define randomness in a meaningful way. So we don't don't even have a meaningful definition of disorder anyway.The new theory that I am considering is that there is no disorder. This is my post from another thread: The example in the "other" thread was taking a structure of legos and smashing it. The claim was that the original structure was "ordered" and the smashed structure was "disordered". But then if you smash it some more, doesn’t it become "more disordered". But that’s from the viewpoint of the observer. I just never heard it stated quite the way Bohm did it – from the perspective of a quantum physicist. Good stuff Jeannie. ![]() |
Evidence for a Designer...
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Fri 11/06/09 11:52 PM
And this isn't because we're not clever enough. It's because this is the nature of physicality. As long as we are in physical form there are certain things about the nature of the quantum field that we can never possibly know, no matter how sophisticated we get. Non-particle based information gathering might not be impossible in our physical forms. If you accept psychics and things they can't be doing what they do with everyday particles and the exotic ones usually wouldn't interact with our matter much anyway, much less whatever they wanted to get information from. |
Evidence for a Designer...
Creationists must deny:
Yeah, fun vid. I like the background music. Gives it sort of a humorously sarcastic, "keystone kops" kinda feel. No real point, just a cool vid, I think most here accept evolution . . . right? No YEC's right? ![]() |
Evidence for a Designer...
One step simpler is that the components of nature always [were] and needed no creator. If one considers time to be a “component of nature”, then that statement strikes me as being no less trite than any other statement. It’s simply stating that time always existed. One might just as well say “infinity is infinite” or “an apple is an apple”. ![]() |
Why order from Chaos?
Yeah, the problem is with the word "focus". Each eye has a lense that changes shape to make an image sharp according to distance from the image.
But that's not the "focus" that makes the 3D apparent. What that "focus" is, in this sense, is "the point at which the line-of-sight from the two eyes intersect". If that point is on the same plane as the picture, then you see random garbage. It's only when that point is the correct distance behind the picture, realtaive to the distance between the two eyes, that you see the 3D image. |
Different degrees of Order ... As Bohm delved more deeply into the matter he realized there were also different degrees of order. Some things were much more ordered than other things, and this implied that there was, perhaps, no end to the hierarchies of order that existed in the universe. From this it occurred to Bohm that maybe things that we perceive as disordered aren't disordered at all. Perhaps their order is of such an "indefinitely high degree" that they only appear to us as random (interestingly, mathematicians are unable to prove randomness, and although some sequences of numbers are categorized as random, these are only educated guesses.) ((BTW this is the same idea I have expressed for things having "degrees of consciousness.")) ![]() |
Why order from Chaos?
If you can see the 3-D pictures, try helping someone who just can't see them to see them. It's not easy. The images require you to relax your focus, which it seems some people can't physically do on command. If they can't, then they can't. There are techniques for doing just that, and they usually work.
But that's irrelevant, really... |
Evidence for a Designer...
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Fri 11/06/09 04:11 PM
Sky: No, that's definitely solipsism. The other words were just there so people would know what I was referring to because I felt I should prime people's vocabulary to make sure they knew what that word meant. Sky seems to be more of the first variety with some "reality is imaginary" solipsism thrown in. I could see a tiny bit of what you said, previous to this, that had some relation to my beliefs. But I think it’s mostly out of context and thus much of my intended meaning is lost – particularly the “real is imaginary solipsism” part. So can you give me words that describe the difference between a castle built out of legos and legos scattered about all over the place from what was basically just un-aimed destructive force? Yes I can. But I don’t see any reason to. I’m not interested in a discussion where the only action is tearing down others views with no apparent interest in building up any mutual understanding. Well I’ve always maintained that one creates one’s own reality, so I cannot deny the absolute truth of what you said there. It’s all my fault. ![]() |