awaiting_crescendo's photo
Thu 08/21/08 11:22 PM
sounds good enough to me!

awaiting_crescendo's photo
Thu 08/21/08 11:17 PM
Hello all,
It is just past midnight here on the east slope of the Rocky Mountains, not sure if I should say good evening or good morning! lol
At any rate, how is everyone tonight?

awaiting_crescendo's photo
Thu 08/21/08 07:35 AM
Thank's again all, and good luck to you as well!!


awaiting_crescendo's photo
Wed 08/20/08 11:44 AM
LMAO, well, Hi everyone, and thank you for they replies!
and yes my initials are BJ, and no it does not stand for the obvious enuendo!
Although, I am not in opposition to being on the recieving end.
Okay, enough of that!
But thank you all agian!
Off to work, have a great day!!

awaiting_crescendo's photo
Wed 08/20/08 10:00 AM
Good morning, and if I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good nigh! [The Truman Show]
So there are free dating sites out's getting to the point that we are gonna be charged to walk on the sidewalk! lol
I am new here!
I am looking forward to chatting with you!
Take care, and nice to meet you!

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