I wouldnt meet
Yes thats All i was looking for a little common ground. I trust really I
do I trust My dog |
Hay ladie
I just thuoght your picture was attractive I ment no disrespect, or what
ever as far as staying away from you i dont even Fc!@#$#@@nn know you |
Im not being negative
yes sir I just dont see myself running off to some foreign land. thinkn
Im gunna save the world Thats not so bad Is it . How About this Im dien to be a lier |
Me personnally I find myself eat more harthy dish's alot more deep
soups, Roast, |
Kiss The Bear...!
kiss the bear Id ride that s.o.b. home swinging a cowboy hat yelling get
along little doggie |
Im not being negative
Im just curious how much really is the truth Is that not fair ladies
heck guys |
I wouldnt meet
I dont care what picture youll put On this thing untill You can prove
you are who you say you are no way but we can talk for days |
really who would
Ok ladies what if Im some sick demented Indivual. You know the type.( It
puts the lotion on)Hanabel lecktor sicko. |
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