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Weren't you one who had weight requirements? Or were at least picky about women's weight?
I am one who expects a PARTNER or MATE to be an EQUAL mentally, physically and personally (not identical). I do NOT have the same expectations of FRIENDS. This discussion stopped being about friends pretty quickly. So, you have qualifications just like anyone else. They just happen to be different than those listed in this thread. |
Weren't you one who had weight requirements? Or were at least picky about women's weight?
I am one who expects a PARTNER or MATE to be an EQUAL mentally, physically and personally (not identical). I do NOT have the same expectations of FRIENDS. This discussion stopped being about friends pretty quickly. So, you have qualifications just like anyone else. They just happen to be different than those listed in this thread. |
Would you have made a thread like this about someone who had weight, height or physical requirements for friendship and dating?
I have opened threads regarding such things -- questioning why those are important in friendship (unless the true agenda is coupledom / mate finding). One was on the subject of why it is acceptable for a woman to require that a man be over a certain height but less so for a man to require that a woman not be overweight. Another asked why specify an age requirement for friendship. Weren't you one who had weight requirements? Or were at least picky about women's weight? |
I know, sure as bears crap in the woods, I wouldn't do long term with a CCL. What is a CCL? Crazy cat lady. How many cats makes one a crazy cat lady? How many ya got? ![]() ![]() Not enough to qualify. |
Female / Male Communication
Some men think they should be the problem solvers.
Men are not magical mind readers, so they can't magically know what we want. I do believe men thrive on appreciation. Some men think they should be the providers. |
Female / Male Communication
Here is a link to an article (bit long to copy here) that discusses communication problems between men and women (from a female perspective). Which, if any, of the ten items mentioned do you think have merit? Comments? You'll get a better response if you'll at least have the 10 items you're talking about listed here. From the link you provided: Don't expect your man to multitask. Don't talk to him about important things or your relationship when he is doing something else. The likelihood is he won't pay attention and you will take it personally and get upset. It's not that he's not interested, but just that he works best by focusing on one thing at a time and giving it his full attention. Solution: Be patient. Wait until he's finished what he is doing and then talk to him so his full attention will be on you. 2. Remember the 30 second rule. If you ask a man for his opinion or how he feels he is likely to take his time to answer. Women are mostly run by their feelings and can usually express them easily but a man holds a whole well of information and feelings but he doesn't express it in the same way. Solution: Ask him a question then wait 30 seconds for him to answer. During this 30 seconds say nothing. Don’t make suggestions, don’t try to hurry him along and definitely don’t interrupt or talk over him. You will usually find that by the end of the 30 seconds he will start to talk – this is the time to listen with no interrupting. Once he trusts that you are not going to interrupt him, talk over him or tell him what to say, he will express more and more to you, including how he feels. Lack of communication can mean a minor disagreement can turn into a major argument +4 Lack of communication can mean a minor disagreement can turn into a major argument 3. Men are problem solvers. It can be frustrating when you tell your man about your bad day and he starts telling you how to fix it and what you can do about It, when all you want is for him to listen to you. While a woman finds huge relief in talking and talking, men are problem solvers – that’s what they do. They see you are upset and they want to solve it to make you happy. Solution: Before you launch into how bad your day was, explain to your man that you would like him simply to listen while you vent. If you would like him to say anything or help you solve anything, let him know. You’ll find he gives his full attention to listening and you feel loved, heard and relieved. 4. Men have limited capacity for detail. Women see details. Men on the other hand focus on the facts and get to the point. So when you start telling him all of the details of your day, you can only keep his attention for so long. He is listening for the main point and if it's too long before you get to it, a man will find it almost torturous which is when he starts to withdraw from the conversation. Pillow talk: learning how to communicate properly with your partner can lead to all sorts of benefits +4 Pillow talk: learning how to communicate properly with your partner can lead to all sorts of benefits Solution: Get to the point! Save all the details for your girlfriends. Realize that your man isn’t being rude, he is simply being a man. He is interested in what you are saying and wants to hear it but he simply needs less detail so that he can fully engage. 5. Don’t expect your man to magically know what you need. Your man is not a mind reader. It is not his responsibility to automatically know what you need but it is your responsibility to ask. If you don’t ask, the chances are your man won’t know and won’t give it to you, or he may try to guess what you need and get it wrong which then makes you upset and frustrated. Solution: First, be sure to know what you need yourself. The more specific you can be the better. Men are very logical and respond best to clear, specific information so avoid being vague. So for example, let’s say you would like more affection. Rather than saying 'I would like more affection' you might say: 'Please would you give me a hug every morning before you go to work.' Julie-Anne Shapiro says that men and women should realise they speak in a completely different way +4 Julie-Anne Shapiro says that men and women should realise they speak in a completely different way 6. Men thrive on appreciation. When a man does things for you and you don’t appreciate him, you criticize his efforts or you complain, a man feels disheartened. You then wonder why he doesn’t enthusiastically want to continue trying to please you and you feel hurt. Solution: Appreciate what he does for you even if it’s not quite what you want. If you need something else be clear and specific. The more you appreciate your man, the more he’ll want to give to you. 7. Men are providers. Men are natural providers and need to know what they provide for you. Let’s say your man gives you something and you seem to like it but don’t tell him why, he may well forget to provide it again. Solution: As part of telling him how much you appreciate him, tell your man specifically what he provided or will provide for you. For example: 'When you hug me and stroke my hair, I feel totally safe and loved.' 8. Men need you to be receptive. When your man tries to give you something, whether it’s a compliment or he wants to do something for you and you won’t let him, he feels sad and even crushed. You may wonder why you don’t seem to get what you need, perhaps not realizing that you are pushing him away. Solution: Allow him to carry your suitcase, open a door for you or run your bath. You can make some suggestions of the things you would like, but allow him to choose from your suggestions. Let him surprise you and be receptive to his ideas too. He’ll simply love surprising you and making you smile. 9. Men want to make you happy. Men are all about winning and your man needs to know that he can win at making you happy. If he sees you sad, complaining, criticizing him and constantly unhappy, eventually he will give up and think that another man can do a better job. You are left wondering where it all went wrong. Solution: Start to trust that your man really does want to make you happy. Your trust will make him be a better man for you. Focus on and tell him the things you appreciate about him and what he provides for you. Ask for what you need in clear, simple and specific terms. And smile! 10. Confidence, the number one quality a man looks for in his ideal woman Your man feels genuinely sad when he sees you beating yourself up or saying how fat your stomach is, how frizzy or flat your hair is, or how you wish you were slimmer, fitter, younger or more attractive. He sees you as beautiful, lovable woman – that’s why he’s with you. Solution: Be confident in who you are. If there are things you would like to change, do so because you love yourself so much that you’re worth it. When you know your worth you are incredibly attractive to your man and he’ll find you totally irresistible. Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook |
I know, sure as bears crap in the woods, I wouldn't do long term with a CCL. What is a CCL? Crazy cat lady. How many cats makes one a crazy cat lady? |
From his posts, it sounds like pet owners in general. Those who don't like animals just need to look for others who feel the same, rather than thinking pet owners will change for them. That is not what I got from his posts but I agree that its better to seek someone who is more compatible. I learned from experience that a fanatic pet owner will never love a person as much as they love their pet so not much future in dating someone like that. What makes someone a fanatic pet owner? As I stated one that will never love a person as much as they love their pet. I suppose that some people are like that, but I would hope they are in the minority of most dog owners. I know its for sure not the case with me. I love my dogs and I love people too. I just don't want to be romantically involved with a man that does not like them. None of us would get along well then. I guess a good example is an article I read about a husband who had his wife get rid of her dog as she treated the dog better than her own child . I don't know how a parent would treat their dog better than child but I guess he had enough and the dog was removed from said home. That still doesn't tell me much. How was she putting the dog before the child? Would you consider a pet owner a fanatic if they refused to get rid of a pet when their significant other asked them to do so? She made her dog her first priority and neglected her child. She spent more time with her pet than her child. Actually; I know of friends of mine that did get rid of pets because of their significant other. People here are constantly giving away pets because of allergies or a pet that attacks a small child or baby; so this is not unheard of. However; to each his/her own. If a pet attacked a child, I can see getting rid of it if that's the only way to handle it. However, if someone I was dating asked me to get rid of my pets because they were allergic, I wouldn't do it. That would be me being an irresponsible pet owner. So you are saying that if you met a guy you fell in love with and after years of being with him; you would dump him if he developed an allergy to your pet? This is what has happened here where people initially were okay with their pets but over time developed allergies. My brother had to get rid of one of his dogs because of an allergy. Couldn't take meds as having so many medical problems; they would have killed him. I guess it would really depend on what actually happened. I take allergy medication when needed around my pets. If all of the sudden, someone I was with developed a severe allergy that was untreatable, I would just have to deal with it then. I've never had to deal with something like that. |
From his posts, it sounds like pet owners in general. Those who don't like animals just need to look for others who feel the same, rather than thinking pet owners will change for them. That is not what I got from his posts but I agree that its better to seek someone who is more compatible. I learned from experience that a fanatic pet owner will never love a person as much as they love their pet so not much future in dating someone like that. What makes someone a fanatic pet owner? As I stated one that will never love a person as much as they love their pet. I suppose that some people are like that, but I would hope they are in the minority of most dog owners. I know its for sure not the case with me. I love my dogs and I love people too. I just don't want to be romantically involved with a man that does not like them. None of us would get along well then. I guess a good example is an article I read about a husband who had his wife get rid of her dog as she treated the dog better than her own child . I don't know how a parent would treat their dog better than child but I guess he had enough and the dog was removed from said home. That still doesn't tell me much. How was she putting the dog before the child? Would you consider a pet owner a fanatic if they refused to get rid of a pet when their significant other asked them to do so? She made her dog her first priority and neglected her child. She spent more time with her pet than her child. Actually; I know of friends of mine that did get rid of pets because of their significant other. People here are constantly giving away pets because of allergies or a pet that attacks a small child or baby; so this is not unheard of. However; to each his/her own. If a pet attacked a child, I can see getting rid of it if that's the only way to handle it. However, if someone I was dating asked me to get rid of my pets because they were allergic, I wouldn't do it. That would be me being an irresponsible pet owner. |
From his posts, it sounds like pet owners in general. Those who don't like animals just need to look for others who feel the same, rather than thinking pet owners will change for them. That is not what I got from his posts but I agree that its better to seek someone who is more compatible. I learned from experience that a fanatic pet owner will never love a person as much as they love their pet so not much future in dating someone like that. What makes someone a fanatic pet owner? As I stated one that will never love a person as much as they love their pet. I suppose that some people are like that, but I would hope they are in the minority of most dog owners. I know its for sure not the case with me. I love my dogs and I love people too. I just don't want to be romantically involved with a man that does not like them. None of us would get along well then. I guess a good example is an article I read about a husband who had his wife get rid of her dog as she treated the dog better than her own child . I don't know how a parent would treat their dog better than child but I guess he had enough and the dog was removed from said home. That still doesn't tell me much. How was she putting the dog before the child? Would you consider a pet owner a fanatic if they refused to get rid of a pet when their significant other asked them to do so? |
Do you also dislike it when they say, "Must have good sense of humour?" Heck no. I tell them that it should be easy to find a comedian since there are so many out of work that they hang around forums trying to be funny. Would you have made a thread like this about someone who had weight, height or physical requirements for friendship and dating? |
I own a 110 lb yellow lab who I love dearly. However its very important to have proper training early. My dog will not jump on people, beg for food while I eat dinner, or lay on my furniture. My dog loves going for rides in my truck and on my days off I take him on my errands. If we go outside of the truck he is on a leash so I can control him. He's very friendly but I don't want him approaching a stranger who might not feel comfortable with him. Its all about training and respect for others. At home he is free to roam the house but if people come by I will make him sit next to me unless they offer to pet the dog and interact with him.I'm not choosing a pet over a woman but it would be important that someone likes dogs in order to be with me because I would never get rid of him, I don't feel I'm being fanatic about it I just love dogs. Do you think it's disrespecting to others if pets get on the furniture in their owner's home? |
From his posts, it sounds like pet owners in general. Those who don't like animals just need to look for others who feel the same, rather than thinking pet owners will change for them. That is not what I got from his posts but I agree that its better to seek someone who is more compatible. I learned from experience that a fanatic pet owner will never love a person as much as they love their pet so not much future in dating someone like that. What makes someone a fanatic pet owner? As I stated one that will never love a person as much as they love their pet. That doesn't tell me much. You could be assuming that because they didn't change the way they were with their pets when they were with you. Can you give a bit more detail about what makes a person a fanatic pet owner? |
From his posts, it sounds like pet owners in general. Those who don't like animals just need to look for others who feel the same, rather than thinking pet owners will change for them. That is not what I got from his posts but I agree that its better to seek someone who is more compatible. I learned from experience that a fanatic pet owner will never love a person as much as they love their pet so not much future in dating someone like that. What makes someone a fanatic pet owner? |
From his posts, it sounds like pet owners in general. Those who don't like animals just need to look for others who feel the same, rather than thinking pet owners will change for them.
It's really not my problem if you or anyone else here has some sort of grudge against pet owners.
Of course it is a "grudge against pet owners" to expect that owners be responsible enough to avoid inflicting their pets on ANYONE who does not welcome animal contact (for whatever reason). Oh, I don't make excuses for my dog
Of course not, "she's just friendly" It does seem to be that it's a bit more than you just not being a fan of animals. You do seem to actually have something against pet owners. |
People are making excuses for their pets HERE
Which people are doing this? Those who wrote what you talked about in your OP? People in this thread? Women you're interested in? Since you ask, TawtStrat, for one, is vigorously making excuses for a pet ("just being friendly") Although everyone is entitled to their chosen order of priorities, I choose to not get in line behind pets, children and religion (though other people may find it acceptable). I opened the thread after a site sent me five "matches" -- four of which had one or more of the "qualifiers" mentioned (and the fifth appeared to outweigh me considerably). If you (generic term) encountered a man who was (hypothetically) an ideal mate in every way EXCEPT "loving" pets, animals and god (perhaps neutral regarding all three), would you reject the relationship? So, by people, you meant person. Ok. You started this thread generalizing about women, based on a few matches, complaining about these "qualifiers." Then you gave some of your own, based on wanting to be placed as a higher priority. If those are important preferences for someone, then someone who doesn't do those things would not be an ideal mate. |
KLC the only thing I am "passionate" about is lack of consideration, and some of the opinions on here that I read that seem to "expect" that others must tolerate their animals. That is selfish, inconsiderate and immature. For the most part I can get along just fine with "considerate" pet owners. I used to have several pets. I now have no pets (health, lifestyle, and convenience reasons). I dated someone who was inconsiderate about forcing his pet on me, and bringing it into my home which can introduce fleas and pet hair/dander that I am somewhat allergic to. TBH it had a big influence on my decision to simply call it quits. I think as long as a pet owner is considerate there would be no least for me. But I admit I would always have to have some space in my dwelling that was always pet a den or office. I would not want to do pet "duties" but I am a very clean person and confident that I 'd get "stuck" with the pet duties because of that. I also would want my bedroom pet free. So there are some circumstances where I could tolerate a pet, but most pet owners would not be willing to understand those needs. I find it odd that someone would place a pet before a loved one. But I definitely understand that they often do, and it most certainly is part of the compatability equation, I agree. I do most of my animal loving out in the wild. :) For those who just don;t "get it" that they should restrain their animals...I have the law on my side....'nuff said. The problem is not that EVERYONE needs to learn to behave around dogs. Some may have no interest in that. dog owners need to realize that (I think most do.) this is the reality. They are %100 responsible for their pets and it is all on the owner. Like it or not, opinion really does not matter there as far as incidents off of the owners property/home. Being considerate goes both ways. Anyone I am with has to tolerate my pets if they come over, because my pets live here too. I would not lock them away, just because someone is coming to visit. It would be inconsiderate of someone to expect that. Luckily, I've never had a problem with anyone in that regard. The two cats I have are easy to get along with and no one has ever had a problem with them. If they did, we just wouldn't be a good match. |
Its really interesting that people can be so passionate about having pets around and people can equal that passion for having no pets around. I think pets are family too, so I wouldnt assume them to be disposable for the sake of any relationship like some suggest on here. And I have no pets. Again it keeps going back to what sing said earlier, that its preferences. Pay attention to both your own and the ones your potential has. And that's exactly what it comes down to. People are passionate about different things. Getting upset because someone has different passions/preferences/whatever you want to call them than you do is pretty silly. There are lots of people out there. Find the ones who fit with you well, rather than trying to change those who don't. I do find that some who don't like pets assume that others' pets can just be given up if need be. Being a pet owner is a huge responsibility. If someone gives up their pet at the drop of a hat because the person they're dating says they should, they're not being a responsible pet owner. |
People are making excuses for their pets HERE Which people are doing this? Those who wrote what you talked about in your OP? People in this thread? Women you're interested in? |