Community > Posts By > mygenerationbaby
Bullies and logic
i don't agree with your statements- Logic is functional only and oly if you reason. if i agee or disagree i have reason to believe not not to belive, So, lets not forget that everything is relative. That's it! Everything is relative. If I say something really smart, it may only be smart in my corner of the world. But this whole thing of misinterpretation is key. What is communicated is also received, and this is not a perfect process. The first way to read a writing is to determine the writers INTENT. So if people are going to get emotional about responses, they are flying off the deep end completely on their own. Because if the author did intend to upset you, which I don't think he did, Jane, then he is just shooting himself in the foot. You can't control what others will think and feel. Even if you're careful. You may not think you can affect what they believe either, but Jason is wrong about one thing. Feelings and beliefs really do affect logic. And logic in return affects feelings and beliefs. |
Bullies and logic
Welcome back, Jason, I am glad you started this thread. The point of argumentation is to organize premises in such a way as to show that one set of premises much reach a particular conclusion. If and only if the premises are true. None of it has to be cynical or filled with inside attacks. That's when argumentation becomes fighting, or bickering, which is the part of arguing that can make it useless as Jason pointed out. Probably Jason started this thread for a good reason. Sometimes people on here just like to throw mud. Or they take things too personally. Here is a prime example of lashing out that can muck up the works. I once wrote in here something about how we were having such a fun discussion until someone started accusing people of not being sensitive to their feelings, while being insensitive themselves. I was joking around, Nobody wants to play anymore. And she answered Good, don't play then! Premise: people prefer to argue in a constructive way Premise: insults and accusations are not constructive Conclusion: People are more likely to join an arguement that is not getting tangled up in negative emotions I agree. You dont have to insult to argue. Rhetoric is an fine example of how arguments can be personal, while still being logical. Alot of people throw the word logic around carelessly, and it makes me wounder if they know the definition. I have seen over and over again person X saying person N is illogical because they dont understand the nature of the argument or just dont agree. Heres a rule of thumb for any refutation. It MUST be objective and unbiased. (that means, try and convince your self that YOU are wrong and see what you come up with.) Logic is nothing more than inference, Something can be true and illogical, something can be logical and invalid, false, or incomplete. My point is, and the reason for the op, is that argumentation can be constructive. If you cant argue without calling names, being rude or obnoxious, or if you are not willing to see the other side, you wont get too far. I dont know about any of you but I argue to learn, or to get somewhere, I have a goal. Thanks for your reply, what do you think? OO OO somebody asked me what i think. Cool, now I'll tell you but you have to read it, that's the beauty of it. You can read it whatever way you want. We post, so we can be heard. However, the reasons for posting in odd and varied ways are odd and varied. We post: to vent frustration, for entertainment, for clarification, for information, to enlighten, to frighten, and so on and so forth...therefore, and this is the logic part....there can be no set rules. If there were rules, the people in the political threads would drop out altogether. And then the sky would fall. |
Bullies and logic
oh no Jane and Jason got back together in here.
I wonder what would happen if they ever met on the street. I'm guessing they fall in love and live happily ever after. |
It's true, they're here in Missouri. Don't come here.
Or at least don't come here without a big bottle of bug killer. It happened to me and it's not pretty. You have to take antibiotics and watch this big hole gauge into your body. Very painful too. |
Never heard of it.
How come Hannah's deal got deleted? |
T's Randomness Room
What's this thread about again?
Oh yeah...I'm feeling really random. How about this? When is the last time you did a random act of kindness? I called 911 when I saw a bad crash. |
3 Things
Republicans confuse me.
Children make more sense to me. I'm going to tell the children never to listen to Republicans. |
Sleeps in a steam pit all wrapped in banana leaves
The No Judgments Thread
Stability bores me. Join the military then. Or go volunteer in an underdeveloped country. You can teach without a degree in those places. There will be no boredom and no stability there. |
It's now official. The Democrats and the Left Leaning will make up excuses or brush under the rug ANYTHING that causes their party be brought into the light and shown for what they really are. The only official thing I see here is the flag of the Republican Nitpicker Party flying once again. And that doesn't mean all Republicans are bad. Just the guys who holler about less than nothing. And this is less than nothing. |
Why Am I Undereducated
Our ego gets us in trouble. We don't feel we should have to learn another language. Now they only push certain ones, like Spanish. I would have prefered German. I dont think its just that. As I said, those countries are as close to each other as our states are to each other, they regularly are hearing and speaking other languages because of proximity. They actually DO have more of a need to know other languages because of how often they will be in contact with those speakers. We dont have quite that same dynamic with other languages and countries. Right on. I wish I would be nice to have had the same dynamics, but you can't pick your birthright. What you can do is open a book or go traveling, emerse yourself in another culture. We have to work a little harder to become more one with the world. |
I am asking this question with an open mind just to see what responses I will get: Since humans were supposedly (for the sake of arguement I'm going with supposedly) created in God's image, why do we have tail bones? Having a tail bone would suggest that at one time we had tails, but according to various religions, we were created as humans with no tails, which doesn't explain why we have tailbones... Tail bones became vestigal because mothers use to slap their children saying "stop chasing your tail!" And yet, people still do it. They just can't resist. Although, Transendental Meditators are working to bring the tail back, soas to make levitation more productive. |
I am asking this question with an open mind just to see what responses I will get: Since humans were supposedly (for the sake of arguement I'm going with supposedly) created in God's image, why do we have tail bones? Having a tail bone would suggest that at one time we had tails, but according to various religions, we were created as humans with no tails, which doesn't explain why we have tailbones... I believe that the image that we were created in is a spirit image, not a flesh & bone one. God, I believe, is a spirit and, therefore, we too are spirits, but in a human fleshly body which houses our spirit or true self. |
Oh wow, great place for people who don't know the difference between North and South Korea. Too bad, she would have made such a gorgeous Vice President for Johm MCCain to hold on his elbow.
Why Am I Undereducated
I do realize...... That "I" and "I alone" am responsible for my own learning.<---That's a "period". ...but...often I wonder why some 10yo kid in Norway, France, Switzerland, etc. knows my language plus usually at least 2 more, grammar and all. In many cases he/she knows more about my, and world history than my contemporaries. Why did "they" have so much of a head start in an understanding of the arts...etc., etc., etc.? Though I was a well (mind, body, heart, and soul) cared for child, why did "I" not have these tools by a relatively young age? I guess I'm interested in what people have to say about the broad (world) spectrum of educational methods. What worked for them...didn't, and any "eureka moments".. Beachfarmer, it's because you live on a beach and you're a farmer. No jk, I'm pretty sure it's because they go to school all year round, they know they aren't the center of the Universe, and with democratic socialism, they are very focused on finding you your niche in the world. Automatic job guaranteed by the time you enter the world of work. so it is very important you don't get labeled "streetsweeper" at an early age. For real. They test and track kids through their education systems. |
This story is a waste of paper. I knew I'd find some idiots running with the game ball though. As if they really believe what they're saying. Dream on nitpickers!!!
This is hilarious, Willing. Did you come up with this all by your lonesome? Very funny. Except for the comment made by White House Aides. uuuh,....pretty sure that part wasn't true.
To Be A GOOD Liberal....
Specifically, they know they wasted 8 years, so now they're doing everything they can to waste ours too.
To Be A GOOD Liberal....
Thanks for the excellent comeback goes out to SingMeSweet. Fair play gives voice, or space, to both sides. And if you don't want to pick sides, that's fair too. It's just that your voting will be relatively useless. If you don't agree with either side, at least place a vote AGAINST the bad guys. In the meantime, face reality, i.e. be patriotic enough to keep whatever ball rolling we have going for us right now. The nitpickers are the true enemy of the people. They're wasting all of our precious time.
What an incredibly strong woman. I wish I was born with that kind of grist. I would get on this bandwagon in a flash. Problem is, I'm not employed right now, so a deducton is less than nothing on my taxes. I could see going for my Masters though. Have you been able to find anything for someone who already has a Bachelors degree?
Anyway, way to go to all the powerful women in America, and thank you to Mr. Obama for supporting education. |