searchingsearching's photo
Sat 06/15/13 04:13 PM
1st off: great topic :thumbsup:
2ndly: i think people are afraid to take the leap, y'know? too many a-holes and nobody wants to be treated like shyte.
It's tooooo easy to quit when things get hard and even easier to not even start.
sorry for the fractured writing lol. just don't want to over think things and ramble on like a.....rambly person.

sooo, long story short: too easy and too many excuses IMO.

the search continues though.....
good luck to all!drinks

searchingsearching's photo
Sat 06/15/13 03:31 PM
Quit being a lil ***** and get your **** together man.
work it off.
still a long ways to go, SO GET OFF YOUR *** AND START WALKING!!!
patience, my friend, patience.
Be still, my dog of war. I understand your pain. We've all lost someone we love. But we do it my way!

k, sooo they're not all exactly positive lol. But for me, I don't listen to ANYONE, so I have to be hard on m'self. Takes a hard head to fight a hard head, y'know?

searchingsearching's photo
Sat 06/15/13 03:13 PM
call of duty 2. old timey war game with no frills or gadgets. Too bad the server got shut down.

searchingsearching's photo
Sat 06/15/13 09:20 AM
Choice, no if's and's or but's.

searchingsearching's photo
Fri 06/14/13 06:03 PM

searchingsearching's photo
Thu 06/13/13 03:40 PM
i'm with kik2me
nice one :banana:

searchingsearching's photo
Thu 06/13/13 03:40 PM
i;m with kik2me
nice one :banana:

searchingsearching's photo
Thu 06/13/13 03:36 PM
Edited by searchingsearching on Thu 06/13/13 03:37 PM
up with hope
down with mope
hang that ****
by the neck
with a rope

feel free to add to this. that's all i got for now, lol

searchingsearching's photo
Wed 06/12/13 06:02 PM
k, so i can't edit it.
c'mon people now. theres 130 some guys and 16 women (lmao) from lloyd who visit this site.

searchingsearching's photo
Wed 06/12/13 05:54 AM
well, considering it's the 7th thing i've ever written, then okay. I'll take that as it is. Least it was original, unlike your comment.

searchingsearching's photo
Tue 06/11/13 08:24 PM
if there's nothing to gain, then there's nothing to lose. I'd do it. why does it always boil down to physical attractiveness? why do we always let our shallow side win?

searchingsearching's photo
Tue 06/11/13 08:00 PM
that was nice, thank you

searchingsearching's photo
Tue 06/11/13 07:49 PM
Edited by searchingsearching on Tue 06/11/13 08:35 PM
it's right there in front of me
the darkness bellows it's call
i just made new wings
maybe i was destined to fall
it's dark and lonely
i've lost my light
i know it's not down there
just sick of the fight
too long it's been
the years go on
still i'm alone
surrounded by happiness
none to call my own
still it stares
i've caught it's gaze
maybe i'll go
spend the rest of my days
beats the nothing up here
least i won't be alone
join the wretched and discarded
they won't see me though
nor i them
just the abyss
will give me my last kiss

searchingsearching's photo
Mon 06/10/13 04:36 PM
meh *shrugs shoulders*

searchingsearching's photo
Mon 06/10/13 03:07 PM
I used to live in the country. So when I'd have to drive somewhere, I'd put the radio on CBC and listen to classical or opera (it they were playing either of those at the time.) Verry relaxing lol

searchingsearching's photo
Mon 06/10/13 03:05 PM
Now you're a man - DVDA

searchingsearching's photo
Mon 06/10/13 03:01 PM

searchingsearching's photo
Mon 06/10/13 01:47 PM
Sorry to sound negative, really, but I'm still waiting for Armageddon and which ever other end of the world event to happen so everybody, and I mean alll remnants of humanity to be wiped off the face of the earth. Let nature have it back, cause that's the only way for world peace to actually exist. Too many religions and not all of them are peaceful. They say they are, and on paper sure, but the humans who run and organize and control religions are just as corrupt as the people they condemn.

searchingsearching's photo
Mon 06/10/13 12:12 PM
Well you can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Depression is as much a part of life as anything else. It's a hard road to walk. Everything you see, hear and smell reminds you of past failures, loves lost, friends and family who've passed on, oppurtunities missed or thrown away. I just try to occupy my mind with other things, mostly new experiences so it's something new. Fresh ideas that have mostly nothing to do with the past.
I'm trying to revamp my whole structure, start all over again. Reset everything back to ZERO. Hard as hell, but I'm gradually seeing results.
I suggest something along the same lines for you. Not exactly how I do it, caues we're 2 different people, but more like: just try new things, meet new people.
The key word is "NEW"
It's starting to work for me, after much, much resisting on my part lol hard to let go.
I can only hope it'll work for you.
But you gotta try.
Hope I helped a fellow depressionist, even a lil.
Good luck

searchingsearching's photo
Mon 06/10/13 11:53 AM
yup, that just reaffirms my belief that Mr.Stewart is one of the best people on Earth.