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Fri 07/12/13 09:46 AM
Hi, I've had an interesting experience recently and it's made me think about an age old topic that clearly still will be an issue to those around me at least through-out my lifetime. I'm bi-racial (White German father, Black Senegalese mother) and I've spent most of my life either having to explain how my white half-sister is actually my biological sister or how I'm not white and not black but something completely different... I'm 'other', deal with it! Throughout my life I've either been too white to be black or too black to be white or just simply the cause of confused looks on other people's faces. ![]() As an adult, this doesn't matter as much as it once did as I just see myself as a person and not a racial identity but when that does come up, it's either an uncomfortable subject for some people around me or it's just plain silly the way people make my ethnicity into an issue. I'm currently living in a society that considers itself 90% black and which I accepted as a statistical fact until I lived here and realized that it's more like 95% bi-racial and these people have so many issues with their own racial identities, there is actually a voluntary apartheid system at work! I personally think their entire nation needs therapy. I've in many cases had to be the 'black guy' or simply the 'West-Indian guy' (even though I was born in Germany and have no West-Indian ancestry) to make it easier for people to just move on to the next thing. My sister and I agreed that we would just be 'cousins' in situations where it would make it easier for other people to accept us and this was because of an awkward incident that happened when we were teenagers... something we still laugh about today. The reality is that it speaks poorly to the socio-evolution of the species when we have to resort to something like this. When will the day come where the genetic make-up of a man is no more important than the colour of his SIM card or his USB cables? My $0.02 worth... what do you guys think? (I don't think I need to say this but I welcome the opinions of all races) I have had similar experiences, my little sister (half sister) is half native American and half scandinavian. I am 100% scandinavian and yes, people are always like how are you brother and sister? You do not owe anybody an explanation either and I am so sick of all this racial nonsense. For one thing the term "mix race" is not a correct term. WE ARE ALL ONE RACE! The human race. Mix race would suggest half dog half pig you know what I mean, We are all human. The correct term would be Mixed ethnicity. For another thing we do not owe anybody an explanation. It really should be a non issue and yes anyone that thinks any different about somebody based on their ethnicity and how they look needs mental help. If someone calls you names like the N word you should feel sorry for them. There is something seriously wrong with someone who is racist. Even the term racist is an incorrect term. It should be called prejudice against ethnicity. The term racist should be to describe a person like me who hates the mosquito race. I cant stand mosquitos and they are not human therefor I am racist. Another point I would like to make is that "racism" exists in many degrees of racism. Some more extreme than others and they all need mental help. I went to an all native school (by choice) and I was the only white kid in the school. I dealt with countless racism and was picked on and beat up. But I stood up in front of the whole school and gave them my speech on racism. I believe most people are not "racist" and alot of people use ethnicity as an easy reason to hate. They are haters and will always find reasons to hate another, ethnicity is just an easy reason to hate someone because they are obviously not all there in their heads in the first place and are not smart enough to find creative reasons to hate so they choose "race" because they are to simple minded to think of anything better. They actually dont hate your race they just hate the world and themselves in general and find it easy to target other "races". But everybody are individuals and hating any color of skin is wrong because of what happened in the past. There are evil people of all colors and we need to come together and realize that hate, crime against humanity, and prejudice exists among all ethnicity and colors of skin and it is not fair to single out any "race" because of what a member of that "race" did. We are all individuals and we are all one. So we should grow up and act as brothers and sisters because if you want to get technical about differences, It actually takes more genetic coding to determine hair color then it does to determine skin color. So technically a white man with black hair is more alike to an Asian with black hair than the white man with blonde hair is to a white man with black hair. Sorry about my rant but I am so sick of "racism" and we need to grow up as a people. I say we should all mix races and create a hybrid human ethnicity because I think mix races are beautiful and I love all cultures and people. One love my friends. Peace. |
is stalking bad?
Ok I am sorry about my stupid answer and if it offended anyone, I just thought the question was silly. Is stalking bad... yes of course it is. Why even ask?
Ever hear the saying, stupid questions get stupid answers. |
ha I answered this correctly ages ago ![]() I would love to see the answer if you do not mind. Also, I would like to suggest that nothingness is an illusion. You can take any point of seemingly empty space and always find it full of something, Take any sub atomic particle and observe the space between the structure of the particle and still you will find that the "empty" space is yet full of even smaller something, take that smaller something and observe the "empty space" that seemingly fills the gaps between the structures and sure enough you will find even smaller something and so on forever. We seem like we are moving through empty space because we can move through it. It has no solidity relative to us. But just like a neutrino, it is so small that it could travel right through the entire planet untouched. |
Mood Music
Glad you like the song, Ni-12 has an amazing youtube channel full of good chillstep tunes, here is another for you. :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kY-GOD1j5kw Kuma~chan(dovebear) eto...Kuma in Japanese means bear. gomen nasai I have a tendency to nickname people I find interesting ^__^ thank you such Hawtness listened to it at least 3 times getting the feel of it MMmMmMmMm again thank you ....ano How does this make you feel? It has so much energy..... ![]() Oh hi!!, sorry I didnt see your reply... Yeah I also know a little japanese and my japanese friends also call me Kuma san haha, I'm not the best at spelling japanese in the alphabet but I can speak a little. I love the music, it makes me feel like my higher self. Reminds me of who I am on the inside and I love the relaxing vibes, I chill out on my terrace and enoy some wine :) Glad you like it :D |
Mood Music
Glad you like the song, Ni-12 has an amazing youtube channel full of good chillstep tunes, here is another for you. :)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kY-GOD1j5kw |
Body sprit &mind
I do no believe the universe is 13 billion years old. As far as we can see as of right now the universe is over 90 Billion light years wide, That means the universe had to expand 7-8 times faster than the speed of light. (assuming it was formed in a bigbang from a singularity)
I believe the universe is infinitely old, it is ageless and timeless in its true form, It is spirit that ripped the universe apart and compartmentalized it into beings such as ourselves, Our souls and bodys are merely cells of spirit. We are here to help the universe express itself and grow. There is no begging, there is no end. There is only the present moment. Our present moment is coincidentally happening at the same "time" as every past moment and every future moment, we are merely changing frequencies. Anything that could happen, is happening and will happen. Past, future and present is in fact happening right now, we need to focus our frequencies to obtain the experience we want to have. If I want to be successful and happy in life then I have to do what is conducive to happiness and success. There are an infinite amount of possible futures, You have to focus on tuning into the frequency you wish to experience. I know its hard because other beings have influence on our frequency. We are subject to our environment. We have to be strong of will to overcome the frequencys others burden us with. |
Mood Music
Sex isnt really bad
Sex is what you make it, it can be good, it can be bad. It can be healthy, it can be unhealthy. It all depends.
is stalking bad?
I used to be a stalker!!
My very first job was at a grocery store and I stalked all the empty shelves. |
Edited by
Tue 07/02/13 11:34 AM
There is no such thing as nothingness. You can take any infinitesimal point of space and always find something.
There is no such thing as somethingness. You can take any infinitesimal point of something and always find nothing. Furthermore, the more you search for something the more nothingness you will find. And the more you search for nothingness the more of something you will find. The only true things that exists in this universe are oxymoron's and paradox's. Peace. :D |
Suicide Note
Poem of truth, I think the best of us have contemplated suicide. Because the best of us had to go through the worst in order to realize our potential and passions. Thanks for the read.
Sounds like its time to visit a psychiatrist and immediately too!!! Not sure what to think about your comment.... Maybe its bad humor? Ignorance? Or just plain dismissive? |
Who is The Eternal Parent
I'm something of a Pantheist myself. Actually, I believe that Deity is essence, a great pool of divine energy that is intimately intertwined with the energy and matter that form the universe, but operating on a different level. Soul is energy, and is drawn from that same pool and recycled. God is nothing more or less than a way to personify that Divine energy, and all the faces and names that we as humans (and probably other sentient beings) attach to the Divine are essentially masks. Thing is, that Divine energy has consciousness, and a personal self-awareness, and knowing that It and We are all part of the same thing, It wants so much to interact with us... just as many of us do with It... that it is willing to inhabit those personifications and wear those masks to the extent necessary to establish a connection. Some people grow beyond the need for the masks, although we may still find them useful at times to remind us of this or that aspect of Deity (in many cases a touchpoint where Deity reflects aspects of ourselves) but we can glimpse the larger entity that is behind the mask. That entity is far too enormous for any of us to grasp in its entirety and hold in our minds for more than an instant if at all. But it's there, and we are aware of it. I say all the time that God is too big to fit into any of the convenient boxes we build to house Him/Her/It/Them, and that's basically a simplification of the principle. I completely agree, Divine energy is a network of all consciousness and we are merely compartmentalized fragments of this whole. Dove Bear... So young and so wise. Hi thanks for the recognition and thank you for bringing up this topic. If you would ever like to have a discussion about anything you can always send me a message :D |
Who is The Eternal Parent
Edited by
Tue 06/25/13 09:59 AM
Heres my opinion...
The problem with the word "god" is that when you say this word everybody has there own image of what god is, or they get turned off because of all the confusing ideas of religions. The word "God" has become a very misleading word and in reality god is not explainable in words. Another point I would like to make is that god is not a "who" God is egoless, God is all consciousness and energy combined. I prefer to call god the Universe as opposed to "God" because when I use the word god everyone gets all choked up. I like to look at it like this, picture our body. Its made of many, many cells which are each individual living entities, they each have there own life force. But they also have a collective life force as well, us. We are to our cells what god is to us. We are all god cells so to speak. And not just people but all consciousness, Animals, plants, micro organisms, even energy. Its all alive and we help build this giant network of life that is the mind of god. And yes, the law of attraction applies to everything we do. Every thought/intention creates reality. We have potential to create whole universes within ourselves. Oh and many scientists do believe in "god" But they have more of a spinoza view, I personally believe in god but I am not religious, I see the universe through a monist idealists Pantheist viewpoint. |
there are those of us who can hear the soil cry out and the trees scream Indeed we can. |
I think what he is saying is that the further away the photons are from each other the more likely the quantum entanglment between the two will vary in time, so yes on earth it appears entangled but if we could do these experiments 10,000 lightyears apart would it still be instantaneous.
Personally I think it will always be instantaneous. Its like saying the gravitational pull from the center of the galaxy will have a delay of gravitation pull on our solar system because of the mass distance between them. But what we need to realize about gravity and quantum entanglement is that the reaction between the two bodies does not travel any distance. Its effects are always prevalent. The two bodys are intrinsically connected beyond space and time itself. |
I don't know where this will go Beginning fast and ending slow As an old crow I would fly straight to you Through darkened skies or ones of blue Look and you will find me Find me and you will soon see My eyes shine of lust and greed My body's field to plough and seed The blood pumping within these veins A heart of love but yet it strains I fold my wings in bitter rain This old crow caws and caws again And swoops across the swaying wheat To where the field and ocean meet I alight upon his outstretched arm Reeling from his pleasant charm The silent wind has touched my face Where gentle kisses he did place My chest burns hot from deep within My heart cries out to only him His smile turns day to bluest night And moonbeams glow as stars shine bright he yearns for his woman far away Though in his heart she will always stay I rest my weary head to sleep |
My brother, You have a very profound understanding. I love this poem, Especially the first two lines.
How do you find a real man?
Edited by
Fri 06/21/13 08:45 AM
I hear this question often and I would like to post a journal entry from my personal journal that is relevant to this topic:
------------------------------------------------------------------- A young man asked me today, "How do you get the nicest most amazing girl you know to like you and want to be with you?" I said to him, "You can only attract what you are. You have to be the nicest most amazing man she knows and you truly have to BE it, not just appear like it" ------------------------------------------------------------------- I know it can be hard but you have to master yourself before you can find the perfect man, The perfect man will not be attracted to anything less than the perfect woman. And when I say "perfect" I mean the perfect man/woman for you as an individual. Not the perfect man according to society and superficial ideologies. |
metalwing my whole entire point is if a wavelength is constant let's say the planck constant and the amplitude is the distance between rest and crest wouldn't that mean amplitude is constant? Which you insisted that amplitude isn't constant. i seen an error i meant to put the word "same" between "the" and "distance" Wavelengths are not constant. They are whatever you want them to be. "C"(the speed of light) is a constant. An electromagnetic wave can have almost any frequency or amplitude you want from what's possible. One doesn't have anything to do with the other so it could not cause a "constant" to magically appear. The amplitude of electricity is typically 120 volts but with line loss it drops to 115 or even 110 volts. Much of the rest of the world is 220 volts and it drops with line loss too. The frequency varies from 50 hertz in Europe to 60 hertz in the states strictly as a matter of convenience. So as you can see, the amplitude drops with anything that bleeds off energy such as resistance. You're absolutely right amplitude can't remain constant only if oscillators are used and that would be a fabrication also it's not a guarantee because there are still resistances that can interfere even with an oscillator being used. RKISIT, Constants are variables that never change. Examples of some constants would be: speed of light, gravitational constant, the golden ratio, 1.618...., Pi is a constant, Feigenbaum constants are my personal favorite, and so on. I know what a constant is.FM radio has constant amplitude and AM doesn't.I was referring more to radio frequency and wavelengths. Depending on what field(job) you're in,constant amplitude exist it's just the behavior is different.The speed of light versus recycling of photons in an LED.Or polarity in electrical work...etc. Constants have different meanings depending on what your studies are. I see what you mean, you are talking about a continuous wave. So yes, your amplitude will always have the same value starting from zero seconds. You can have a constant amplitude but amplitude is not a constant. |
Edited by
Thu 06/20/13 09:22 AM
metalwing my whole entire point is if a wavelength is constant let's say the planck constant and the amplitude is the distance between rest and crest wouldn't that mean amplitude is constant? Which you insisted that amplitude isn't constant. i seen an error i meant to put the word "same" between "the" and "distance" Wavelengths are not constant. They are whatever you want them to be. "C"(the speed of light) is a constant. An electromagnetic wave can have almost any frequency or amplitude you want from what's possible. One doesn't have anything to do with the other so it could not cause a "constant" to magically appear. The amplitude of electricity is typically 120 volts but with line loss it drops to 115 or even 110 volts. Much of the rest of the world is 220 volts and it drops with line loss too. The frequency varies from 50 hertz in Europe to 60 hertz in the states strictly as a matter of convenience. So as you can see, the amplitude drops with anything that bleeds off energy such as resistance. You're absolutely right amplitude can't remain constant only if oscillators are used and that would be a fabrication also it's not a guarantee because there are still resistances that can interfere even with an oscillator being used. RKISIT, Constants are variables that never change. Examples of some constants would be: speed of light, gravitational constant, the golden ratio, 1.618...., Pi is a constant, Feigenbaum constants are my personal favorite, and so on. |