works for me; it's a LOT easier to try someone for contempt when they're a private citizen.
I don't buy this story though. Sounds like some more anti-Christ media fake news. |
Probably a staged event. A bid for sympathy from the Clinton machine.
Between 1906 and 1933 three Federal agencies, the Departments of Interior, Agriculture and War, initiated and administered separate groups of National Monuments. --------------------------------------- So now public highways are considered to be "National Monuments"; when it comes to the Feds over reaching it's alleged "authority" ? Sorry lost me there, not sure how the question refers to the three departments nor the usurpation of powers bestowed upon the federal government. And no the federal public highways are but another of the usurpation of the powers allowed the federal government, normally by the use of the "commerce clause". And while congress may honor something as a "National" monument, it may not own or control such unless in DC and with a state's permission on a military base or other duly endowed federal property. The you tube video didn't make it clear but I am presuming where they were protesting was the designated "free speech" zone. An area the BLM had absolutely no jurisdiction over and indeed had no right to be there antagonizing the protesters. Were I the Rancher in question, I would have allowed the protesters on my land to protest. |
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Thu 04/10/14 12:02 PM
You make a lot of assumptions about what others know without really having a clue. If you took the time to go back and read some of the thousands of posts here on Mingle2, you might find out that most of these topics have been covered in great detail. You might even learn something. Really? And to what would you base that assumption? And why would one want to waste all that time going back and looking at meaningless crap when looking at the post in the here and now so eloquently demonstrate that most have learned nothing? Maybe you remember my post about my esteemed war hero Uncle? He also fought at the Chosen Reservoir in Korea. He had many unkind things to say about the Chosen Communists which he passed along to me. After reading the above post which is the top quote; I was reminded about how the Chosen Commies act towards other people that are not of the specific political ideology to which they belong to. |
Between 1906 and 1933 three Federal agencies, the Departments of Interior, Agriculture and War, initiated and administered separate groups of National Monuments.
--------------------------------------- So now public highways are considered to be "National Monuments"; when it comes to the Feds over reaching it's alleged "authority" ? |
now they are attacking the protesters.... Looked like a retreat to me, but then.... Did you hear the guy ask the "local media" cameraman at 9:00 "are we on Riverside"...and the camera man replied..."I don't know" ? I think the woman being interviewed at 8:00 is a crisis actor. Whining about the bruises the mean old BLM gave her when they"threw her down"...and she didn't have a mark on her. |
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Thu 04/10/14 11:17 AM
now they are attacking the protesters.... Looked like a retreat to me, but then.... Looks to me like there is at least one agent provocateur in the crowd of protesters. There always are at events like this. The AP's cause trouble and the anti-Christ media then uses their actions to discredit all of the protesters. |
Since public property is a collectivist fiction, since the public as a whole can neither use nor dispose of its property,that property will always be taken over by some political elite, by a small clique which will then rule the public,a public of literal, dispossessed proletarians. Ayn Rand And just how does that apply here? Ayn Rand (bless her soul) wrote fiction based on a philosophy, a grand philosophy but still a philosophy. So how does that relate to these united States law of the land? Is it a predisposal to the idiocy of the masses or the inherent trait of man to greed? Just what are you insinuating? Because you see, in this land there is no provision of the Federal government to own lane, none at all. They may purchase land for forts or buildings, but only with the permission of the state. So where is that argument? Is this but an attempt to mislead, well the government does that all by itself very effectively, no help needed thank you. The simple reason,that "Public Property" is a Fallacy! Barron's Law Dictionary: Public property That which is dedicated to the use of the public, see 84 P. 685, and/or that over which the state has dominion and control. Thus the term may be used either to describe the use to which the property is put, or to describe the character of its ownership. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is an agency within the United States Department of the Interior that administers America's public lands. The BLM thugs attacking the protesters w/ tasers and German Shepherds is a clear violation of the limited administrative authority they possess. In such a situation, the protesters are allowed to defend themselves. And yes, if necessary, to use deadly force to protect themselves. Nevada's 'stand your ground' law goes back 140 years news/ crime-courts/ nevadas-stand-your-ground-law-goes-back-140-years |
Quote from conrad:
actually lots of the Gas comes from Norway,not Russia! ======================= Which is why you posted a link to support your claim. Oh didn't. |
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Thu 04/10/14 09:18 AM
Quote by metalwing:
You make a lot of assumptions about what others know without really having a clue. If you took the time to go back and read some of the thousands of posts here on Mingle2, you might find out that most of these topics have been covered in great detail. You might even learn something. ------------------------------------------------------------ You're saying I should waste my time on a wild goose chase merely to catch up on "thousands of [propaganda] posts here on Mingle2" ? My point is the OP should have posted a counter balance such as... ![]() For contrast. He did not. Therefore, he is posting hate propaganda. |
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Thu 04/10/14 08:28 AM
Good post! Bobby seems to be taking a position on the wrong side of reality. Speaking of reality? Ever read the Talmud? ![]() Maybe it's time you did, eh? |
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Thu 04/10/14 07:30 AM
Sounds like they are after his WATER.
So he grazes his cattle on public land and does not want to pay a grazing fee? Quit paying it in 1993, actually. But then he says he owns the land. Then he says he IS willing to pay a grazing fee to the county. And it's all about a turtle anyway? So goes the OFFICIAL excuse. This will be a shameful moment in US history. When turtles have more rights than people, you guys know that. Oh WAIT ! The OFFICIAL excuse already fell apart... Government plans to euthanize hundreds of threatened desert tortoises it was supposed to protect So now we all know it's not about a turtle. The government grows hungry for blood sacrifice. |
Moscow's New Coat of Arms
China scares me too; but, for a different reason. Most of American military electronics have Chinese made micro chips in them. The Chinese built back doors into those microchips.
All of our planes and tanks and munitions; esp missiles have Chinese micro chips in them. What happens when an American pilot fires a missile from his F-16 and the missile flies out about a mile, reverses itself and then homes in on the plane that fired it? 0bama, on the other hand, trading large tracts of land to finance the endless wars on behalf of the State of (well, you know) has to be one of the most breath taking acts of treason this country has ever seen. But, Bush did it too. As did Clinton. America blew up a lot of Muslims in the 90's in Bosnia/Serbia on behalf of their money changer constituents. |
Moscow's New Coat of Arms
I think the problem is the money junkies behind 0bama; his "handlers", as it were.
The money changers are the poorest losers in the world. They don't like admitting defeat. Or, being defeated. They would rather set the whole world on fire (while hiding like rats in their underground bunkers...built w/ US taxpayer funds...of course). Russia used to deal with the problem of the money changers at least once every weed out the bad blood. It worked too. We don't do that here, of course. More's the pity. Oh WAIT...maybe we HAVE started doing that (surreptitiously). There HAVE been several bankers falling off the top floor of buildings lately. Using nail guns on themselves...and their families. |
Another Shafted by a Clinton
Sour grapes much?
I agree Moe; it's a shame when people try to hide the hate they have for anyone that isn't just the same as they are.
Rabbi Stephen Wise was a very wise Rabbi; I have a lot of respect for him. It's also a shame how certain people...lets say atheists, as an example... Hide behind the skirts of the religious members of their, um, lets say "culture". Even preferring to be called the same name as the religious members of their particular culture, whose skirts they hide behind while using them as a political cover. Gnomesayin? |
Another Shafted by a Clinton
Gosh, I wonder why Con doesn't want to discuss S C Y T L with me?
you'll find out i don't have any respect for any religion, i thin k they should all be banned... post whatever you like, the mods will decide whats appropriate.. i do feel sorry for the Jews, tho... they are surrounded by hate, and then some... Now there's a real blow for freedom, the ultimate separation of state and religion, let's just ban what one don't like about another. Oh wait, my bad, we're discussing the republic of these united States. There is no separation of church and state in that constitution. In fact just the opposite, it is a union of religion and state. But then when one considers the source, what is to be expected? Among my other questions that Moe wouldn't touch w/ a 10 foot pole was... Ever hear what Rabbi Stephen Wise said about Judaism? I'd quote the good Rabbi wise; but, I'm sure someone would cry to the mods to have his quote removed. It sure is a shame how certain people want to keep certain things secret and/or censored. All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 – 1860) |
Moscow's New Coat of Arms
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Wed 04/09/14 09:29 PM
Russia to Buy 500,000 barrels per day from Iran death of dollar
Eventually, if you sanction too many people, they'll create their own economy�and then your sanctions are toothless and you're screwed. White House concerned about Russia�'s oil for goods deal with Iran John Kerry, the US secretary of state has personally raised the issue of the deal with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov Reports that Russia and Iran were negotiating a multi-billion dollar backdoor trade deal that could undermine upcoming nuclear negotiations with Tehran is a matter of serious concern, the White House admitted last night. The $1.5 billion-a-month oil-for-goods deal was first revealed in news reports last week and threatens to undermine the credibility of White House claims that Iran would receive only $7bn in phased and reversible sanctions relief in exchange for nuclear concessions, experts said. See: Russia rejects US warnings over oil deal with Iran MOSCOW (AP) A senior Russian diplomat on Wednesday angrily rejected U.S. warnings against striking an oil-for-goods contract with Iran, saying that Moscow wouldn’t be intimidated by threats. Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said in remarks carried by the state RIA Novosti news agency that an increase in Russian-Iranian trade is a “natural process that doesn'��t involve any elements of political or economic challenge to anyone.;_ylt=AwrBEiGmqkVT_AsAdH3QtDMD Iran, Russia working to seal $20 billion oil-for-goods deal: sources (Reuters) - Iran and Russia have made progress towards an oil-for-goods deal sources said would be worth up to $20 billion, which would enable Tehran to boost vital energy exports in defiance of Western sanctions, people familiar with the negotiations told Reuters. Jim Willie: Whole Eastern World Rebelling Against the Dollar:�.End of THIS YEAR WONT resemble the beginning Dr. Jim Willie-End or 2014, Dollar Mortally Wound�: Read more at |