Age it's been around for a long time.
So if I'm 51 am I not 6 years old. I remember a time when I was younger 20's I was dating 30 and 40 year old women. When will the youngsters realize that what they are looking for in a young guy isnt' going to happen cause they just want to run and be free! Don't judge my age as a cover of a book. Just because I want to chat via mail doesn't mean I'm a creep it just means I think you have something to say so say it. Not everyone is out here looking to say wow I'm going to marry her. We all want the same thing let's not kid ourselves but what have you missed in conversation when you don't bother to say hello in there. 90% of us aren't a match that's why were single. LMAO so get real and talk it really doesn't hurt really! Me |
It's a test to see how strong you are! It sucks but I figure that's why it happens.
do bad things happen to good people |
Just ask JustAGuy - part 2
Auntie M, Auntie M the Wizard's here! Run for your lives!
Just ask JustAGuy - part 2
Will you hold my hand while we roll over??? (HEY...I meant to a new segment but whatever :) Heck I'll hold your foot if you want! |
Just ask JustAGuy - part 2
Like they say "You can't handle Honesty" nobody can!!!!!!!!!!
Just ask JustAGuy - part 2
I've got milk and cookies and I went to the hardware store and bought a chunck of rope. Want to join me?
![]() |
Did something break just now?
You know you will always have a place in feral's are and will always be my friend......the sweet man I know you to be......nothing will break this bond of friendship ever. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() zoooooooooooooooooooom on by! |
SPACE HOG in the House!
Move over please. |
Hate that's a four letter word, let's keep it clean in here now!
![]() |
Edgy Guys ..
I think I just had a cow, god knows I'm sitting in Milk!
Am I Ready?
I'm just asking. Does anyone ever set up a criteria for the mistakes in the past and what the future will hold? Simply put I have seen the mistakes of the past in relationships so why repeat them over and over and over again thinking something will change this time? Really I'm just asking, not trying to be a smartass even though I'm coming off as one. Sorry bout that, but really answer the question.
I was so willing to jump of the cliff before being so sure that I would be caught. I was caught just to be dropped which hurt more. I am very leary of getting near that edge again. I don't know if I am ready to let go. To be completely honest I am petrified to fall again. I am unsure of how many times I can fall without being broken beyond repair. I know I am resiliant and have bounced back before but this time I am just not sure. I don't want to fall again unless I am caught and held. I don't want to worry about having my life turned upside down. I am on my path doing what I am suppose to do and don't want to be diverted to the cliff. Am I ready? Tanya 10-2-2008 |
What do women want...
Reality is that it? Then I'd really have to say in reality that women who want a nice guy have NO idea what a nice guy is!
Some really nice guys don't have time to play games,lie,cheat,and all the other etc. I've read on here from what women are looking for or not looking for. I've got really no time for small talk and I loved the guys statement on another forum that states what do women want his answer is so on the money. We are clingy,needy,come on to strong and etc. that's why we can't get a conversation even started on here. I far from the herd that goes over the bridge with all the others. I spent time on the road in the U.K. backpacking and I don't remember a time when two strangers who had packs on didn't STOP and converse, we took the time to hit a field and break out somethnig to share in food and talk about the road we had come from and how we were. It wasn't a contest it was being a human being. So no matter what you thought is on all this women are just as needy, clingy and etc. because they just sit back and go gee I don't really want anything. Then in REALITY why are you here? I'm really here to converse with a lady who can get past the idea that someone has sent her mail. Oh my God run for the hills please. Reality is this site is just like every other site on meeting people. I'm sure you've been to the other sites and now you are here. Why is that? So what is your REALITY? I think if you really took time to read the profiles we are all here for one reason. Shhh,.....don't tell anyone though, we are all needy or else you would not be here. That's REALITY! |
This totally fantastic, nothing like hitting it on the nailhead for sure! It's what's known as being a human. Oh ****, we can't have that now can we?
To funny, but so flipping true! QUOTE: Because I am defective, jealous, nasty, clingy..possessive, whiny...aggressive, demanding, selfish, arrogant, needy... ummmm.....I can't think what my other qualities are. ![]() |
This totally fantastic, nothing like hitting it on the nailhead for sure! It's what's known as being a human. Oh ****, we can't have that now can we?
To funny, but so flipping true! Because I am defective, jealous, nasty, clingy..possessive, whiny...aggressive, demanding, selfish, arrogant, needy... ummmm.....I can't think what my other qualities are. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I'm talking about communication that's all!
As adults in the world of communications I wonder what's going on? Shhhhhhhhhhh.....don't talk to me! Don't take a chance on typing a word it may just be taken the wrong way. What's up with this? I thought as we grew older we would love to talk to others to get there minds moving but I can really say that the one guy on this site was right. You can't say much if there isn't much coming back. It's a one way street, and all you hear is "Busy life, busy!" Then why would you even post at I'm not having problems meeting people on here but they all think I should be their entertainment to make their day. Mostly takers and no giving back. What's up with that? |
ok ladies explain this.....
How many people have even found a friend on here? Be honest now!
ok ladies explain this.....
Edited by
Thu 10/02/08 04:54 AM
I'd like to ask why every woman tells me "Oh you're going to be a fun one" when I send a message but for real I'm not here to be your entertainment! I'm here to communicate with you and to get to know you and when I'm no longer their entertainment they go silent. I have alot to give as a person and love to communicate (write) but dead silence. We are not here to commnunicate just create a world of small talk is that it? How's your dog? Did you have a good day? YUCK!
I have really never understood why the written word is so bad when trying to meet someone. How do you ever get to know someone then if you don't type? By the way, what is a friendship anyway? I don't get it?????!!! LOL of course I do but you tell me! REALLY HOW SLOW IS SLOW? See the thing with that is, Girls have come to realize that when looking for a life partner, yeah, that initial chemistry is wonderful and if he looks good wow.. even better... but unless you can be friends with someone... and are able to communicate with someone.. it will NEVER last... because eventually the good looks will fade and when your old and really just needing some good conversation... if he's not your friend and never has been your friend... Who the hell are you supposed to talk to... its not like it was when you were young. Its not about being physical with someone. Its about what will last and become a life long relationship... In my personal oppinion. |
Need Advice
Ok I've been reading many of the profiles
? WHAT IS A NICE GUY ? I'd really like some women who are on about finding this to tell me what is a nice guy. Please help I'm dumb founded for sure! |
A question.
It's the I don't care syndrome.
Small talk yuck, hi how are you, what ya do today, and on and on and on it goes. What is anyone looking for? Needy hmm....I think so otherwise who would be here? We all are here for a need but let's not say that let's say your needy and move on. I know where you're coming from it's like I want someone but no conversation. Plus we all got old, got a life,either kids and etc. and just don't buy the thoery anyone is worth the time or effort. I'm up for that one for sure. No not having a time of it, just wasting my time with it. How come you go to the paysites and there are lots of women from the area posted and paying for what when you can get the same thing here? I get your grief, but wow we all need something and what are we really looking for is my question? What are we looking for? |