Community > Posts By > HappyBun

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 12:59 PM

Look at the lies that Bush many people died?
Look at the lies that Cheney many people died?
Look at the lies Powell many people died?

Obama was pressed hard by the left to hold hearings about their lies and he said no.

This is nothing more than a right wing witch hunt to discredit Hillary Clinton.

yawn same ole democratic BS.... fact is, most of you people that are the hardcore libs are just butt hurt right now because you voted for this loser and now your finding out how wrong you were...

What everyone is finding out is, that nothing has changed. The lesson that has to be learned is, it matters not who the puppet is, those who have the real power need to be dealt with. When will supposedly educated people realise that while the believe there are two sides there is no hope. There is only right and wrong.

I agree, i've been saying that for years, and the libs never agree with it... there is no difference now than when bush was in office, except for the police state has gotten way worse...
My goodness, you and I in agreement! We should build on this.

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 12:48 PM

Eliminate the funding and profits and you eliminate the problem!
Take the profit out of war and we will soon have peace.

When the U.K. fought against Nazi Germany during WWII, was the U.K. fighting for profit?
No, America was the main beneficiary from that.

huh Are you serious?

The USA stayed out of WWII until Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese military. Japan declared war on the USA first.
Yes I am serious. Explain to me how America was riding the crest of a wave at the end of WW11 and Britian was flat broke. The UK paid its last installment to the US for services rendered less than three years ago I believe.

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 11:12 AM
I was going to suggest The International Criminal Court but that seems to have its hands tied untill 2017. In any case the two biggest violaters of wars of aggression and humanitarian crimes havent signed the treaty. Is it 2017 when Obama leaves Office????????????

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 11:05 AM

Eliminate the funding and profits and you eliminate the problem!
Take the profit out of war and we will soon have peace.

When the U.K. fought against Nazi Germany during WWII, was the U.K. fighting for profit?
No, America was the main beneficiary from that.

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 11:01 AM

Without peace there is no freedom. War is not a good promotion for peace, therefore under these continuing actions there is no hope for peace or freedom.

There is only an agenda..... to what end?

a one world govt and the U.S. will hold the role of enforcer
Looks like that is the plan. With London Holding The Purse Strings?

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 10:52 AM

Eliminate the funding and profits and you eliminate the problem!
Take the profit out of war and we will soon have peace.

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 10:12 AM

Sorry, but quite frankly, if Britain committed crimes against humanity, then us brits deserve what's coming to us. Humanity just wants to survive, yet as per usual, human preservation and bullying is the main thinking of Britain. Ho hum. Poor us. We must cry wolf. Not. It looks like we ARE crying wolf. Why should any other country care? How hypocritical my country is. One minute they mention how they do not want to be friends with other countries, and the next minute they do a flip and want other countries to give a damn. We can't have our cake and eat it. You reep what you damn well sow, imho. Don't cry wolf, when you started a battle.

Nations on the receiving end will always play the victim card. That is how the world was back then, get over it and move forward, don't cry victim all your life.
No victims in Iraq then?

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 10:10 AM

Once upon a time Britian ruled the world and now it looks like they may have to pay for the crimes they committed while in charge. Japan had to pay its victims. Germany had to pay its victims. America should pay but its early days yet. Bullies should never get a free ride.

So, who gets to decide what was and wasn't a crime in reference to the above quote? Who has the authority to prosecute? What court of law has the authority to deal with the alleged crimes?
International Court of Justice

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 09:55 AM

Once upon a time Britian ruled the world and now it looks like they may have to pay for the crimes they committed while in charge. Japan had to pay its victims. Germany had to pay its victims. America should pay but its early days yet. Bullies should never get a free ride.

So, who gets to decide what was and wasn't a crime in reference to the above quote? Who has the authority to prosecute? What court of law has the authority to deal with the alleged crimes?

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 09:23 AM

Look at the lies that Bush many people died?
Look at the lies that Cheney many people died?
Look at the lies Powell many people died?

Obama was pressed hard by the left to hold hearings about their lies and he said no.

This is nothing more than a right wing witch hunt to discredit Hillary Clinton.

yawn same ole democratic BS.... fact is, most of you people that are the hardcore libs are just butt hurt right now because you voted for this loser and now your finding out how wrong you were...

What everyone is finding out is, that nothing has changed. The lesson that has to be learned is, it matters not who the puppet is, those who have the real power need to be dealt with. When will supposedly educated people realise that while the believe there are two sides there is no hope. There is only right and wrong.

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 09:10 AM
I tend to look at the world as one interconnected entitiy. As far as drone strikes in Pakistan or Airstrikes in Syria Bombings in Boston , they are all connected. We are one global community now. The nation state is no more. That is what is happening before our eyes. We may be too late to stop it.

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 08:04 AM
Edited by HappyBun on Tue 05/14/13 08:08 AM

Have any of you read Rand at all?rofl

What both of you describe is Fascism,NOT Capitalism!rofl rofl :laughing:

So,you want to tell me that Politicians ought to lead those Corporations!
Actually they do,along with their Cronies,and look at the mess they made!rofl

Et tu Bruté?...Me?... a statist? that's absolutely laughable...I can only think you're joking.

I've looked into Rand and her "objectivism" (YAI...yet another "ism") and I have my own opinions about her philosophy and the philosophy of the hero-worshipping cult that follows her without a proper grounding in philosophy & logic. I think I've already expressed much of this in another post somewhere, didn't I?

Be that as it may, I'd like you to really examine my post before this one and tell me how putting the public in charge of the public servants who work for them (voluntarily) is fascism. You are right that it isn't capitalism, but in my mind you are totally off-base calling it fascism. (As I see it, it is simply the freedom to contract with contractors.)

You might make an argument that it could be Marxism, possibly even the kind of marxism that he himself envisioned (if we could ever know what that was from his books), but certainly not fascism, let alone Stalinism, Leninism, left-wing socialism, or communism as ever implemented or practiced in the real world. You won't need to make an argument that it is anti-capitalism...I'm guilty as charged, but then I'm anti-just-about-every-"ism". About the only "ism" I'm not "anti" is humanism... And I'm a bloody duck!... I just wish you humans would smarten up and quit killing one another over something as useless as claims of capital as private property. (or have the bankers already claimed most of it?)

The great flaw of capitalism, is that it tries to privatize the common. What do we do when the Rothschilds et al claim all the air, water and land as their private property except to either beg/pay for enough air to breathe, water to drink, and land to live on...or move? Us ducks have no money to buy life's necessities the way you humans MIGHT...Don't we have a right to exist, or do we have to work to "earn our keep" and pay for the privilege of existing like humans do?

So even though us ducks constitute another nation (species), I'd like to know how the humans' idiotic system of political and economic reasoning(?) respects our right to exist as a nation. Moreover, I know that it doesn't, but you humans seem to want to throw yourselves into greedy denial the minute someone speaks of sharing the common "property" and to keep claiming the common (which DOESN"T belong to you as property) as though it was all yours.

The old "might makes right" philosophy has always been wrong. Might might make for power, oppression and murder, but it will NEVER make it right, no matter how many statutes the legal eagles write to make it so. The truth is that right is the true might and everyone should do right. Frankly it almost shocks me that your own implied social contract (natural law) might have to be imposed on humanity before it kills itself. Who could impose it if not you yourselves?

Hey...I'm just trying to point out the logical flaws in human reasoning, so don't go sociopolitical on me, just think about what I say.

Atlas isn't shrugging; he's laying down on the job and letting the world roll away. Who is gonna put him back to work?

I really like your postings. They are easy to read and all your own work , so much more honest than copy and paste . On top of all that I agree with most if not all of your work. You are a real asset to the political threads. A breath of fresh air. Are you an American? If you are then America is in need of millions like you.

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 07:58 AM

Have any of you read Rand at all?rofl

What both of you describe is Fascism,NOT Capitalism!rofl rofl :laughing:

So,you want to tell me that Politicians ought to lead those Corporations!
Actually they do,along with their Cronies,and look at the mess they made!rofl

Et tu Bruté?...Me?... a statist? that's absolutely laughable...I can only think you're joking.

I've looked into Rand and her "objectivism" (YAI...yet another "ism") and I have my own opinions about her philosophy and the philosophy of the hero-worshipping cult that follows her without a proper grounding in philosophy & logic. I think I've already expressed much of this in another post somewhere, didn't I?

Be that as it may, I'd like you to really examine my post before this one and tell me how putting the public in charge of the public servants who work for them (voluntarily) is fascism. You are right that it isn't capitalism, but in my mind you are totally off-base calling it fascism. (As I see it, it is simply the freedom to contract with contractors.)

You might make an argument that it could be Marxism, possibly even the kind of marxism that he himself envisioned (if we could ever know what that was from his books), but certainly not fascism, let alone Stalinism, Leninism, left-wing socialism, or communism as ever implemented or practiced in the real world. You won't need to make an argument that it is anti-capitalism...I'm guilty as charged, but then I'm anti-just-about-every-"ism". About the only "ism" I'm not "anti" is humanism... And I'm a bloody duck!... I just wish you humans would smarten up and quit killing one another over something as useless as claims of capital as private property. (or have the bankers already claimed most of it?)

The great flaw of capitalism, is that it tries to privatize the common. What do we do when the Rothschilds et al claim all the air, water and land as their private property except to either beg/pay for enough air to breathe, water to drink, and land to live on...or move? Us ducks have no money to buy life's necessities the way you humans MIGHT...Don't we have a right to exist, or do we have to work to "earn our keep" and pay for the privilege of existing like humans do?

So even though us ducks constitute another nation (species), I'd like to know how the humans' idiotic system of political and economic reasoning(?) respects our right to exist as a nation. Moreover, I know that it doesn't, but you humans seem to want to throw yourselves into greedy denial the minute someone speaks of sharing the common "property" and to keep claiming the common (which DOESN"T belong to you as property) as though it was all yours.

The old "might makes right" philosophy has always been wrong. Might might make for power, oppression and murder, but it will NEVER make it right, no matter how many statutes the legal eagles write to make it so. The truth is that right is the true might and everyone should do right. Frankly it almost shocks me that your own implied social contract (natural law) might have to be imposed on humanity before it kills itself. Who could impose it if not you yourselves?

Hey...I'm just trying to point out the logical flaws in human reasoning, so don't go sociopolitical on me, just think about what I say.

Atlas isn't shrugging; he's laying down on the job and letting the world roll away. Who is gonna put him back to work?

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 07:50 AM

International Law is being broken on an unprecedented scale. The problem is, who is going to prosecute America. America are the UN as has been seen on numerous occasions in the case of Israel. America is in control. That of course allows America to be out of control. Too bad about innocent men ,women and children.
Funny how you always bring Israel in the Game,as if they were flying Drones in Pakistan!

That was in the context of International Law and Americas power of veto in the UN. Nothing funny about it at all.

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 07:46 AM

America isn't who should be prosecuted.

The owner of the order to commit the illegal act should be.

I'm all for wasting extremist Muslims and Muslims who follow Sharia. I just believe it should be done legally and leave the innocents and kids out of it.
All persons connected to that order should be prosecuted, not just The President. It's thee American Government that is at fault and the people of America elected that Government, or so we are led to believe. Waste of time scapegoating The President. The so called American Allies should also end up in the dock. This is far bigger than the POTUS. AMERICA IS CENTRAL TO THE PROBLEMS OF THE WORLD .

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 07:06 AM
International Law is being broken on an unprecedented scale. The problem is, who is going to prosecute America. America are the UN as has been seen on numerous occasions in the case of Israel. America is in control. That of course allows America to be out of control. Too bad about innocent men ,women and children.

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 03:33 AM

I like this Guy.

Paul Buchheit is a college teacher, an active member of US Uncut Chicago, founder and developer of social justice and educational websites (,,, and the editor and main author of "American Wars: Illusions and Realities" (Clarity Press). He can be reached at

He is an uninformed Idiot!
Rand specifically was down on Corporation who make "DEALS" with Government!
A Fact the good "Professor" carefully avoids to mention!

uninformed idiot? , Somewhat over the top don't you think?

Rand wasn't infallible

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 03:30 AM

I like this Guy.

Paul Buchheit is a college teacher, an active member of US Uncut Chicago, founder and developer of social justice and educational websites (,,, and the editor and main author of "American Wars: Illusions and Realities" (Clarity Press). He can be reached at

He is an uninformed Idiot!
Rand specifically was down on Corporation who make "DEALS" with Government!
A Fact the good "Professor" carefully avoids to mention!

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 03:11 AM

Just read an article that suggests that the white house may have given the green light for a chemical weapon attack in Syria.

Wow, what a wild claim that is.
Yes , very wild indeed. That is what happens in a proxy war, false flag counters false flag and on it goes. Nothing is real anymore. Everything seems to manufactured these days, even dissent. On the other hand dissent is gagged when it suits the bullies.

HappyBun's photo
Tue 05/14/13 02:58 AM
I like this Guy.

Paul Buchheit is a college teacher, an active member of US Uncut Chicago, founder and developer of social justice and educational websites (,,, and the editor and main author of "American Wars: Illusions and Realities" (Clarity Press). He can be reached at

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