Community > Posts By > 1MingleWithMe
Yo, 'Rusty Shackleford'
![]() The Concept: "How to Approach Me! → How to Date Me! → How to Sexually Seduce Me!" Break down each of these Three Main Steps. Thanks. |
I’ve a Question . . . will Someone please talk to Me? Or am I being ignored? ? ?
I’m a 33-year-old Straight/Hetersexual Male; and . . . almost wished I was born a Female because of [‘dating’ ‘game(s)’] problems and no one has cared to answer my question below . . . anyways . . . What is the step-by-step, the ‘How-to-do’ Process on: “how to approach/attract a peer-aged female”-- from this Method/Procedure/Concept? ? ? The Concept: "How to Approach Me! → How to Date Me! → How to Sexually Seduce Me!" What a r e the Sub-steps for each of the three Main Steps, please??? “How to approach Me!” #1. ? . . #?. ? “How to ‘Date’ Me!” #1. ? . . #?. ? “How to ‘Sexually’ Seduce Me!” #1. ? . . #?. ? Thank-you for n o t ignoring me. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I‘m a 33 year old, straight/heterosexual single non-Caucasian male who posted a profile on Yahoo!® Personals. On there, I selected the option, “No Preference” to indicate that I am open for, available to “each, any, and all ethnicities/races”; which are listed in the “My Idea Woman” section of my personal ad/profile on Yahoo!.
W h y did the Website ‘Matched’ me with a Female: who identified herself being ‘Caucasian’ and who selected o n l y ‘Caucasian’ for her “Ethnicity/Racial Preference” in the “Ideal Man” section of her personal ad/profile listed on Yahoo!® Personals-- regardless of: Location, Distance of Location, Age, Interests, Lifestyle, Political Views, Religious/Spiritual Affiliations, Personality, Physique/Aesthetics, Height, Photo(s), or Lack of Photo(s), and Economic Income??? Is this Female open to, available for either n o n-Caucasian male(s) or bi-racial/bi-ethnic male(s) who is/are: Caucasian/Anglo/White, Asian, Black, or Hispanic/Latino??? Are the women on Yahoo!® Personals more cautious, more skeptical/fickle, or more finicky, choosey/picky(discriminating to skin-complexion, skin tone; and maybe ‘racist’) about race/ethnicity of her/their “Ideal Man”??? In general and in terms mentioned above, h o w meticulously selective are Peer-age Women regarding to the following companionships/relationships. . .???: 1. “Platonic Acquaintanceship/Friendship”-- whether ‘Casual’ or ‘Intimate’? 2. a ‘Casual Date’ and “casual ‘dating’ ”? 3. For an ‘Amorous/Romantic Relationship’? 4. As a “Friend with Benefit(s)” or an ‘Intimate Encounter’? 5. On Telephone Personal Ads/Profiles and Telephone Chat-lines”? 6. At Social Dances(at either a Dance Studio or Night Dance club/bar), such as: Salsa, Swing, Two-step dancing; or Night-club/Free-style/Hip-hop dancing? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
About On-line Matching/’Dating’ Websites:
I‘m a 33 year old, straight/heterosexual single non-Caucasian male who posted a profile on Yahoo!® Personals. On there, I selected the option, “No Preference” to indicate that I am open for, available to “each, any, and all ethnicities/races”; which are listed in the “My Idea Woman” section of my personal ad/profile on Yahoo!. W h y did the Website ‘Matched’ me with a Female: who identified herself being ‘Caucasian’ and who selected o n l y ‘Caucasian’ for her “Ethnicity/Racial Preference” in the “Ideal Man” section of her personal ad/profile listed on Yahoo!® Personals-- regardless of: Location, Distance of Location, Age, Interests, Lifestyle, Political Views, Religious/Spiritual Affiliations, Personality, Physique/Aesthetics, Height, Photo(s), or Lack of Photo(s), and Economic Income??? How to resolve and keep this situation/’problem’ from occurring in the future??? ![]() |
Which of the following cities in Texas have the most:
"Single(n o t married, n o t dating) Heterosexual/Straight Women between 25 and 35 years old of any ethnicity/race whom are both n o t religiously/spiritually evangelistic-fanatic and without child(ren)"??? 1. Houston, TX? 2. Dallas, TX? 3. San Antonio, TX? 4. Austin, TX? 5. El Paso, TX? Please post your reason and rank/rate the Cities(1 through 5): ‘1’ = Has Most, ‘5’ =Has Least. Thanks. ![]() ![]() |