Community > Posts By > bergeia

bergeia's photo
Mon 10/20/08 03:26 PM
i will eat outside so youse 2 can be alone surprised

bergeia's photo
Mon 10/20/08 03:25 PM
yup. its the big bizz baby. they run it all. cant wait to dip my hand in that till. and if i cant ima blow everyone elses hands off, lol.

bergeia's photo
Mon 10/20/08 03:22 PM
tee-hee "ya" i love them words,lol.

bergeia's photo
Mon 10/20/08 03:21 PM

Tribo and AB,

You both seem to believe that moral right is based on the law. In your opinion, is slavery right or wrong? It was legal before and it is illegal now. Do you think that because now it's illegal, it's wrong, but when it was legal it was right? It seems that your beliefs would result in a stagnant society that would always dwell within it's evil. Your beliefs would be counter-progress for a society.

i believe that "moral rights" as you say [ i call them moral acceptence] are a societal thing, meaning that if you live in a society that thinks that eating your enemy is acceptable like the pygmies did not that long ago in borneo, then it is not immoral for them to do so. i think that civilizations that offered blood sacrifices to gods did not think of them as immoral acts when doing so, i think that people's who enslaved their enemies in there cultural times did not think of it as immoral, but!!!!! - to those who knew better and believed it to be wrong and went ahaead and did it anyway it was/is immoral as it could possibly be. just like the inquisition and witch burnings by so called christians. just like the wiping out of 2/3 rds of the native americans, shall i continue?

2/3 of the native americans huh?

ok then lets discuss this further, was it wrong for native americans to commit grizzly murders of women and children even though in their eyes it was ok? nope

was it ok for americans to poson the native americans? nope

everyone is wrong all the time, face facts its how it works,lol.

bergeia's photo
Mon 10/20/08 03:01 PM
they dont smoke crack so much as they just want something to ***** about? i dont know ive known a few pro-life people who were nice, but they can neevr argue a point home. im fine with whichever path you walk, just dont try to foist yer stuff on me! lol

bergeia's photo
Mon 10/20/08 02:59 PM
honestly you know inside whats evil. running over babies, kicking puppies, etc. lol. i dont see where this is such a thing?

time is a man made thing except when you factor in how well time cooperates with everything else. i think good and evil are the same, we have man evil and good, and basic evil and good.

man evil:
rock and roll

basic evil:

man good:
getting a door
giving money to a homeless guy
giving to your "church"

basic good:
keeping someone out of traffic
saving animals lives
upholding the rights of a basic human being

any better? lol are we discussing human subjectivity?? or are we discussing the fundamental laws of good and evil in the universe? caus ehonestly theyre 2 seperate beasts....

bergeia's photo
Mon 10/20/08 02:54 PM
accidents or no though it still takes 2,lol.

bergeia's photo
Mon 10/20/08 02:53 PM
well evil is done for furthering oneself at the expense morally or physically or emotionally of another. thats what evil is to me.

good is going out of your way to help someone, not with a door, but with money, or with a good deed or 5. there is no "good deed of the day" you either help someone out of love for them as a person or for your own ulterior motives.

bergeia's photo
Mon 10/20/08 02:48 PM

No sin has occured...

How could it be sin. Unless you read only a small sour book.

God did not create us for sin but for glory...

Which path you take is your choice.

I have no problem with you chosing to walk the path of sin with all of its fears, contradictions and final battles/destruction.
that will leave more room on my less traveled way.

I am walking with purpose for glory. I like living without guilt.

Do you believe some actions are evil? Regardless of your belief system, are there certain actions which are always evil?

Please specify the term evil...

what does it mean?
what does it do?
Would it be a problem if organized religion did not expound it?


That's a very poor debating tactic. What I mean by evil should be obvious, but I will answer your questions anyways...

Q) What does it mean?
A) morally objectionable behavior

Q) What does it do?
A) Evil does nothing, it is a description for behavior.

Q) Would it be a problem if organized religion did not expound it?
A) Is rape only evil if religion says so? Is child molestation only evil because religion says it is? Is murder only evil because it's one of the 10 commandments?

I realize you are trying to be deep and that's your schtick, but I would prefer if we could drop the schticks and try to discuss this like reasoning adults.

Got you to answer... so then what part of this particular debating tactic is poor.

Also got a response from you that was in poor taste. I am an adult. I posted as such. I got a childish comment about adults.

sorry to be contrary but murder is not one of the 10 commandants. It is ACTUALLY forbidden as one of the THOU SHALT NOT'S.smokin :tongue:

rape/molestation/murder and such are crimes... This does not make them evil. (Perhaps one might make the argument that a person that commits such acts might be considered evil)

... Um... Morally unacceptable behaviour...?

by whose standards?... Who decides what is acceptable or what is not?

honestly youre going ot ask that? if someone murdered your family but it was legal, what then? would you forgive that person? would you say "oh hes doing what he needs to" no! you would kill him then feel awful. and thats what evil is, its that feeling we get when we KNOW were doing something wrong!

bergeia's photo
Mon 10/20/08 02:42 PM
sillyness. how is it not our choice also? the women carry the babies, yes, but the babies dont spontaneously grow in women, it takes 2. and i might want ym child, give me the option of taking care of it.

im pro-choice beyond a shadow of a doubt. bringing a kid into the world atm should be the last thing on everyone's minds. ntm why bother voting for it? if ya dont liek it, dont do it. im so sick of people being outraged about crap anymore. bunch of damned sissies.

bergeia's photo
Mon 10/20/08 02:39 PM
im not afraid of you dear. more like aroused. yeah aroused for sure. kudos sexy ;)

bergeia's photo
Mon 10/20/08 02:37 PM

which is

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed

was written to have "minutemen" to be able to protect themselves against English Supremacy at the time.

Now if this is true why is it so important to bear arms today and why does the 2nd Amendment still stay in tact?

If this is false then we bear arms incase a foreign nation attacks although we have a huge army able to protect us?

Please explain your views why the 2nd Amendment should be eliminated or for that matter as it indicates not to be infringed.

ok this was set in place following the revolution, england was beat back, it was set in place so future generations would be able to say "no" to the govt if need be. as opposed to the system in europe at the time, which was do as we say or die. it was a way of assuring our peace and happiness. if enough of the populace is upset and rises up, the govt is failing. they are there to serve us, and if were lynching them theyre not serving us. therefore people. dont let the govt tell you guns are bad, and no one should have thme, because they just want ot be able to do what they want when they want to. dont give up. i refuse to lose my guns or let the govt tell me how to live.

bergeia's photo
Mon 10/20/08 02:34 PM

God gets all of the credit and none of the blame.

Oh man! I wish I had that luxury! Must be nice!

Let's face it, the worst God does is to "Work in Mysterious ways"

right ****in on! or its part of his plan. yeah wish my plans were allowed that many snafus. lol. snafus involving ethnic cleansings and habitual murder and rape, ntm the assault on our senses that is everyday life. lol

bergeia's photo
Mon 10/20/08 02:27 PM

bergeia's photo
Thu 10/16/08 08:51 PM

yeah we should let them destroy the sears tower airports and anything else they want how many died in 9-11 who took it to them anybody started anything here except whinners

Bush didn't do much about it.

Right. What did Bush do about bin laden and 9/11?

well if ya want you and me can invade pakistan and catch bin laden? honestly if he ahd done what was needed ot get binladen wed be fighting the whole middle east right now,lol. id say he chose right based on how quickly americans wanted ot pull the plug on the entire war effort.

So you along with others are going to tell me that getting bin laden was TOO HARD so we went and got an easier non affiliated target in Saddam WHO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11, right?

That make us murderers.

I do not blame the military so this is not an attack on them. I am attacking the politics that got us into the illegal war to begin with.

lol honey. freeing oppressed people dont make us murderers. we came in and got saddam if the country ahd been like "ok you got him thanks we got it form ehre" we would have left, indstead foreign fighters came flowing in and we had ot keep them afloat so no other country absorbed iraq unto themselves. if we are "murderers" like you say it IS the soldiers youre blaming. we were the oens doing the work, enjoying our jobs and protecting kids and the rights for the iraqis to vote. i was there during their elections! old men walking around holding their fingers up with the ink stains, smiles full of crooked teeth. it was worth the 4,000 lives weve lost and they may not know it now, but later on they will know it was worth putting up with us, and worht the over 1,000,000 men who died and were killed ont heir soil.

bergeia's photo
Thu 10/16/08 08:48 PM
ummmmm anyhting with porn,lol. porn with donkeys. lol. nah i love donkey shows, who am i kidding? lmao. night all!

bergeia's photo
Thu 10/16/08 08:47 PM
ok ****. i really gotta go pretend to work lol. night guys!

bergeia's photo
Thu 10/16/08 08:45 PM
testicle (tee-hee)

bergeia's photo
Thu 10/16/08 08:45 PM

yeah we should let them destroy the sears tower airports and anything else they want how many died in 9-11 who took it to them anybody started anything here except whinners

Bush didn't do much about it.

Right. What did Bush do about bin laden and 9/11?

well if ya want you and me can invade pakistan and catch bin laden? honestly if he ahd done what was needed ot get binladen wed be fighting the whole middle east right now,lol. id say he chose right based on how quickly americans wanted ot pull the plug on the entire war effort.

bergeia's photo
Thu 10/16/08 08:43 PM
yowzah skillet? **** man......... lol. so it would seem the lepers are lepers of their own design then? lol. we hit people therefore people cant walk on us and therefore dont like us...... intresting hypothesis............