Community > Posts By > SamaraNJ

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 12/14/08 05:14 PM

I've dated guys that I wasn't physically attracted to.. AT ALL.. but nice guys that deserved a chance.. but.. when the time came to kiss.. sometimes I just couldn't do it.. so if Im shallow or whatever then so be it.. but if I can't kiss them and enjoy it.. I can't continue it...

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 12/14/08 04:19 PM

I happen to know exactly what I want. No, I'm not from an alternate dimension, it's just what happens to people who've been dateless their whole lives. To make up for lost time, we seriously consider what would make us happy long-term so we're not wasting precious years drifting from relationship to relationship.

Funny thing is, when I identify myself as someone who knows exactly what he wants, others sometimes accuse me of being shallow for not experimenting.noway

I also know exactly what I want, but people tend to say things like "You only THINK you know what you want. I could change your mind." But they never can.

The larger problem is when you know exactly what you want but it's now extinct.

yeah I used to always want a triceratops instead of a dog
That would be awesome..

It's a great conversation starter, provided it doesn't kill everybody with its horns.

ah.. yeah.. that's suppose to be a bad thing right?

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 12/14/08 04:14 PM

I happen to know exactly what I want. No, I'm not from an alternate dimension, it's just what happens to people who've been dateless their whole lives. To make up for lost time, we seriously consider what would make us happy long-term so we're not wasting precious years drifting from relationship to relationship.

Funny thing is, when I identify myself as someone who knows exactly what he wants, others sometimes accuse me of being shallow for not experimenting.noway

I also know exactly what I want, but people tend to say things like "You only THINK you know what you want. I could change your mind." But they never can.

The larger problem is when you know exactly what you want but it's now extinct.

yeah I used to always want a triceratops instead of a dog
That would be awesome..

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 12/14/08 04:12 PM

:smile: Would you rather date the hot guy/girl or the nice one?:smile:

The nice one...
still gotta be an attraction though....

a lot more things to consider too...

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 12/14/08 03:32 PM

Women do i cant image the pain of child berth

ugh.. my sister wanted me to be in the delivery room with her to 'experience childbirth' since Im not... anyway.. it was not pretty.. if I was leaning toward not having any before.. Im falling over now....

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 12/14/08 03:29 PM
men don't have it easier simply because they are men and the same goes for women.. everyone has easy and hard times...

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 12/14/08 02:52 PM

:smile: Well, I have certainly learned a lesson.:smile:

:smile: When I lower my standards and try to form relationships with fat unattractive chicks (because I feel sorry for them)it ends up making me look like a loser too.:smile:

omg.. I had no idea you were so evil...

SamaraNJ's photo
Sun 12/14/08 02:50 PM

:smile: Have you ever lowered your standards for someone, only to regret it?:smile:

oh boy.. if I go on a date with someone and it doesn't work out or they turn out to be a jerk, I just move on and forget them.. but if it's someone I wouldn't usually date and think maybe for some reason they deserve a chance to get to know and then they turn out to be jerks it makes me mad... Cause I knew from the start I shouldn't have wasted my time by giving them a chance...

SamaraNJ's photo
Sat 12/13/08 10:51 PM
I would agree that guys may freeze up and be afraid of the commitment. But another thing that needs to be considered, are the men that know what they want and are willing to commit, however the woman just isn't the one.. so that's why he left, not because he changed his mind, not because he doesn't know.. just because he wants a commitment doesn't mean he'll settle for the first one that comes along....

SamaraNJ's photo
Sat 12/13/08 04:18 PM
Edited by SamaraNJ on Sat 12/13/08 04:19 PM
I've heard


SamaraNJ's photo
Fri 12/12/08 07:28 PM

See your self as.. which of the following.

A. Being Single forever.

B. Never finding true love.

C. Finding true love but never being happy with that person.

D. Finally being in a relationship that both partys are happy with.

E. Screw it all I'm gettin a hooker for a night or two.

F. Where's that damn beer and remont, I'm stuck being lonely.

G. None of the above.. I still have faith a woman or guy will want me some day.

H. Being with someone isn't a priority... shopping around having fun til I find the right one..

SamaraNJ's photo
Fri 12/12/08 06:05 PM
The Park

Flowers and Candles

SamaraNJ's photo
Fri 12/12/08 06:00 AM

I haven't read any of the responses.
I just want to say, it sounds like you're the one that needs the "fixing".
You said you still want to be friends with someone that treated you badly...?!?!?!?slaphead

I bet he knew you had a low self esteem and you would give in and take it- just like you are doing.
You can't be mad at him for playing the game...

I refuse to put myself in a position as such and become a victim. If by chance I didn't see "it" coming, I LEARN from it and MOVE on.
I don't ask the a$$ if he will "still be my friend tears " -noway


And don't use your patooty to try to get men to like you more. It does the opposite effect.

I totally agree with both of these girls...

hey hellkitten... isn't that 'I love you' in sign language?

SamaraNJ's photo
Fri 12/12/08 05:06 AM

I just met a new bi chick [(mostly women) as any statement can be believed] on here, who has been a blast to talk to. Very quick witted.

Some folks are just fun even if there can't ever be anything there!

I just love this place! Not as much as JustSayHi, but it's growing on me.

:Love y'all!

ok Im assuming its bi-sexual not bi-polar laugh

SamaraNJ's photo
Fri 12/12/08 04:12 AM

why is everyone so obsessive about aging process and meeting someone...i realize that when we all grow older its a natural part of life...but please..give me a break..what is wrong with being single and enjoying it..when the person that is supposed to come into your life gets there its when you dont look for them...i am open person to meet lots of people and learn and grow..but to sound so pathetically depressed about being alone...i am not...embracing life and the moments we have and looking within to grow is what life is really about...people can sulk about not having life as planned as they thought they would from teen yrs...or they can live it...moment to moment with realistic expectations...or and to the comment about becoming older and "less tolerant" ...thats a can grow as a person regardless of age or anything else..we may all be bombarded with all that life has to offer (postive and negative) but regardless of all the things ingrained along the way..choices make us who we are or who we want to be...

absolutely!! I enjoy my life.. I don't feel I need to have a better half to complete it.. All I need is me, if someone else wants to be there that would be great too, but not a necessity...

SamaraNJ's photo
Fri 12/12/08 03:52 AM
oh boy.. I have become ok with the idea of paying $50 to fill my tank.. well yesterday morning.. I had to fill my tank... I figured Ill throw $30 in and top it off later.. it stopped at $25.. I questioned the guy.. i was like.. why isn't it filling? I was so surprised that it only took $25 to fill my tank I really didn't believe it.... had to start my car and check the needle to accept it...laugh

SamaraNJ's photo
Fri 12/12/08 03:48 AM
happened to me before but a new mouse fixed it right up... if a new one didn't work I have no idea what it could be

SamaraNJ's photo
Fri 12/12/08 03:33 AM

i published my first book after over 3 years of work

That is awesome!!
Wanna give a description?

SamaraNJ's photo
Fri 12/12/08 03:31 AM

4.0 in one class.. 4.2 in another (yes .2)

94% in another... .. just waiting on english.. which messed me up.. probably only getting like 87%

but I can sleep!!!

SamaraNJ's photo
Fri 12/12/08 03:24 AM

Every time I think I have a date, they don't show up! I guess after they "think" about what they did, (asked me out), they decide to run!! I must be the ugliest woman on earth! I would rather be single for the rest of my life than get "stood up" every time!!:heart:

I have gotten stood up A LOT... so now I don't get excited over dates too much anymore... not until we are actually on the date

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