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Tue 06/04/13 10:53 AM

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Tue 06/04/13 10:44 AM

In the past, people found things to do to make a living. Before there were corporations and jobs... they sold cattle, broke horses, build wagons, tilled the fields, planted food, hunted, etc.

Now everyone sits around doing nothing because there are no jobs?

I say get up off your butts and find something to do and stop whining about there not being any jobs.

Well, starting a business is a lot different than starting a hobby. Businesses require money and permits and red-tape and things of that nature. Legal ones anyways. The system is stacked by the wealthy against the common person. It's the iron law of oligarchy. But hobbies are good. If one can get into one that doesn't cost a lot of money.

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Tue 06/04/13 10:40 AM
My family wouldn't care if they did know.

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Tue 06/04/13 10:39 AM

once we fell in love that the time we cant know what we are doing because of enjoyment

Incoherent much?

Welcome and good luck.waving

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Tue 06/04/13 04:40 AM

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Mon 06/03/13 10:41 PM

wanna screw around


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Mon 06/03/13 10:31 PM

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Mon 06/03/13 10:03 PM

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Mon 06/03/13 10:02 PM

iam looking women to talk with her on every topic and improve my language skill.

Why can't you just talk to anyone on threads in the forum to improve your language skill?

no photo
Mon 06/03/13 09:21 PM

A man is skydiving, enjoying his free-fall, when he realizes that he has reached the altitude where he must open his parachute.
So he pulls on the rip cord, but nothing happens.
“No problem,”
he thinks to himself,
“I still have my emergency chute.”
So he pulls the rip cord on his emergency parachute, and once again, nothing happens.
Now the man begins to panic.
“What am I going to do?”
he thinks,
“I’m a goner!”
Just then he sees a man flying up from the earth toward him.
He can’t figure out where this man is coming from, or what he’s doing, but he thinks to himself,
“Maybe he can help me.
If he can’t, then I’m done for.”
When the man gets close enough to him, the skydiver cups his hands and shouts down,
“Hey, do you know anything about parachutes?”
The other man replies, as he passes by continuing upwards, equally concerned,
“Nope! Do you know anything about gas stoves?”

slaphead bigsmile :banana:


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Mon 06/03/13 09:18 PM

I see ads about "Christian Mingle" on television all the time. I wonder if the men on that club are the same way. Do they all want sex before marriage or on the first date?

What ever happened to getting to know a person first?

Christian Mingle has more perverts than any other website.

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Mon 06/03/13 08:47 PM

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Mon 06/03/13 12:59 PM
Welcome and good luck.

no photo
Mon 06/03/13 12:59 PM

Batgirl told me that she loves me today.


laugh laugh laugh Well I am a lovable person, so, of course people would love me, and my animals love me, and my friends love me, and my stuffed toyed animals love me, and the real animals of nature love me and so forth and so on........bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Yes, you are very lovable.:heart:

no photo
Mon 06/03/13 12:57 PM

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Mon 06/03/13 12:56 PM
I ordered some pizza about an hour ago.

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Mon 06/03/13 12:55 PM

"As a result, it's still possible that the results indicate a problem with the experiment, and not interesting physics at all.

Physicist Adam Falkowski wrote on his blog:

"In this case they most likely signal a systematic problem rather than some interesting physics. First and least, it would be quite a coincidence to have two Higgs particles so close in mass."

The researchers are still trying to find out what the cause of the strange results really is - but for now the possibility remains that the universe might still be even more ridiculous than it already appears to be."

(They have no idea)

Welcome to the next reality. LOL


Is that at your house?


OK.:thumbsup: What a relief! For a while there I was thinking that you may have an energy vortex to another dimension in your backyard!

no photo
Mon 06/03/13 12:39 PM
I post whenever I can think of something to say.happy

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Mon 06/03/13 09:53 AM

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Mon 06/03/13 09:00 AM
Happy Times.waving

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